Channel: Meadville Tribune: Public Notices
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CITY OF CENTERVILLE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES November 3, 2014 at 5:30 P.M. Mayor Jan Spurgeon called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Roll Call - Present: Creagan, Dillard, Hamilton, Lind, and Smith. Absent: None. The Mayor led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance. The Mayor requested that item “c” be removed from the agenda and tabled until the next meeting on November 17, 2014. Moved by Smith, seconded by Dillard to approve the agenda as amended. Ayes: All. Motion carried. Moved by Lind, seconded by Smith to approve the Consent agenda to include: Minutes of the Regular City Council meeting on October 20, 2014; Approval of Resolution No. 2014-3298 (1) setting salaries for appointed officers & employees of the City of Centerville, Iowa for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2014 & ending June 30, 2015; and Approval of Resolution No. 2014-3305 approving application for tax abatement under the Centerville Urban Revitalization Plan. Roll Call Vote as follows – Ayes: Creagan, Dillard, Hamilton, Lind and Smith. Nays: None. Motion carried. Moved by Creagan, seconded by Smith to approve the bills as presented. Ayes: All. Motion carried. Reports highlighting the activities of the Police and Fire Departments; Building Code Compliance and Animal Control were presented. Tod Faris of the Appanoose County Economic Development Corporation highlighted activities of the AEDC throughout the last quarter and what is coming up in the future. Moved by Lind, seconded by Smith to approve the Bond Counsel Engagement Agreement with Ahlers & Cooney- General Obligation Capital Loan Notes, Series 2014A (IT/City Facilities) and 2014B (streets/sewer). Ayes: All. Motion carried Ilene Johnson from Sieda Behavioral Health & Treatment Services gave an update on the success of the Merchant Alcohol training that is provided monthly. It was moved by Dillard, seconded by Hamilton to approve the Pool Request for Proposal. Ayes: All. Motion carried. Moved by Smith, seconded by Dillard to adjourn at 7:07 p.m. until the Regular Meeting of the City Council at 5:30 p.m. on November 17, 2014. Ayes: All. Motion carried. Patrick Antonen, City Administrator Jan Spurgeon, Mayor City Of Centerville Regular Council Meeting Bills Approved November 4, 2014 Alliant Energy Electric 19.42 Appanoose Co. Recorder Conveyance 34.00 Aramark Inc. Floormat Services 80.79 Bratz Shell Service Tire Repair 16.00 Brown's Shoe Fit Co. (5) Boots 708.00 Carquest of Centerville (5) Parts/Supplies 242.54 Centerville Iron & Metal Steel 28.40 Centerville Produce Dog Food 21.37 Centerville Rotary Club Dues/Meals 158.00 Chariton Valley Medical Center Physicals 100.00 City of Centerville Ins. Trust-Retirees 2,536.56 Clipper Lawn Service LLC Spraying 475.00 Cosby's (US Cellular) Cell Phone Bill 321.37 Craver & Grothe LLP (6) Attorney Fees 5,151.07 Daily Iowegian (4) Publications 379.01 Don's Auto & Truck 2008 Trail Blazer 5,950.00 Drake Public Library Property Tax Allocation 18,107.41 First Bankcard (7) Postage/Misc Supplies 2,109.27 Ideal Ready Mix Co. (2) Concrete 1,496.50 Iowa Dept. of Transportation (2) CRS-2 Oil/Chains 1,538.91 Iowa Law Enforcement Academy Firearms Training 50.00 Lockridge Inc. (4) Misc Supplies 212.48 Longley Trucking Haul Rock 394.24 Mercy Medical Center D/A Screen 99.00 Midwest Environmental Service Inc. WW Contract 2,199.30 Payroll Expense Payroll 64,780.81 Payroll Benefits Benefits 10,706.92 PowerPlan Seal Kit 121.66 Print Shop Signs/Lamination 20.00 Rathbun Lake Area YMCA Balance/Management Agmt 5,623.62 Sandry Fire Supply LLC Extrication Oil 40.06 Simmons Bldg. Materials (2) Plywood/Shims 36.64 Sta-Bilt Construction Co. Seal Coat Project 159,333.40 Standard Insurance Co. Employee Life 244.00 Superior Cable & Data LLC Cameras/Install-Square 13,761.40 TNT Repair Oil Change 34.45 TriStar Benefit Adm. (3) Check Runs 32,052.27 True Value (4) Misc Supplies 28.96 Walker Welding Manhole Cover 252.40 Grand Total 329,465.23 General Fund 86,724.21 Road Use Fund 171,345.44 Employee Benefits 15,543.15 Local Option Sales Tax-Infrustructure 19.42 City Water Fund 9,556.69 Waste Water 14,186.49 Airport 37.56 Insurance Trust Fund 32,052.27 Total 329,465.23 /s/Jan Spurgeon JAN SPURGEON MAYOR ATTESTED BY: /s/Patrick Antonen CITY ADMINISTRATOR /s/Ron Creagan /s/Jennnings Dillard /s/Darrin Hamilton /s/Rob Lind /s/Richard Smith Runs 1x November 17th, 2014

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