November 10, 2014 The regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Centerville Community School District was held November 10, 2014 at 6:30 P.M. in the board room of the Administration Office, 634 North Main, Centerville. Call to order and roll call President Rich Roos called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. Roll call to determine quorum was taken as follows: Present: Joe Sharp, Marty Braster, Nick Hindley, Bill Matkovich, Michelle Moore, and Rich Roos. Absent: Steve Hoch (entered meeting at 6:33 P.M.) Also present were Superintendent Tony Ryan and Board Secretary Linda Henderson. Welcome Visitors 1. Spanish Trip Request Presentation Steve Hoch entered the meeting at 6:33 P.M. High School Spanish teacher Kelli Warren requested the boards consideration for the Spanish classes in 2, 3 and 4 levels to take a trip in 2016 to Costa Rica for seven days. Ms. Warren presented information from Educational Tours, Denver, Colorado concerning the trip. Currently there are thirty students in the classes who are interested. Commitment needs to be decided by November 30 in order to receive a $200 discount on the cost. With discount the cost for students is $2,165 and adults $2,470. The Spanish class plan to do fundraisers to help with the cost of the trip. There is a refund policy for those whove made payments or paid full cost if requested more than 35 days prior to the trip. 2. Wellness Presentation Terri Schofield and Roger Raum reviewed the Wellness Committees recommendation for possible improvements and goals in nutrition and physical education. The committee recommends three goals: Nutrition Promotion, Physical Activity and Nutrition Education. Mr. Roos stated the board condolences go to the family of Colette Evans. Approve Agenda It was moved by Michelle Moore and seconded by Bill Matkovich to approve the agenda with adding in New Business: A.1 Approve Spanish Class Trip, make A.1 Personnel Business as A.2, and move VII. Reports and VIII Presentation Invoices before the P. Closed Session. Motion carried unanimously. Approve minutes of previous meetings It was moved by Steve Hoch and seconded by Joe Sharp to approve the minutes of October 27 as stated. Motion carried unanimously. Old Business Discuss Teacher Leadership Compensation Initiative Mr. Ryan stated Rhonda Raskie, Mr. Raum, Mrs. Fatka and four teachers have worked endlessly to complete and submit the Teacher Leadership Compensation grant prior to October 31. It has been certified and the school district will know the scoring of the application in December if the district is approved for 2015-2016 school year. Discuss School Enrollment Numbers The board reviewed the school enrollment official count for FY15 at 1,362.8 compared to FY14 at 1,370.0 (-7.2 students). November 11, 2014 Page 2 Discuss Facility Study Mr. Ryan stated the facility study will be reviewed November 18 with administrators and personnel from Estes Construction and StruXture Architects. Board members commented concerning the recent facility study information and stated we need to: 1) have a master plan: renovation vs new building, 2) financial status, 3) areas that need attention immediately, 4) number of students in one building vs another building, and 5) review projected enrollment numbers. New Business Approve Spanish Class Trip It was moved by Steve Hoch and seconded by Michelle Moore to approve the Spanish Class trip in 2016 as stated. Motion carried unanimously. Approve Personnel Business Procedures 1. Resignations It was moved by Steve Hoch and seconded by Joe Sharp to approve the resignation from Ryan Hodges -Assistant Baseball coach effective immediately. