Channel: Meadville Tribune: Public Notices
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(Published In THE TIMES, Mayes County, Oklahoma December 25, 2016) December 12, 2016 The Board of Mayes County Commissioners met in a regularly scheduled meeting with all members present: Kevin Whiteside, Chairman, Darrell Yoder and Ryan Ball, Members, Brittany True-Howard, County Clerk. The initial notice of the meeting was received in writing December 15, 2015, and the agenda for this meeting was posted on the lower floor of the Court House at 4:30 p.m., December 8, 2016. Kevin Whiteside called the meeting to order in compliance with the Open Meeting Law and the following business was done: Commissioner Whiteside led the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Whiteside said the Invocation. Motion made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to approve the minutes of December 5, 2016. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. OLD BUSINESS: NONE NEW BUSINESS: NONE Motion made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Yoder, to approve a transfer of $11,601.32 from T-3, Capital Outlay to T-2B, Lease Payments, District 3. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to approve a transfer of $14.15 from 23-9, Social Security to 22-1A, Election Board Wages. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yoder. Gary Beikmann, representative with the Monte Lee Company was present to discuss how the County would like to handle the drop process, if the County would like them to apply for each drop. They have done some utility permits that go underground and some will be aerial. Johnny Janzen, asked if was talking about going from the poles to the houses and if so it shouldn’t affect the County. Gary agreed and let the Board know that they will still be getting permits for everything else including Flood Plain Permits. Debbie Pennypacker, said they could have access to their map that it is open to the public and Johnny Janzen said he could usually get back to them within a day or two to let them know if it is in a Flood Plain. Motion was made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to approve 8 year plan. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to appoint Kevin Whiteside as representative to the Northeast Oklahoma Workforce Board. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to approve the Court Clerk monthly reports. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to allow the Election Board to continue to use the Mayes County Ag Building as a polling place for Elections in 2017. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. Motion made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to approve a resolution requesting purchase of a 2016 Freightliner 122 SD Dump Truck from ATC Freightliner Group, LLC D/B/A Premier Truck Group in the amount of $152,460.00 to replace a dump truck from District 3 that was destroyed by fire on November 16, 2016. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. Motion made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Yoder, for the Board of County Commissioners to enter an executive session pursuant to Title 25 O.S. 2011, § 307(B)(4), for the purpose of confidential communications by it with its attorneys concerning a pending or potential investigation, claim, or action, the Board of County Commissioners having been advised by its attorneys that public disclosure thereof will seriously impair the ability of the Board of County Commissioners to process the claim, or to conduct the pending investigation, litigation or proceeding in the Public Interest, to-wit: Update from Collins, Zorn & Wagner, P.C. Attorneys re: JANELLE BRIDGES, et al., Plaintiffs v. KYLE WILSON, et al., Defendants, United States District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma, Case No. CIV-15-128-GKF-PJC. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. Motion made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to terminate executive session above and resume regular session. