COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA REGIONAL HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETINGS NOTICE The Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) is preparing the CommonwealthÕs 2015 Action Plan. As part of the plan process, DCED conducts meetings across the state to discuss regional issues for housing, homelessness and community development programs that may affect the method of distribution of the federal programs it administers in with fiscal year 2015 funding. The HUD funding programs covered by the Plan and administered by DCED are the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), the HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME), the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), CDBG Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) and Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP 1&3) programs. The Pennsylvania Department of Health administers the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) program and is covered in the plan also. RHAC Meetings The Regional Housing Advisory Committee meetings are open to the public and will take place at the following sites on the specified dates: Area: Northwest/Southwest Ê Date/Time: 1/7/15, 1-2 PM Location: Cranberry Township Municipal Center, Council Chambers 2525 Rochester Rd Cranberry Township, PA 16066 Area: Northeast Date/Time: 1/12/15, 1-2 PM Location: West Pittston BoroughÕs Council Chambers 555 Exeter Ave West Pittston, PA 18643 Area: Central Date/Time: 1/13/15, 1-2 PM Location: HACC Midtown 2, Room 202 1500 N 3rd St Harrisburg, PA 17102 (3rd & Reilly Sts.) Area: Southeast The RHAC meeting for the Southeastern Region of the state will be held as a web-based meeting to be conducted electronically via the web on Thursday, January 15, 2015. Access to the discussion via the Internet will occur between the hours of 1 PM Ð 2:00 PM. This more widely available personal computer access will replace the on-site public meeting for this region only. Comments will be accepted about topics related to the needs of the Commonwealth in the following areas; community development, housing, homelessness, economic development, any changes to the method of distribution of the existing federal programs and the process by which the public input is gathered. The Commonwealth encourages public participation in this process. Anyone who wants to participate must register in advance to assure adequate space. Contact Megan Snyder at 717-720-7404 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting date. Anyone who has a disability and wishes to participate in the meeting should contact Megan Snyder, DCED, Commonwealth Keystone Building, 400 North Street Ð 4th Floor, Harrisburg, PA 17120-0225 or at 717-720-7404, to discuss how the Department of Community and Economic Development can accommodate his/her needs. Text telephone calls can be placed through the Pennsylvania Relay System at 800-654-5984. Calls will be relayed to the DepartmentÕs number listed above. C. Alan Walker Secretary