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Transfers It was moved by Michelle Moore and seconded by Joe Sharp to approve the transfers of: Jill Manning - Preschool Special Education Aide Specific, new student, Level II, step 6, $9.95 per hour, 4 hours per day on Monday & Thursday, effective November 11; and Rita Shawn Dyke - Preschool to Lincoln Special Education Aide Specific, new student, Level 2, step 1, $8.45 per hour, 7 hours per day, 5 days per week, effective November 11. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Employment/Contracts It was moved by Michelle Moore and seconded by Joe Sharp to approve contracts as stated for: John Michael Bus Driver contract adjustment from 8/11/14 contract approved for 8/18/14 to be effective 10/16/14, Level 3, step 1, $10.85 per hour, 4 hours per day, 144 days, replacing Mark Femali; Brennen Tubaugh 7th Boys Basketball Coach, step 4, $7.25 per hour for total wage $2,189.43, 50 days, effective November 3, replacing Mike Miller; Tracie Valentine JH Cheerleading Sponsor, step 2, prorated to .625 FTE for 50 days, salary $1,038.93, effective November 6, replacing Kelsie Johnson; Lindsey Pettibone Lakeview Co-Student Council Sponsor, FTE .5 retroactive to August 18, salary $244.10, replacing Brad Warren; Laura DePrizio Lakeview Co-Student Council Sponsor, FTE .5 retroactive to August 18, salary $244.10, replacing Brad Warren; Donna Glenn Lakeview Substitute Secretary, Level 2, step 6, $10.40 per hour, 8 hours per day, effective October 31; and Ryan Hodges Varsity Baseball Coach, step 10, salary $4,911.93, effective May 4, replacing Bill Huisman. Motion carried unanimously. It was moved by Michelle Moore and seconded by Joe Sharp to approve the volunteer agreements for: Glenn Moritz K-2 and Mike Whisler - Wrestling Motion carried unanimously. Approve Submitting Request for Allowable Growth for Late Open Enrollment Students and LEP It was moved by and seconded by Bill Matkovich and seconded by Michelle Moore to approve submitting the request for allowable growth for 20.5 late open enrollment students $125,481 and LEP instruction beyond 5 years for .66 weighted count of $4,241. Motion carried unanimously. November 11, 2014 Page 3 Discuss and Approve Resolution to Establish a Date for the Public Hearing of the Renewal of the Instructional Support Levy This item was tabled for board attorney to review the language. Approve Early Graduation List for Centerville High School and Appanoose County Campus It was moved by Nick Hindley and seconded by Steve Hoch to approve the early graduation list for Centerville High School and Appanoose County H.S. Campus pending they meet all graduation requirements. Motion carried unanimously. Discuss Progress on Technology Plan Updates Greg Fisher and Nathan Berry reviewed the Technology subcommittees request to begin improvements and upgrades: wireless infrastructure improvements throughout the district, especially at the high school, and contracting services/support at a more affordable rate with MPA technologies. Approve Contract Agreement with MPA Technologies It was moved by Steve Hoch and seconded by Joe Sharp to approve the contract agreement with MPA Technologies for 300 hours at a cost of $75 per hour, total $22,500.00. Motion carried unanimously. Approve Technology updates for Centerville High School It was moved by Joe Sharp and seconded by Steve Hoch to approve the wireless infrastructure improvements at the high school at an estimated cost of $16,000 and upgrade the protective firewall at an estimated cost of $2,000. Motion carried with Marty Braster voting nay. Approve, Review and Record Bids for Snow Removal during 2014-2015 Winter The board inquired about soliciting bids for snow removal of sidewalks at the school buildings, especially if there is a significant amount of snow. It was moved