Channel: Meadville Tribune: Public Notices
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ORDINANCE NUMBER 40 Whereas, a vote of the majority of voters of Appanoose County on November 4, 2014 approved a Public Measure that Appanoose county impose a local option income surtax for emergency medical services at a rate of one percent (1%) on the individual income tax of each individual residing in the County for five (5) consecutive years beginning January 1, 2015. Whereas, current funding of emergency medical services in Appanoose County is inadequate to provide need new and replacement equipment. Whereas, this funding shortfall would lead to reduced or inadequate emergency medical services for the people of Appanoose County. It is Therefore Ordained that acting pursuant to Section 422D of the 2013 Code of Iowa a surtax of one percent (1%) shall be imposed upon the individual income tax of each individual residing in the County for five (5) consecutive years beginning January 1, 2015. the Iowa Department of Revenue shall administer this tax as provided in Section 422.3 of the Code of Iowa. It is Further Ordained that money collected by this measure shall be held in a separate trust fund for the maintenance and improvement of emergency medical services in Appanoose County and such fund shall be distributed by the Appanoose County Board of Supervisors based on these described needs and in a manner not inconsistent with Section 422D.6. It is Further Ordained that those applicable provisions of Section 422, Division II, of the Code of Iowa are hereby adopted by reference in this ordinance for the computation and administration of this surtax. THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE #40 IS DULY ADOPTED AND PASSED AS FOLLOWS: READ THE FIRST TIME AND PASSED: NOVEMBER 17, 2014 READ THE SECOND TIME AND PASSED: WAIVED NOVEMBER 17, 2014 FINAL READING AND PASSAGE: WAIVED NOVEMBER 17, 2014 APPANOOSE COUNTY, IOWA By: Dean Kaster, Chairman Neal Smith, Boardmember Jody McDanel, Boardmember ATTEST: Linda Demry, County Auditor Runs 1x November 21st, 2014

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