Channel: Meadville Tribune: Public Notices
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NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held on Monday, December 8, 2014, in the offices of Brann&Light, P.C., 112 Market Street, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, beginning at 11:00 a.m., prevailing local time, concerning the proposed issuance by Union County Hospital Authority (the ''Authority'') of a note or bond in the stated principal amount of Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000), or less (the ''Note''), for the purposes of (A) financing costs of capital projects at the continuing care retirement community known as the Normandie Ridge Senior Living Community, located at or near 1700 Normandie Drive, West Manchester Township, York County, Pennsylvania, which include the design and construction of (1) alterations, additions, renovations or other improvements to the Normandie Ridge Nursing Care Center, including improvements to common spaces, (2) alterations, additions, renovations or other improvements to independent living units, and (3) a new, approximately 12,000 square-foot building to serve as a personal care facility, together with the construction of related improvements to the grounds and infrastructure and the acquisition and installation of new or replacement equipment and furnishings; (B) financing costs of capital projects at the continuing care community known as the RiverWoods Senior Living Community, which is located at or near 3201 River Road, Kelly Township, Union County, Pennsylvania, which include the design and construction of (1) alterations, additions, renovations or other improvements to the RiverWoods Nursing Care Center, including improvements to common spaces and (2) a new, approximately 16,000 square-foot building to be attached to the nursing care center and to serve as a skilled nursing care facility, together with the construction of related improvements to the grounds and infrastructure and the acquisition and installation of new or replacement equipment and furnishings; and (C) paying related costs and expenses, including financing costs (all of the foregoing being referred to as the ''Project''). Albright Care Services, a Pennsylvania corporation not-for-profit, is and will be the owner, operator and manager of the facilities financed as part of the Project. At such public hearing a more detailed description of the nature of the Project and the proposed plan of financing will be presented. The purpose of this hearing is to receive public comment regarding the issuance of the Note as a tax-exempt obligation under Section 145 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, for purposes of the Project. Persons in attendance at the hearing will be afforded an opportunity to comment orally or in writing upon the issuance of the Note as a tax-exempt obligation to finance the Project. Additional information concerning the Project can be obtained from Jacqueline D. Dancho, Chief Financial Officer, Albright Care Services, Gamber Office Building, 90 Maplewood Drive, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania (Telephone: 570-523-2904). Persons with disabilities who plan to attend the hearing may request auxiliary aids and services by contacting Terry W. Light, Esquire, Brann&Light, P.C. (Telephone: 570-523-3241), at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled time of the hearing. The public hearing is being held on behalf of the County of Union, Pennsylvania, and the Township of West Manchester, York County, Pennsylvania, the governmental units whose ''applicable elected representative'' must approve the use of tax-exempt financing for the Project, in accordance with requirements of Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF UNION COUNTY HOSPITAL AUTHORITY Brann&Light, P.C. Lewisburg, Pennsylvania Authority Counsel Rhoads&Sinon LLP Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Bond Counsel DI: November 20, 2014

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