by Michelle Moore and seconded by Nick Hindley to approve the one bid received for snow removal for the 2014-2015 winter months from J.R. Cicco for H.S. parking lots, Lakeview front and back parking lots and J.H. back parking lot at a cost of $595 per occurrence. Also to direct the administration to solicit bids for sidewalk snow removal. Motion carried unanimously. Approve Renewal of School Resource Officer Contract and Expenses It was moved by Marty Braster and seconded by Nick Hindley to approve renewal of school resource officer contract expenses from the City of Centerville in the amount of $57,535.71 for the 2014-15 school year. Motion carried unanimously. Approve IDATP Fee Payment for Driver Drug Testing It was moved by Michelle Moore and seconded by Steve Hoch to approve the 2014 IDATP (Iowa Drug and Alcohol Testing Program) driver fee of $50 per driver and participation fee of $55. Motion carried unanimously. Approve Armory Building Rental Agreement with City of Centerville It was moved by Steve Hoch and seconded by Joe Sharp to approve the armory building rental agreement with the City of Centerville on a temporary basis for the wrestling program with the cost of utilities being the expense to the district. Motion carried unanimously. Approve Fourth Payment for High School and Junior High Boiler Replacement It was moved by Steve Hoch and seconded by Nick Hindley to approve the fourth payment of $14,799.34 to Capital City Boiler for the H.S. and J.H. boiler replacement. Motion carried unanimously. November 11, 2014 Page 4 Discuss Purchase of School Bus Mr. Ryan stated the district needs to consider the continued upgrading and recycling of the busing fleet. Purchases could be from PPEL fund. Mr. Ryan is looking into leasing buses instead of purchasing a new bus if it is cost prohibitive. Discuss Questions for Legislative Forum The legislative dinner/meeting is scheduled for December 1 at 6:00 P.M. at the Lakeview cafeteria. One item to discuss is allowable growth. Approval of Sports Officials Contracts It was moved by Nick Hindley and seconded by Michelle Moore to approve the sports officials contracts as stated. Motion carried unanimously. Reports Mrs. Fatka stated Central, Lincoln and Garfield schools are on the SINA plan, which is due this week. Mrs. Schofield reviewed the reading assessments: FAST and STAR. Mr. Karpen stated at the junior high level staff are continuing to address students who need extra help whether in reading or in writing. Mr. Fisher stated there was one applicant for the wresting coaching position and he is currently reviewing this information. If offered the position the person would begin coaching and the contract would be submitted for board approval at the December 8 board meeting. Also Mr. Fisher is receiving competitive bids for the scoreboards inside and outside the athletic facilities. Mr. Raum stated today was an intense day due to the passing of Colette. Great Prairie AEA counselors were available throughout the day. Mrs. Raskie reviewed the data board that is displayed on the north wall of the board room. Mr. Ryan reminded board members of the upcoming I.A.S.B. convention November 19-20 and encouraged them to attend. Presentation of Invoices and Approval of Payment It was moved by Michelle Moore and seconded by Steve Hoch to approve the invoices and salary per diem as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Closed Session: probable closed session as required in Chapter 21.5(1)(i) To review or discuss professional performance which are required or authorized by state or local law to be kept confidential It was moved by Steve Hoch and seconded by Bill Matkovich to go into closed session as required in Chapter 21.5(1)(i) to review or discuss