Channel: Meadville Tribune: Public Notices
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Mystic Regular Council Meeting Minutes Mystic City Hall November 13, 2014 Mayor Clark called meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll Call: present: Jim Hatfield, John Hatfield, Toni Surber, Terry Whittom absent: Phil Hudson Motion to move agenda #13 to #4 motion approved 1st my Jim Hatfield 2nd by Surber/all ayes motion carries Motion to approve agenda: 1st Surber/2nd Jim Hatfield/all ayes motion carries Hazard Mitigation presentation by Nichole Moore with Chariton Valley Planning & Development Diane Zaputil with Highland Cemetery: discussed plots that have not been paid for since 2010: Cemetery Association will contact owners and will table any other actions until further information is provided. Motion to approve 1st Jim Hatfield, 2nd Surber/all ayes Linn Logston presented a problem he has with unclosed roads on his property. Council informed him he that he needs to have adjoining land owners agree to have them closed and return signature to City Hall and they will proceed from there. Motion to approve minutes: 1st Surber2nd Whittom/all ayes motion carries Motion to approve expenses/bills: 1st Jim Hatfield/2nd Surber /all ayes motion carries Approval of Road Report tabled-report is not complete Motion to approve Water, Sewer, Fire Department, 1st Responders and Cemetery Report: 1st Jim Hatfield/2nd Surber /all ayes motion carries Ordinance #118-amend #92(delinquent notice) #115-amend #114(sewer user fee increase to $6.00 and another $3.00 in six months) #116-amend #112(sewer service increase from $22.00 a month to $25.00 and another increase of $3.00 in six months) #117-amend #113(water service increase from $22.00 a month to $25.00 and another increase of $3.00 in six months) were read. Ordinance #118(amend #92): Notice to delinquent customers, first read. Motion to approve 1st John Hatfield/2nd Whittom all ayes motion carries. Ordinance #115 (amend 114) Sewer $6.00 user fee, first read. Motion to approve 1st Whittom/2nd Surber all ayes motion carries. Ordinance #116 (amend #112) Sewer service charge increase, first read. Motion to approve 1st Surber/2nd Whittom all ayes motion carries. Ordinance #117 (amend #113) Water service charge increase, first read. Motion to approve 1st Surber/2nd Whittom all ayes motion carries. Correspondence: Garden & Associates completion of sewer project Public comments: Discussion about who the public should contact about concerns they have with the City. Motion to adjourn 1st Surber/2nd John Hatfiield Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. MYSTIC CITY BILLS FOR APPROVAL November 13, 2014 COUNCIL MEETING Alliant Electric-City Hall-Old Comm Center-Concession Stand $96.10 Alliant Street Lights $874.58 Griffing and George Legal/sale of Community Center $44.00 Daily Iowegian Minutes/Help wanted ad/ $216.59 Windstream phone/internet City Hall & Fire Station $239.27 Appanoose Cty Board of Sup. Hazmat Response Team $340.00 Atomic Pest Control pest control (City Hall) $30.00 App Cty Sheriff monthly patrol $100.00 Checks Unlimited depost slips $90.85 Infomax copier/fax machine lease $103.37 TOTAL DUE/CITY BILLS: $2,134.76 TOTAL APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: COMMUNITY CENTER BILLS FOR APPROVAL November 13, 2014 COUNCIL MEETING Alliant Electric $233.21 Atomic monthly pest control $50.00 Carter Miller trash-Oct-Dec 2014 partial unpaid for Sept 2014 $234.00 Nancy Robison Food Oct 9-Nov 10 2014 $326.54 Carol Seddon Food Oct 9-Nov 10 2014 $109.72 Kelli Clark floor mat-kitchen $27.80 Kathy Hudson colander & whip $36.09 TOTAL DUE/COMMUNITY CENTER BILLS: $1,017.36 TOTAL APPROVED FOR PAYMENT MYSTIC SEWER BILLS FOR APPROVAL November 13, 2014 COUNCIL MEETING Ipers 1/3 ipers payment for Oct 2014 $193.52 IRS Fed tax deposit 1/3 of 3rd Quarter $1,136.47 State of Iowa Unemployment 1/3 of 3rd Quarter $82.00 IRS Fed tax depost Nov 2014 toward 4th Q $105.33 State of Iowa State withholding 1/3 or 3rd Q $199.33 Lockridge chain,bolts, gate pipe, bushing $93.17 Car Quest gasket, fuel filter, diesel supplement(backhoe) $31.19 US Post Ofc Postage stamps $73.50 Alliant Energy Sewer pumps & 1/2shop electric $87.12 Alliant Energy 1/2 shop electric $22.31 Corner Hart Electric labor 3rd St pump $90.00 McGill's Repair 3rd St & Willow pump off $257.20 Windstream phone lines $107.81 Carter-Miller 1/2 trash Oct-Dec $96.00 TOTAL DUE/SEWER BILLS: $2,574.95 TOTAL APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: MYSTIC ROAD BILLS FOR APPROVAL November 13, 2014 Council Meeting Ipers 1/3 ipers pmt for Oct 2014 $193.52 IRS Fed tax deposity 1/3 of 3rd Quarter $1,136.48 State of Iowa Unemployment 1/3 of 3rd Quarter $82.00 IRS Fed tax deposity Oct 2014 toward 4th Q $105.34 State of Iowa State withholding 1/3 of 3rd Quarter 199.34 TOTAL DUE/ROAD BILLS $1,716.68 TOTAL APPROVED FOR PAYMENT MYSTIC WATER BILLS FOR APPROVAL November 13, 2014 COUNCIL MEETING RRWA monthly water $2,685.20 Carquest gasket, fuel filer, diesel supplement(backhoe) $31.19 Midwest Environment Services Routine sample $18.00 US Post Ofc Stamps $73.50 Ipers 1/3 ipers pymt for Oct 2014 $193.52 IRS Fed tax deposit 1/3 of 3rd Quarter $1,136.47 State of Iowa Unemployment 1/3 of 3rd Quarter $81.99 Iowa Department of Revenue 3rd Quarter Sales Tax $1,007.00 IRS Fed tax deposit 1/3 Nov 2014 toward 4thQ $105.33 State of Iowa State withholding 1/3 of 3rd Quarter $199.33 USA Blue Book Sample dispensers $159.43 Alliant shop electricity 1/2 $22.30 Carter Miller 1/2 trash Oct-Dec 2014 $96.00 Iowa Finance Authority Drinking water loan(2008) annual interest payment $600.00 TOTAL DUE/WATER BILLS: $6,409.26 TOTAL APPROVED FOR PAYMENT - MYSTIC RURAL FIRE DEPARTMENT BILLS FOR APPROVAL November 13, 2014 COUNCIL MEETING Alliant Electric (2 meters) $88.54 Windstream phone & internet $103.51 TOTAL DUE/RURAL FIRE DEPARTMENT BILLS: 192.05 TOTAL APPROVED FOR PAYMENT- Runs 1x November 20th, 2014

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