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. No action taken regarding matters discussed in executive session, to-wit: Update from Collins, Zorn & Wagner, P.C. Attorneys re: JANELLE BRIDGES, et al., Plaintiffs v. KYLE WILSON, et al., Defendants, United States District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma, Case No. CIV-15-128-GKF-PJC. Motion made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Ball, for the Board of County Commissioners to enter an executive session pursuant to Title 25 O.S. 2011, § 307(B)(4), for the purpose of confidential communications by it with its attorneys concerning a pending or potential investigation, claim, or action, the Board of County Commissioners having been advised by its attorneys that public disclosure thereof will seriously impair the ability of the Board of County Commissioners to process the claim, or to conduct the pending investigation, litigation or proceeding in the Public Interest, to-wit: Update from Collins, Zorn & Wagner, P.C. Attorneys re: GERALDINE DUBOIS, Plaintiff v. THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MAYES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, et al., Defendants, United States District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma, Case No. CIV-12-677-JEF-PJC. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. Motion made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Yoder, to terminate executive session above and resume regular session. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. No action taken regarding matters discussed in executive session, to-wit: Update from Collins, Zorn & Wagner, P.C. Attorneys re: GERALDINE DUBOIS, Plaintiff v. THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MAYES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, et al., Defendants, United States District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma, Case No. CIV-12-677-JEF-PJC. Jackie Rhodes, Assistant District Attorney acknowledged letter received from the Mayes County HMA, LLC regarding the expiration of the lease contract between the Mayes County Hospital Authority and the Mayes County HMA, LLC for the County Hospital. There were no Access Agreements Motion made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to approve the following Utility Permit Requests: District 1, Johnnie Ramsey to install a rural water line for cattle in Section 16 T23N R19E N935 ft. of SW Less N1/2 NW NW SW, Doug Gerzmehle to install a water line by boring to cross 470 road; District 2, RWD #2 to install a 1” water supply line through a 2” pvc casing by open cutting a gravel surface roadway (S 433 Rd) approximately 185 feet North of center line of W 62Rd; District 3, to bury a fiber optic cable in Section 3 T23N R21E. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. Motion made by Commissioner Whiteside, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to approve a utility permit request from RWD #4 to install an 8” waterline in 16” casing under Northridge Drive in District 1. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. The following claims were allowed or disallowed as the case may be:  2015-16 GEN-AGRI: 6104, GUITAR CENTER, 199.98, SUPS. 2016-17 GEN-COMM-W/H: 1373, OPERS, 98.33. SHERIFF: 1375, SPECIAL-OPS UNIFORMS, 344.55, UNIFORMS; 1376, WALMART, 237.61, SUPS; 1377, OREILLY, 293.00, PARTS; 1378, SPEEDYS QUIK LUBE, 426.39, SERV; 1379, PRYOR PRINTING, 198.00, SUPS; 1380-1381, ATD, 443.12, 511.60, TIRES; 1382, PRYOR LUMBER, 42.96, SUPS; 1383, WESTERN AUTO, 640.37, SERV; 1384, PFG, 10158.64, GROCERIES. CO COMM: 1385, OFFICE EVERYTHING, 31.99, STAMP. AGRI: 1386, ROSE, MICHAEL, 347.32, TRAVEL; 1387, GUTHRIE, CONNIE, 57.62, TRAVEL; 1388, PINKSTON, CHARLOTTE, 74.52, TRAVEL; 1389, RISLEY, JANIS, 351.70, TRAVEL; 1390, HAUENSTEIN, APRIL, 166.76, TRAVEL; 1391, XEROX CORPORATION, 