professional performance which are required or authorized by state or local law to be kept confidential and that person has requested a closed session. Roll call vote: Ayes: Marty Braster, Nick Hindley, Steve Hoch, Bill Matkovich, Michelle Moore, Rich Roos, and Joe Sharp. Nays: none. Motion carried unanimously. Board moved into closed session at 9:20 P.M. and moved back into open session at 10:20 P.M. Adjourn It was moved by Steve Hoch and seconded by Michelle Moore to adjourn at 10:21 P.M. Motion carried unanimously. GENERAL FUND ACADEMIC SUPERSTORE LICENSE 52.79 AD-EXPRESS/IOWEGIAN ADVERTISEMENT 367.87 ALBIA COMMUNITY SCHOOL DIST. TUITION 1,530.25 ALLIANT ENERGY UTILITIES 20,120.32 ALTORFER INC REPAIR 5,253.25 APP. CO. DAY CARE TUITION 6,080.00 ARAMARK SERVICE 184.48 BAKER'S REPAIR REPAIR 4.00 BEAR, TOM LABOR 387.50 BOUND TO STAY BOUND BOOKS, INC BOOKS 744.21 BROCKUS, RANDY MILEAGE 44.16 BROWN, NATALIE MILEAGE 23.16 CAPITAL SANITARY SUPPLY CO. SUPPLIES 368.82 CARQUEST OF CENTERVILLE CREDIT 1,147.76 CARSON, SONJA MILEAGE 17.36 CAYLOR, KYM MILEAGE 16.80 CCSD-ACTIVITY FUND STAFF PASS USAGE 445.00 CDW-G CREDIT 2,800.55 CENTERVILLE IRON & METAL SUPPLIES 2,164.46 CENTERVILLE MUN WATERWORKS UTILITIES 1,445.52 CENTERVILLE PRODUCE & FEED SHIPPING 94.71 CENTERVILLE ROTARY CLUB MEALS, DUES 158.00 CHEMSEARCH SUPPLIES 353.70 COLE, SUSAN MILEAGE 11.96 CORNERHART ELECTRIC L.L.C REPAIR 3,279.11 COSSOLOTTO READY-MIX CO. CONCRETE 180.00 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY SUPPLIES 336.75 DAVIS CO. COMMUNITY SCH. DIST. MILEAGE, MEAL 344.61 DEININGER, HARRY MILEAGE 16.56 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION INSPECTIONS 920.00 DESTINATION IMAGINATION, INC REGISTRATION 240.00 DLP LAMP SOURCE SUPPLIES 209.00 DUDLEY, MERRY MILEAGE 16.80 ELAN FINANCIAL SERVICES SUPPLIES, MEALS, 1,682.94 ENGEL LAW OFFICE SERVICE 720.00 EWING, DIANA MILEAGE 10.64 FAREWAY STORE SUPPLIES 40.41 FARRIS, WAYNE PHYSICAL, LICENSE 79.00 FATKA, DIANNE MILEAGE 129.08 FREDERICK, MICHAEL BOOKS 36.00 GRAINGER INC, W.W. PART 150.75 GREAT PRAIRIE AEA REGISTRATION 171.00 HARTFORD- PRORITY ACCOUNTS INSURANCE 1,365.85 HEFFRON, CAROL REFUND 1,929.93 HENDERSON, LINDA ROOM, MEAL 74.65 HILL'S SANITARY SERVICE SERVICE 2,832.25 HY-VEE FOOD STORE SUPPLIES 105.19 IA ASSN OF SCHOOL BOARDS REGISTRATION FEE 555.00 IA DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICE MEDICAID 21,251.32 INDIAN HILLS COMM. COLLEGE TUITION 195.00 INTERLIGHT STAGE SUPPLIES 1,176.24 IOWA AEYS REGISTRATION 575.00 IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY AMERICORPS FEES 9,750.00 KAUZLARICH, KELLY PHYSICAL 50.00 KOHL WHOLESALE SUPPLIES 449.79 L & W QUARRIES ROCK 51.85 LIBRARY WORLD SUBSCRIPTION 425.00 LOCKRIDGE, INC SUPPLIES 693.18 MAIN STREET DISTRIBUTING PARTS 173.00 MARK'S PLUMBING PARTS PARTS 616.85 MC CARTHY TIRE SERVICE LABOR, TIRES 1,156.85 MC GILL'S REPAIR & CONSTRUCTIO REPAIR 112.50 MCGRAW HILL EDUCATION HOLDINGS, CREDIT 3,988.50 LLC MFA FUEL 9,674.19 MICHAEL, JOHN PHYSICAL 50.00 MOORE, JEFF MILEAGE 19.76 MORAVIA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS TUITION 73,452.00 NATEL SERVICE 1,337.80 NEVCO INC REPAIR 51.08 NEW FOCUS, INC. WORK EXPERIENCE 2,542.62 NORTHLAND PRODUCTS COMPANY SUPPLIES 157.95 O'HALLORAN INTERNATIONAL CREDIT 2,876.23 ORKIN, INC SERVICE 340.10 PEPSI-COLA FINNEGAN SUPPLIES 60.00 PHILLIPS, NANCY MILEAGE 8.32 PHONAK HEARING SYSTEMS REPAIR 157.39 POST MASTER FRONT NEWS POSTAGE 34.76 PRINCIPAL LIFE GROUP, GRAND ISLANDINSURANCE 4,102.86 QUILL CORP. SUPPLIES 992.85 RAINBO OIL COMPANY SUPPLIES 764.89 REMEMBER ME YEARBOOKS 62.94 RYAN, ANTHONY MILEAGE 77.20 SCHOOL BUS SALES CO. PARTS 2,004.70 SCHOOL SPECIALTY/CLASSROOM DIRECT SUPPLIES 76.41 SCHOOL SPECIALTY SUPPLIES 980.33 SCOTT ELECTRIC TECHNOLOGY SUPPLIES 