Channel: Meadville Tribune: Public Notices
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December 8, 2014 The regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Centerville Community School District was held December 8, 2014 at 6:30 P.M. in the board room of the Administration Office, 634 North Main, Centerville. Call to order and roll call President Rich Roos called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. Roll call to determine quorum was taken as follows: Present: Bill Matkovich, Rich Roos, Joe Sharp and Marty Braster. Absent: Nick Hindley (entered meeting at 6:33 P.M.), Steve Hoch and Michelle Moore. Also present were Superintendent Tony Ryan and Board Secretary Linda Henderson. Welcome Visitors 1. FFA – Presenters will report on their trip to the convention FFA members Arianna Litke and Hannah Sales reported on attending the National FFA Convention in Louisville, Kentucky October 29-November 2, 2014 and thanked the board for allowing them to attend. Nick Hindley entered meeting at 6:33 P.M. 2. High School Band Trip Request to Chicago H.S. Band teacher Jim DePrizio asked the board’s permission to take two Jazz bands to Chicago, Illinois March 20-22, 2015. Jazz I and Jazz 2 have 20 students in each group for a total of 40 students who would be attending. Activities in Chicago will include a clinic at Vandercook College of Music and cultural enrichment. Transportation and hotel reservations will be coordinated by Mr. DePrizio as they do not plan to use a tour bus. Band Boosters President Jackie Sharp stated they will be donating $3,000 for the students to attend this out of state trip. It was moved by Marty Braster and seconded by Bill Matkovich to approve the two Jazz bands out of state trip to Chicago, Illinois March 20-22, 2015 and thanked the Band Boosters for their donation of $3,000 for the trip. Motion carried unanimously. Approve Agenda Mr. Roos stated the closed session with counsel is scheduled at 7:15 P.M. so some agenda items may be out of order to continue working until that time. It was moved by Marty Braster and seconded by Joe Sharp to approve the agenda as stated. Motion carried unanimously. Approve minutes of previous meetings It was moved by Bill Matkovich and seconded by Joe Sharp to approve the minutes of November 10 as stated. Motion carried unanimously. Old Business Discuss and Approve Facility Planning (Presentation StruXture and Estes) This item was tabled to the January board meeting. Approve District Technology Plan Mr. Fisher reviewed the district’s technology plan. It was moved by Marty Braster and seconded by Joe Sharp to approve the district technology plan for future technology work in the Centerville school district. Motion carried unanimously. Approve School Bus Purchase Three bids were received: School Bus Sales Co. – 77 passenger BBCV/3310 BB Conventional bus $84,570 School Bus Sales Co. – 77 passenger BBCV/3310 BB Conventional bus with 2 cameras inside, one outside camera and one license plate camera $86,970 Thomas Bus Sales Inc. - 77 passenger Safe-T-Liner C2 341TS bus $86,810 Mr. Ryan stated the transportation’s recommendation is with School Bus Sales Co. for a 77-passenger bus with cameras at a cost of $86,970 with payment from PPEL fund. It was moved by Marty Braster and seconded by Joe Sharp to approve the bid from School Bus Sales Co. for a 77-passenger BBCV/3310 BB Conventional bus with cameras at a cost of $86,970. Motion carried unanimously. Discuss Iowa Association of School Boards Annual Convention Bill Matkovich and Joe Sharp discussed the session at the recent IASB annual convention in November. Closed Session: