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REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Sealed Proposals addressed to the Mayor and City Council of Cumberland will be received at the Office of the City Clerk, City Hall, 57 North Liberty Street, Cumberland, Maryland 21502, until but not after 2:00 p.m., Local Time, Wednesday, December 17, 2014 for the “HISTORIC CONTEXT AND PRESERVATION GUIDELINES UPDATES” project. Proposals will be publicly opened and read at 2:30 p.m. on that date in City Hall Council Chambers – 2nd Floor City Hall. All proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope, plainly marked on the outside thereof “HISTORIC CONTEXT AND PRESERVATION GUIDELINES UPDATES” The Cumberland Historic Preservation Commission has determined that updates are needed for the Canal Place Preservation District's historic context and for the Preservation District Design and Preservation Guidelines document. The outcome of this undertaking will provide the update of an over thirty year evaluation of the historic context of the district. In conducting reviews of request for Certificates of Appropriateness in recent years, there has been concern raised by the Historic Preservation Commission that the resources they have available might not be currently adequate because the period of significance of the district nomination and previous research has focused on early history and does not encapsulate a significant amount of growth, development, and change that occurred after 1940. They have specifically noted that a revisit of the historic context of the locally zoned historic district would be helpful. Additionally, since it has been nearly ten years since the last updates were undertaken to the Preservation District Design and Preservation Guidelines for Cumberland, Maryland, the Historic Preservation Commission wishes to evaluate where changes or additions should be made and to revise the document to be able to present it in a user-friendly digital format that can be available online (or in printed format when preferred by the user). The Commission would consider the incorporation of a section that addresses sustainability and green building techniques. Note: The proposal documents are intended to cover a complete project. It should be distinctly understood that failure to mention any incidental and/or necessary related work that would be required to complete the work identified in this RFP shall not relieve the Firm of its responsibility to perform such work. The contact for this project is Cheri Yost, Historic Preservation Commission Chairperson, at (970) 371-0971 or cheri@historitecture.com. Any requests for information (RFI) for the explanation or clarification of any point not sufficiently covered by existing documents must be submitted in writing. Fax and e-mail transmission are acceptable; however, when/ if emailing RFI please call the contact person to have your email white-listed on our email system. The requested information, as well as any addenda that develop during the bidding process, will then be sent via e-mail to all bidders who requested and received the initial bid documents. The submittal cutoff for RFIs is 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 10, 2014. The Mayor and City Council reserves the right to waive any informalities and to reject any or all bids, and to accept any or all proposals which in their judgment is in the best interest of the City, or to re-advertise for new bids. The activity that is the subject of the Historic Context and Preservation Guidelines Updates Project has been financed in part with Federal funds from the National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, made available through the Maryland Historical Trust, an entity within the Maryland Department of Planning. However, the contents and opinions do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of these agencies. Mayor and City Council of Cumberland /s/ Margie A. Woodring, City Clerk ADV: www.ci.cumberland.md.us Times-News November 19, 26

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