Channel: Meadville Tribune: Public Notices
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Legal Notice The Zoning Administrator, as an official of the City of Cumberland, has made application to the Cumberland Planning and Zoning Commission for a Comprehensive Subdivision Regulations Amendment (SRA 14-01) to the City of Cumberland Subdivision Regulation (Part II, Chapter 23 of the Cumberland, MD Code of Ordinances) in accordance with the Cumberland Subdivision Regulations (Ordinance No. 3658), the Cumberland City Code, and the Land Use Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland. The Planning Commission will meet and hold a public hearing on these proposed Subdivision Regulations Amendments on Monday, December 8, 2014 at 4:30 PM in the Mayor and Council Chambers on the 2nd Floor of Cumberland City Hall, 57 North Liberty Street, Cumberland, Maryland. The Planning Commission will hear public comment, discuss, and formally consider a recommendation of adoption to the Mayor and City Council. Interested persons should plan to attend this hearing. A summary of the Subdivision Regulations Text changes proposed under SRA 14-01 is provided below: Text amendments: 1. Section 23-2 (Authority) – Amend the reference to “Article 66b” to read “The Land Use Article” in recognition of the 2012 recodification of the local government Planning and Annexation laws in the Annotated Code of Maryland. 2. Section 23-3 (Jurisdiction) - Amend the reference to “Article 66b” to read “The Land Use Article” in recognition of the 2012 recodification of the local government Planning and Annexation laws in the Annotated Code of Maryland. 3. Section 23-19 (Lot Line Adjustment Plat) – Minor wording corrections to reference a licensed land surveyor rather than a registered surveyor. 4. Section 23-43 (Group Development) – Repeal group development provisions and replace with a new section requiring minimum residential subdivision setbacks and buffers along railroad lines. 5. Section 23-51 (Utility and Street Improvements) – Make wording corrections to standards for minor streets and marginal access streets to coincide with the dimensions specified in the illustrations for those streets. 6. Section 23-60 (Preliminary Plat Specifications) – Minor wording change to clarify that an “approved conceptual” stormwater management plan be submitted as part of a preliminary plat submission. 7. Section 23-61 (Final Plat Specifications) – Minor wording corrections to reference a licensed land surveyor rather than a registered surveyor and to clarify that any information depicted on the plat prepared by registered engineer shall be certified to be accurately depicted. A complete copy of the specific Subdivision Regulations text changes accompanied by a staff report is on file and available for public view at the City of Cumberland Department of Community Development during regular business hours (8:00 AM – 4:00 PM). The Department is located in the Basement level of City Hall at 57 North Liberty Street, Cumberland, Maryland. A copy of the proposed Zoning Text changes is also available for public inspection on the City of Cumberland’s web site at http://www.ci.cumberland.md.us/. Times-News:November 24, December 1, 2014

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