Discussion of Imminent Litigation with Counsel per Iowa Code sections 21.5(1)(c) It was moved by Nick Hindley and seconded by Marty Braster to go into closed session to discuss imminent litigation with counsel per Iowa Code sections 21.5(1)(c). Roll call vote: Ayes: Bill Matkovich, Rich Roos, Joe Sharp, Marty Braster and Nick Hindley. Nays: none. Motion carried unanimously. Board moved into closed session at 7:15 P.M. and moved back into open session at 7:38 P.M. Discuss Legislative Dinner Forum The board reviewed items discussed at the December 1 legislative dinner/meeting. New Business Approve Personnel Business Procedures 1. Resignations It was moved by Marty Braster and seconded by Joe Sharp to approve the resignation from: Jennifer Appler – Administration Bldg. Secretary effective December 19 and Kelsie Johnson – Central Kindergarten Aide effective December 23. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Transfers – There were no transfers. 3. Employment/Contracts It was moved by Joe Sharp and seconded by Marty Braster to approve contracts as stated for: Brandi Hatfield – Preschool Special Education Aide Specific, Level 2, step 1, $8.45 per hour, 2.25 hours per day, 4 days per week, total 87 days, effective December 9, replacing Jill Manning; Deborah Firkins – Preschool Special Education Aide Specific, Level 2, step 1, $8.45 per hour, 4 hours per day, 2 days per week, total 44 days, effective December 9, new position; Ogie McClure – Lakeview Special Education Aide Specific, Level 2, step 1, $8.45 per hour, 7.75 hours per day, total 126 days, effective November 11, replacing Tiffany Buban; Jill Manning – Substitute Bus Driver, Level 3, step 1, $10.85 per hour, effective December 1; Shyrel Sindelar – Substitute Bus Driver, Level 3, step 1, $10.85 per hour, effective December 1; Branson Hehnke – Assistant Wresting coach, step 1, $7.25 per hour, total wage $2,458.98, replacing Mark Whisler; Joni Davis – contract modification to increase hours per day from 4 to 5.5 effective November 11, Preschool Special Education Aide Specific, Level 2, step 4, $9.35 per hour, 4 days per week; and Charlotte Head – non-contracted Substitute Teacher Caller, $7.25 per hour to be paid by timesheet in increments of 15 minutes up to total time worked each morning to contact substitute teachers. Motion carried unanimously. Volunteers – There were no volunteer agreements. Discuss Substitute Teacher Placement Procedures Mr. Raum stated there are three different type of substitute license: 1) Substitute authorization: B.A. degree required with minimum training, grades 7-12 limited to 5 consecutive days not more than 10 days in 30-day period in one job assignment for a regularly assigned teacher 2) Substitute teacher certification: B.A. degree in teaching and can substitute all grades 3) Highly qualified substitute that can substitute in area of degree, i.e. Social studies, etc. Mr. Braster inquired how many long term substitute teachers the district is using currently. Mr. Raum stated high school currently has two long-term substitutes. Mrs. Schofield stated Lakeview has one long term substitute teacher. Mr. Braster stated he’s hearing from community members there is a concern of the parents understanding the normal educational setting with the contracted teacher vs long-term substitute teachers. Also the financial impact should come before this board for review as to alternatives. Mr. Ryan asked Mr. Braster to have the parents contact the office of any concerns as the administration is not aware of any parental concerns. Mr. Ryan stated typically this is a management task, however, if the majority of the board