MASTER COMMISSIONERʼS SALE Pursuant to Orders of the Madison Circuit Court, except as otherwise indicated, the Commissioner will sell the property described in the following actions on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2014, at the hour of 11:30 A.M., at the front door of the Madison County Court House, 101 West Main Street, Richmond, Kentucky. Unless otherwise indicated, said property shall be sold to raise the amounts hereinafter set forth, together with interest and the costs of the action. The Judgment and Order of Sale in each action shall govern the terms and conditions of each sale. At the time of the sale, the successful bidder may pay the full purchase price in cash. In the event the successful bidder elects to pay the ten percent (10%) deposit as set out in the Judgment and Order of Sale, he or she will be required to post bond and furnish an acceptable surety thereon for the unpaid balance of the sale price and said bond shall bear interest at the rate of twelve (12%) percent per annum from the date of sale until paid. THE MASTER COMMISSIONER CANNOT PROVIDE LEGAL ADVICE TO PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES WITH QUESTIONS ARE ADVISED AND ENCOURAGED TOSEEK LEGAL ADVICE PRIOR TO THE SALE. 1. 207 Newport Ln. 12-CI-466 Amt. to be raised, $118,426.61 2. 370 Charlie Norris Rd. 13-CI-834 Amt. to be raised, $156,826.89 3. 1033 Moonlight Dr. 14-CI-17 Amt. to be raised, $148,179.66 4. 616 Augusta Dr. 14-CI-80 Amt. to be raised, $348,146.66 5. 210 Boone St. 14-CI-351 Amt. to be raised, $57,232.03 6. 1030 Elizabeth Dr. 14-CI-297 Amt. to be raised, $96,485.69 7. 52 Bratcher Ln. 14-CI-310 Amt. to be raised, $92,071.39 8. 222 Miller Dr. 13-CI-258 Amt. to be raised, $80,943.49 9. 2091 Lancaster Rd. 12-CI-486 Amt. to be raised, $121,856.04 10. 209 General Cleburne Dr. 14-CI-141 Amt. to be raised, $195,888.65 11. 779 River Hill Dr. 14-CI-366 Amt. to be raised, $172,220.95 12. 103 Dellwood Dr. 12-CI-641 Amt. to be raised, $ 75,176.30 13. 1120 Jamestown Dr. 13-CI-216 Amt. to be raised, $147,695.03 14. 425 Richmond Rd. 14-CI-278 Amt. to be raised, $467,870.17 15. 612 Jigg Water Rd. 14-CI-377 Amt. to be raised, $87,291.86 16. 99 Hickory Ln. 14-CI-103 Amt. to be raised, $82,958.15 17. 1029 Holiday Ln. 07-CI-1584 Amt. to be raised, $77,755.85 18. 329 Brandon Ct. 09-CI-1924 Amt. to be raised, $159,357.88 19. 1417 Linden St. 14-CI-235 Amt. to be raised, $ 77,112.24 20. 117 Lowery Heights 13-CI-64 Amt. to be raised, $89,807.20 21. 136 Primrose Circle 14-CI-407 Amt. to be raised, $141,000.27 22. 1329 Twin Brook Dr. 14-CI-419 Amt. to be raised, $119,206.78 23. 446 Carverʼs Ferry Rd. 14-CI-366 Amt. to be raised, $147,374.37 24. 315 Glyndon Ave. 10-CI-1478 Amt. to be raised, $107,262.99 25. 620 Leverton Place 13-CI-208 Amt. to be raised, $139,190.95 26. 1350 Tates Creek Rd.* 14-CI-344 Amt to be raised, $263,739.12 305 Norwood* 610 Westover Dr.* 261 N. 2nd Street* 617 Westover Dr.* *Properties shall be sold separately. DAVID R. BAIRD MASTER COMMISSIONER