CASE NO. C-14-41161FR IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ALLEGANY COUNTY, MARYLAND MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF CUMBERLAND 57 N. Liberty Street Cumberland, MD 21502 Plaintiff Vs. DEBORAH J. KNEISLEY 315 Frederick Street Apt. 2 Cumberland, MD 21502 CITIFINANCIAL, INC. SERVE ON: The Corporation Trust Incorporated Resident Agent 351 West Camden Street Baltimore, MD 21201 ALLEGANY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 701 Kelly Road Cumberland, MD 21502 ALL PERSONS THAT HAVE OR CLAIM TO HAVE ANY INTEREST IN PROPERTY KNOWN AS 218 PARK ST., 24 X 60 TAX ACCOUNT NO. 22-010220 DEED REF: 1376-580 Defendants AMENDED NOTICE OF PUBLICATION The object of this proceeding is to secure the foreclosure of all rights of redemption in the following property located in Allegany County, Maryland, sold by the Collector of Taxes for the City of Cumberland and the State of Maryland to the Plaintiff in this proceeding, which is more particularly described as: All that parcel of land located in Allegany County Maryland known as 218 Park Street, Cumberland, MD 21502 and described as follows: 218 Park St, 24 x 60, said property further identified therein as Tax Account No. 22-010220. The property identified in this paragraph, as indicated in the Certificate of Sale, is more fully described in the deed recorded among the Land Records of Allegany County, Maryland in Book 1376, Page 580. The Complaint states, among other things, that the amount necessary for redemption has not been paid, although more than six months and a day from the date of sale have expired. It is thereupon this 03rd day of December, 2014, by the Circuit Court for Allegany County, Maryland, Ordered that notice be given by the insertion of a copy of this Notice in some newspaper having a general circulation in Allegany County, once a week for three successive weeks, warning all persons interested in the said properties to appear in this Court by the 02nd day of February, 2015, and redeem the property and answer the Complaint or thereafter a final judgment will be entered foreclosing all rights of redemption in the property, and vesting in the Plaintiff a title, free and clear of all encumbrances. Dawne D. Lindsey Clerk of the Circuit Court for Allegany County, Maryland Adv.: December 8, 15, 22