wishes to know absences, we can bring this to the board. Mr. Ryan stated principals work very hard to keep a consistent teacher in the specific classroom for day to day consistency. In future board packets the substitute sheets in the classroom will be included for daily and long term. Approve Application to SBRC for Additional Allowable Growth for At-Risk for Returning Dropouts and Dropout Prevention Programs It was moved by Joe Sharp and seconded by Bill Matkovich to approve submitting the application to SBRC for modified supplemental amount for at-risk for returning dropouts and dropout prevention programs for 2015-16 in the amount of $415,489. Motion carried unanimously. Approve Final Payment for High School and Junior High Boiler Replacement Mr. Ryan stated the high school and junior high boiler replacement project is complete with boilers operating. There is a one year guarantee for any problems from Capital City Boiler. It was moved by Marty Braster and seconded by Bill Matkovich to approve the final payment of $19,040.05 to Capital City Boiler for the H.S. and J.H. boiler replacement. Motion carried unanimously. Discuss Appanoose Industrial Corporation Letter of Request Mr. Roos stated board members should have received in the mail a letter from the Appanoose Industrial Corporation for a tax abatement. Mr. Ryan had discussed this with board attorney, who indicated schools use the Dillon’s rule, which means the school has no authority to make the decision. The city and county governments use Home Rule. This item will be on the January board agenda. Approve Purchase of Renaissance Learning and NWEA Math and Reading Assessment tools for Elementary and Secondary levels Mrs. Raskie reviewed bids from Renaissance Learning for elementary levels of $22,441 and NEWA for secondary levels at $15,393.75. Also Mrs. Raskie had received today another quote from Renaissance Learning for 3-years of $65,903.80 with discount $18,983.10 equal net cost of $46,920.70. Mrs. Raskie would recommend the 3-year quote. Mrs. Raskie stated the district is eligible for the second extension of Microsoft monies for the elementary grades, which would pay most of the elementary cost. It was moved by Joe Sharp and seconded by Marty Braster to approve: Renaissance Learning for 3-years in the amount of $46,920.70 elementary grades and NWEA for 18 months in the amount of $15,393.75 secondary grades Motion carried unanimously. Approval of Sports Official’s Contracts It was moved by Joe Sharp and seconded by Bill Matkovich to approve the sports official’s contracts as stated. Motion carried unanimously. Reports Mrs. Fatka stated the physical education department for K-6 has been developing new units to meet the PE standards. There is a Facebook page that has activities posted of the new strategies being implemented. A walking club at Central has been established with students walking two days a week before the start of the school day. Mr. Karpen stated junior high students attended the recent VEX tournament. Mr. Fisher updated the board on the wrestling program in the armory building. Mr. Raum stated high school has a vacancy in Family & Consumer Science this year. We have advertised and cannot find highly qualified teachers in this area. The school year began with a retiree, who is certified in teaching FCS in this area, for the first semester only. Currently we are not offering the class second semester due to no qualified applicants. We are looking at I.S.U. spring 2015 graduates for possibilities for the 2015-16 school year. Mrs. Raskie stated the SIAC committee met in November and changed the goals of 100% proficient in reading to 80% to be more realistic. Mr. Ryan stated: 1) Library position has been advertised with one out of state applicant interested, then changing her mind due to her family situation. With the new law, school districts can’t place any teacher in this position unless they have the librarian certification. Mr. Ryan has spoken to the Albia CSD superintendent and will bring to the board at the January meeting a 28E agreement for sharing Albia’s librarian one day a month, which will meet the BOEE requirements. 