FAIR HOUSING NOTICE COUNTY OF CAMBRIA, PENNSYLVANIA Ê This notice will serve to advise all residents of the County of Cambria that the following actions, if based on race, color, religion, ancestry, sex, national origin, familial status (families with children), or handicap, are considered discriminatory. Ê -ÊÊÊRefusing to sell or rent to, deal or negotiate with any person. -ÊÊÊDiscriminating on terms or conditions for buying or renting housing. -ÊÊÊDiscriminating by advertising that housing is available only to persons of a certain race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, or handicap -ÊÊÊDenying that housing is available for inspection, sale or rent when it really isÊÊavailable. -ÊÊÊBlockbusting for profit, persuading owners to sell or rent housing by telling them that minority groups are moving into the neighborhood. -ÊÊ Denying or making different terms or conditions for home loans by financial institutions. - Denying to anyone the use of or participation in any real estate services, multiple-listing services or other facilities related to the selling and renting of housing. Ê Residents of the City of Johnstown are hereby notified that Joshua A. Summits is designated as Fair Housing Officer in the City of Johnstown, and that any city resident that believes he or she has been discriminated against under any of the above conditions may file a complaint with the Fair Housing Officer of the City of Johnstown at the following address: ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Joshua A. Summits, Economic Development Coordinator Community and Economic Development Department City of Johnstown 401 Main Street Johnstown, PennsylvaniaÊ 15901ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Phone:Ê 814-533-2045 Ê Residents of the County of Cambria, excluding the City of Johnstown, are hereby notified that Larry R. Custer is designated as Fair Housing Officer for the County of Cambria, excluding the City of Johnstown, and that any resident that believes he or she has been discriminated against under any of the above conditions may file a complaint with the Fair Housing Officer at the following address: Ê Larry R. Custer, Executive Director Cambria County Redevelopment Authority 401 Candlelight Drive, Suite 209 P.O. Box 93 Ebensburg, PennsylvaniaÊ 15931ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Phone: Ê814-472-6711 Ê By order of the Cambria County Board of Commissioners Douglas R. Lengenfelder, President Commissioner Mark J. Wissinger Thomas C. Chernisky