185.00 SEBRING, MARY MILEAGE 157.44 SEYMOUR COMMUNITY SCHOOLS TUITION 21,423.50 SMITH WELDING SUPPLY, S. J. SUPPLIES 264.21 ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH RENT 250.00 STITCHES GALORE REPAIR, PARTS, SUPPLIES 746.20 SULSER, TYNNE SUBSCRIPTION 12.00 TRUE VALUE HARDWARE SUPPLIES 47.89 TYCO INTEGRATED SECURITY SERVICE 384.92 U.S. CELLULAR SERVICE 20.92 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE Postage 1,000.00 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE PERMIT 220.00 VANDERLINDEN, JULIE MILEAGE 7.28 WAYNE CO. COMMUNITY SCHOOLS TUITION 4,590.75 WELLMARK BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD-IOWA INSURANCE 123,105.85 WEST MUSIC COMPANY SUPPLIES 1,986.81 XEROX CORPORATION SUPPLIES 724.51 Checking Account Total: 354,858.89 CAFETERIA FUND ANDERSON ERICKSON DAIRY CO. MILK 6,520.38 CDW-G MINI KEYBOARDS 297.68 EARTHGRAINS BAKING CO., INC SUPPLIES 1,811.12 ELAN FINANCIAL SERVICES SUPPLIES, MEALS, 40.63 EMS DETERGENT SERVICES SUPPLIES 383.00 HARTFORD- PRORITY ACCOUNTS INSURANCE 32.73 HULL, GARY PHYSICAL 50.00 HUTTON, HOLLY SUPPLIES 49.86 KECK, INC. SUPPLIES 4,762.69 KOHL WHOLESALE SU PPLIES 11,193.39 MARTIN BROS. DISTRIBUTING CO. SUPPLIES 14,005.96 MFA FUEL 111.05 NATEL SERVICES 10.20 PRINCIPAL LIFE GROUP, GRAND ISLANDINSURANCE 79.75 WELLMARK BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD-IOWA INSURANCE 3,325.66 Checking Account Total: 42,674.10 ACTIVITY FUND ACUNA, RON OFFICIAL 50.00 BLUE CHIP ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT 170.40 CENTERVILLE BAND BOOSTERS LABOR 600.00 CENTERVILLE TENT AND AWNING SUPPLIES 175.00 CENTRAL COLLEGE REGISTRATION FEE 200.00 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CHAMBER BUCKS 95.00 COMFORT, KEITH OFFICIAL 140.00 DANNCO SUPPLIES 1,829.30 DAVIS COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL ENTRY FEE 70.00 DINKLA, JORDAN OFFICIAL 90.00 DON'S JONS PORTAJOHNS 360.00 EDDYVILLE-BLAKESBURG-FREMONT H.S. ENTRY FEE 35.00 ELAN FINANCIAL SERVICES SUPPLIES, MEALS, 470.35 FAIRFIELD HIGH SCHOOL ENTRY FEE 65.00 FAREWAY STORE SUPPLIES 29.36 FIRST REGISTRATION 225.00 FLOWER CENTER FLOWERS 606.00 FLOWER TIQUE BALLOONS 40.50 FORSYTHE, DAVID OFFICIAL 90.00 GASKINS, ELIZEBETH GAS, FOOD 137.79 HANSEN, BEN OFFICIAL 100.00 HARMS, TIM OFFICIAL 90.00 HY-VEE FOOD STORE CONCESSION SUPPLIES 1,541.50 IA FFA ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP FEE 909.50 IOWA ASSOCIATION OF STUDENT REGISTRATION 560.00 COUNCILS JOHNSON, TAMMY SUPPLIES 50.00 JR CLASS PARENTS- CLASS OF 2016 LABOR 1,800.00 KELLY, MIKE OFFICIAL 90.00 KOESTNER, COURTNEY PETTY CASH 850.00 LOCKRIDGE, INC SUPPLIES 136.11 MARTIN BROS. DISTRIBUTING CO. SUPPLIES 242.04 NIELSON'S HONEY FARM SUPPLIES 675.00 OPEN ROAD CHIP TIMING, LLC, THE SERVICE 600.00 PCM HIGH SCHOOL ENTRY FEE 120.00 PEPSI-COLA FINNEGAN SUPPLIES 2.77 PHI MU ALPHA SINFONIA ENTRY FEE 300.00 POWER GRAPHICS SHIRTS 3,151.25 PRINT SHOP SUPPLIES 73.00 QUILL CORP. SUPPLIES 734.34 RICHARDS, TODD OFFICIAL 90.00 RICHARDS, TROY OFFICIAL 90.00 ROHACH, STEVE OFFICIAL 105.00 RUDACILLE, JAY OFFICIAL 130.00 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS-8 BOOKS 4,184.85 SCIBA REGISTRATION FEE 86.50 SHONDEL, KAY REIMBURSEMENT 150.00 SIMMONS BLDG. MATERIALS SUPPLIES 21.72 SOUTH CENTRAL DISTRICT FFA FEES 77.00 SPURGEON, BRAD OFFICIAL 230.00 TAMS-WITMARK MUSICAL RENTAL 1,242.50 VALENTINE, RACHEL SUPPLIES 13.15 WEST MUSIC COMPANY SUPPLIES 1,171.00 WITZENBURG, BOB OFFICIAL 125.00 WRAY, BECKY REIMBURSEMENT 75.00 Checking Account Total: 25,295.93 TRUST FUND MARSHALLTOWN COMMUNITY COLLEGE AND SCHOLARSHIP 800.00 KOLTON GONNERMAN Checking Account Total: 800.00 SCHOOL HOUSE FUND CAPITAL CITY BOILER FEE 14,799.34 Checking Account Total: 14,799.34 Runs 1x November 13th, 2014