2) Moulton-Udell CSD board minutes of December 3 have been received on terminating the sharing agreement for technology with Centerville. The technology person’s contract was terminated effective October 30. The shared technology person Nathan Berry has been working full time in the Centerville school district as an independent contractor since October 30. Acceptance of the termination of the 28e sharing agreement will be on the January board agenda. Presentation of Invoices and Approval of Payment It was moved by Marty Braster and seconded by Joe Sharp to approve the invoices and salary per diem as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Adjourn It was moved by Bill Matkovich and seconded by Marty Braster to adjourn at 9:00 P.M. Motion carried unanimously. A TECH, INC SERVICE 90.00 ABRAHAMSON, JANET SUPPLIES 6.47 ACADEMIC SUPERSTORE LICENSE 52.79 AD-EXPRESS/IOWEGIAN MINUTES 314.37 ALL AMERICAN TURF BEAUTY, INC. SERVICE 211.50 ALLIANT ENERGY UTILITIES 32,366.34 APP. CO. DAY CARE TUITION 6,080.00 ARAMARK SERVICE 193.72 BEAR, TOM LABOR 50.00 BERRY, NATHAN LABOR 2,681.40 BROCKUS, RANDY MILEAGE 32.64 BROWN, NATALIE MILEAGE 18.12 BYTE SPEED COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY 619.00 CAPITAL SANITARY SUPPLY CO. SUPPLIES 18.51 CARQUEST OF CENTERVILLE PARTS 1,546.73 CAYLOR, KYM MILEAGE 10.40 CCSD-CAFETERIA MEALS 142.50 CDW-G PARTS 3,278.92 CENTERVILLE MUN WATERWORKS UTILITIES 2,073.19 CITY OF CENTERVILLE SERVICE 21,710.02 COLE, SUSAN MILEAGE 14.04 CORNERHART ELECTRIC L.L.C LABOR/SERVICE 376.25 DANNCO SUPPLIES 298.00 DEININGER, HARRY MILEAGE 11.52 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION INSPECTION 40.00 DES MOINES REGISTER NEWSPAPERS 105.00 DISCOUNT SCHOOL SUPPLY SUPPLIES 220.32 DUDLEY, MERRY MILEAGE 15.20 EASTON, AMANDA TRAINING 1,570.20 ELAN FINANCIAL SERVICES MEALS, HOTELS, SUPPLIES 1,710.24 ENABLING DEVICES EQUIPMENT 122.95 ENGEL LAW OFFICE FEES 585.00 ENTERTAINMENT GROUP SERVICE FEE 350.00 ERICKSON MACHINE TOOLS PART 81.78 ESHIPPING, LLC SHIPPING 272.19 ESTES CONSTRUCTION ASSESSMENT FEE 18,700.00 EWING, DIANA MILEAGE 7.84 FAREWAY STORE SUP PLIES 334.76 FATKA, DIANNE MILEAGE 101.72 FIRKINS, DEBORAH PHYSICAL 50.00 FLINN SCIENTIFIC EDUCATIONAL SUPPLIES 168.26 GATEWAY HOTEL & CONFERENCE CENTER HOTEL 232.96 GREAT PRAIRIE AEA REGISTRATION 488.65 HAMILTON PIANO WORKS- DUSTIN SERVICE 900.00 HAMILTON HENDERSON, LINDA PETTY CASH 27.68 HILL'S SANITARY SERVICE SERVICE 2,409.25 HILLYARD/DES MOINES SUPPLIES 2,105.85 HY-VEE FOOD STORE SUPPLIES 372.00 IA DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICE MEDICAID 8,503.61 IA DIVISION OF LABOR SERVICES INSPECTION 160.00 INDIAN HILLS COMM. COLLEGE TUITION 29,873.99 INDIAN HILLS COMMUMITY COLLEGE BOOK 108.15 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY SUPPLIES 159.21 JOSTENS SUPPLIES 497.00 JOSTENS SUPPLIES 497.00 KRUZICH, JOLYNN FUEL 10.01 L & W QUARRIES ROCK 855.93 LEWELLEN, SHAWNA MILEAGE 22.88 LOCKRIDGE, INC SUPPLIES 172.19 MANNING, JILL PHYSICAL 50.00 MAXI AIDS EQUIPMENT 32.45 MC CARTHY TIRE SERVICE REPAIR 361.82 MCDONALD, STEPHANIE SUPPLIES 8.97 MFA FUEL 8,305.63 MOORE, JEFF