NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT FOR PROPOSED ACTIVITIES OF THE AMENDMENT TO THE APPROVED TIP 2015-2018 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION PLANNING AFFILIATION YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED the Chariton Valley Transportation Planning Affiliation Policy Board will hold a regional public hearing to gather public input on a requested Amendments for the Approved FY15-18 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), which outlines transportation and transit related planning activities proposed for the counties of Appanoose, Clarke, Davis, Decatur, Lucas, Monroe and Wayne, City of Centerville and both 10-15 Transit and Southern Iowa Trolley Transit agencies for State fiscal years 2015-2018. The hearing will be held on December 18, 2014 at 12:45 PM at the Manhattan Steakhouse Highway 5 South, Centerville, Iowa 52544. All persons who appear at this public hearing will be given a reasonable opportunity to participate on the items. If you are unable to attend this hearing but have comments or would like to be involved in future public meetings, please call Nichole L. Moore, Executive Director, Chariton Valley Planning & Development Council of Governments at (641) 437-4359. Written comments may be mailed to 308 North 12th Street, Centerville, Iowa, 52544, and will be recorded in the hearing minutes. By: Dennis Smith, Vice -Chairperson Chariton Valley Transportation Planning Affiliation Runs 1x December 9th, 2014