MILEAGE 19.76 MOORMAN HEATING AND COOLING REPAIR/LABOR 506.28 NATEL SERVICE 1,172.80 NCS PEARSON LICENSE 12,302.50 NEW FOCUS, INC. WORK EXPERIENCE 2,843.36 ORKIN, INC SERVICE 218.10 POST MASTER FRONT NEWS POSTAGE 69.52 PRO-ED SUPPLIES 268.84 QUILL CORP. SUPPLIES 11.98 ROANE, SHIRLEY PHYSICAL 50.00 SCHOFIELD, TERRI SUPPLIES 98.60 SCHOOL BUS SALES CO. SUPPLIES 271.34 SCHOOL SPECIALTY SUPPLIES 239.61 SCIBA EDUCATIONAL SUPPLIES 55.35 SCOTT ELECTRIC LAMINATING FILM 128.96 SEBRING, MARY MILEAGE 83.97 SECRETARY OF STATE OF IOWA RENEWAL 30.00 SEYMOUR COMMUNITY SCHOOLS TUITION 21,423.50 SMITH WELDING SUPPLY, S. J. RENTAL 397.78 ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH RENT 250.00 STAGE LIGHTING STORE SUPPLIES 1,758.61 TOLEDO PHYSICAL ED. SUPPLY SUPPLIES 472.59 TRUE VALUE HARDWARE SUPPLIES 60.96 TYCO INTEGRATED SECURITY SERVICE 384.92 U.S. CELLULAR PHONE SERVICE 40.77 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE Postage 1,000.00 UPSTART SUPPLIES 216.83 WALKER WELDING SUPPLIES 106.74 WELLMARK BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD SERVICES 250.00 WEST MUSIC COMPANY SUPPLIES 3,787.77 XEROX CORPORATION FEE 2,595.13 Checking Account Total: 203,903.69 Cafeteria Fund ANDERSON ERICKSON DAIRY CO. MILK 4,936.11 EARTHGRAINS BAKING CO., INC SUPPLIES 1,321.32 ELAN FINANCIAL SERVICES MEALS, HOTELS, SUPPLIES 18.95 EMS DETERGENT SERVICES SUPPLIES 191.50 KOHL WHOLESALE SUPPLIES 8,587.54 MARTIN BROS. DISTRIBUTING CO. SUPPLIES 6,651.05 MFA FUEL 167.86 NATEL SERVICE 10.20 STARR, ZELDA PHYSICAL 50.00 WINGER SERVICE REPAIR 1,066.72 Checking Account Total: 23,001.25 Activity Fund A TEAM APPAREL JACKETS 461.95 ALTERATIONS BY ELVA- ELVA NORD ALTERATIONS 20.00 BIG RED WRESTLING PARENTS SUPPLIES 1,329.00 BLUE CHIP ATHLETIC UNIFORMS 3,477.12 CASEY'S GENERAL STORES, INC PIZZA 315.59 CCSD-CAFETERIA ROLLS 30.00 COMBS, VIC OFFICIAL 80.00 DANNCO SUPPLIES 3,907.75 DEPRIZIO, LAURA SUPPLIES 263.76 DERUITER, DARRYL OFFICIAL 105.00 DIERS, DOUG OFFICIAL, MLG 120.00 ELAN FINANCIAL SERVICES MEALS, HOTELS, SUPPLIES 1,499.93 FAITH UNITED METHODIST CHURCH RENTAL FEE 100.00 FAREWAY STORE SUPPLIES 437.50 FLOWER TIQUE SUPPLIES 171.20 GASKINS, ELIZEBETH SUPPLIES 76.45 HAMMELL, DENNIS OFFICIAL 125.00 HANSEN, BEN OFFICIAL 75.00 HY-VEE FOOD STORE FFA FRUIT 4,789.20 IA BASKETBALL COACHES ASSN MEMBERSHIP FEE 45.00 IA FFA FOUNDATION DONATION 50.00 IA H.S. BASEBALL COACHES ASSN REGISTRATION FEE 105.00 J.A. KING & COMPANY SERVICE 130.00 JOSTENS FEE 140.00 KLERITEC SUPPLIES 586.63 KOHL WHOLESALE SUPPLIES 876.15 KUBERSKI, JIM OFFICIAL 125.00 LECHTENBERG, CATHERINE SUPPLIES 18.55 LOCKRIDGE, INC SUPPLIES 95.04 LUNSFORD, JERRY OFFICIAL 110.00 NAT'L FFA ORGANIZATION SUPPLIES 283.00 NEW LONDON HIGH SCHOOL ENTRY FEE 75.00 OCKER, RUSS OFFICIALS 170.00 PEDERSON, JAMES OFFICIAL, MLG 105.00 PEPSI-COLA FINNEGAN SUPPLIES 675.10 POWER GRAPHICS SHIRTS 440.35 PRINT SHOP PRINTING 24.00 SIMMONS BLDG. MATERIALS SUPPLIES 20.40 SPURGEON, BRAD OFFICIALS 180.00 TERRANCE HILL PLAZA CLEANERS CLEANING 888.00 WEST MUSIC COMPANY SUPPLIES 2,682.24 WESTERN'S SMOKEHOUSE & MEAT MKT, INC. SUPPLIES 4,298.13 WHIPPLE, JOHN OFFICIAL, MLG 120.00 WILSON, BRIAN OFFICIAL 90.00 WINGFIELD INN AND SUITES HOTEL 1,154.00 Checking Account Total: 30,871.04 Trust Fund GRACELAND UNIVERSITY AND HANNA SHESTON SCHOLARSHIP 500.00 Checking Account Total: 500.00 Schoolhouse Fund AVI SYSTEMS DOCUMENT CAMERA 575.22 CAPITAL CITY BOILER SERVICE 19,040.05 CDW-G TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT 1,103.00 SIMMONS BLDG. MATERIALS SUPPLIES 50.25 Checking Account Total: 20,768.52 Runs 1x December 16th, 2014

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