181.48, SERV. CO CLERK: 1392, OFFICE CONNECTIONS, 106.42, SUPS; 1393, SUNDANCE OFFICE, 34.97, SUPS; 1394, PRYOR LUMBER, 23.69, SUPS. VISUAL INS: 1395, SISEMORE, WILL, 3361.50, SERV. GEN: 1396, LOCKE SUPPLY, 69.10, SUPS; 1397, PRYOR LUMBER, 88.04, SUPS; 1398, PROFESSIONAL PEST CONTROL, 130.00, SERV; 1399, LIBERTY FLAG, 318.17, FLAGS; 1400, AT&T, 6171.55, UTILITIES; 1401, COMMUNITYWORKS, 24.34, SERV; 1402, MUSKOGEE CO REG JUVENILE DETENTION, 186.16, SERV; 1403, SAC & FOX NATION, 569.97, SERV; 1404, RWD #1, 345.00, UTILITIES; 1405, COMDATA, 166.14, FUEL; 1406-1407, OREILLY AUTO, 183.33, 63.02, BATTERIES, SUPS. ELECT BD: 1408, JD YOUNG, 106.09, SERV. UNEMPL: 1409, RCB BANK, 106.48, WITHHOLDINGS HWY: 1410-1417, PRYOR STONE, 2483.50, 269.82, 330.40, 485.20, 2499.95, 2494.95, 871.15, 146.66, ROCK; 1418, APAC, 6196.68, ASPHALT; 1419-1422, PRYOR STONE, 2484.35, 2174.62, 891.04, 2477.80, ROCK; 1423, LOGAN COUNTY ASPHALT, 900.00, ASPHALT. AUDIT EXP: 1424, STATE AUDITOR & INSPECTOR, 2440.22, AUDIT. T CO HWY: 1004, JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL, 39.98, SUPS; 1005, JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL, 79.98, SUPS; 1006, WELDON PARTS, 329.29, SUPS; 1007, P&K EQUIP, 776.01, SUPS; 1008, P&K EQUIP, 202.62, SUPS; 1009, HAMILL METALS, 9.20, MAT; 1010, P&K EQUIP, 2221.94, PARTS; 1011, HAMILL METALS, 11.72, SUPS; 1012, AGES COMPUTERS, 59.99, SOFTWARE; 1013, BG PRODUCTS, 752.00, SUPS; 1014, CABIN DIESEL, 350.00, PARTS; 1015, PIKEPASS, 300.00, FEE; 1016, WELDON PARTS, 176.57, SUPS; 1017, OFFICE EVERYTHING, 203.69, SUPS; 1018, PRYOR LUMBER, 44.94, SUPS; 1019, P&K EQUIP, 12.83, PARTS; 1020, SOUTHWEST TRAILERS, 184.00, PARTS; 1021, VAN KEPPEL, 18.36, PARTS; 1022, CHOUTEAU PUBLIC WORKS, 56.98, UTILITIES; 1023, PSO, 280.37, UTILITIES; 1024, FAIRPOINT COMMUNICATIONS, 159.36, UTILITIES; 1025, US CELLULAR, 197.66, UTILITIES; 1026, PRITCHETTS SERVICE STATION, 130.00, PARTS; 1027, OREILLY AUTO, 784.29, PARTS; 1028, PRYOR AUTO, 206.92, PARTS; 1029, PRYOR LUMBER, 14.49, SUPS; 1030, TRACTOR SUPPLY, 332.03, PARTS; 1031, WALMART, 114.10, SUPS; 1032, VICTOR L PHILLIPS, 1101.73, SERV; 1033, P&K EQUIP, 64.37, PARTS; 1034, OREILLY AUTO, 635.88, BATTERIES; 1035, ATWOODS, 54.99, SUPS; 1036, SALINA PUBLIC WORKS, 84.50, UTILITIES; 1037, SSTELCO, 126.30, UTILITIES; 1038, NEO ELECTRIC, 136.58, UTILITIES; 1039, TAYLOR, JIMMY, 219.81, TRAVEL; 1040, BALL, RYAN, 165.60, TRAVEL; 1041, CATERPILLAR FINANCIAL, 1445.30, LEASE. MD: 130, THOMPSON, DARLA, 487.08, TRAVEL; 131, WALMART, 102.71, SUPS; 132, HOMETOWN BOTTLED WATER, 32.00, SERV; 133, TURNER & ASSOC, 500.00, SERV; 134, DIRECTV, 66.99, UTILITIES; 135, MAYS, JOY, 361.96, TRAVEL; 136, KEENER, BAYLEE, 39.96, TRAVEL; 137, SEMPER FI HOME IMPROV, 90.00, SERV. SRCA: 26, OFFICE EVERYTHING OF PRYOR LLC, 92.24, SUPS. TCFA: 14, HOMETOWN BOTTLED WATER, 9.00, SERV. E911: 97, OOWA, 138.03, UTILITIES; 98, SSTELCO, 342.48, UTILITIES; 99, PIKEPASS, 40.00, FEE; 100, AT&T, 256.50, UTILITIES. MCDCT: 12, REDWOOD TOXICOLOGY LAB INC, 320.00, SUPS; 13, INTOXIMETERS INC, 146.25, SUPS; 14, ALLEN, TERRY, 2500.00, SERV. PFA: 60, WALMART, 48.00, SUPS; 61, PREMIER SIGNS, 130.00, SIGNS. FF: 301-302, COMDATA, 36.10, 94.20, FUEL; 303, 911 MAYES COUNTY, 203.10, SUBSCRIPTION; 304, VERIZON, 50.08, UTILITIES; 305, AT&T, 74.70, UTILITIES; 306, RWD #9, 79.00, UTILITIES; 307, SSTELCO, 144.89, UTILITIES; 308, NEO, 137.00, UTILITIES; 309, COWBOY RIGS, 2300.00, EQUIPMENT; 310, CHIEF FIRE & SAFETY, 3035.00, EQUIPMENT; 311, EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCTS, 214.95, SUPS; 312, CHANNING BETE CO, 1102.86, SUPS; 313, RWD #5, 67.44, UTILITIES; 314, AT&T, 87.49, UTILITIES; 315, RWD #4, 17.00, UTILITIES; 316, AT&T, 71.39, UTILITIES; 317, METRO WASTE, 40.00, UTILITIES; 318, GRAND LAKE TEL, 68.86, UTILITIES; 319, AT&T, 62.63, UTILITIES; 320, RISE BROADBAND, 78.54, UTILITIES; 321-323, SSTELCO, 191.37, 118.31, 66.31, UTILITIES. DCUF: 3, WALMART, 100.00, SUPS; 4, PIZZA HUT, 114.60, SUPS; 5, SUNDANCE OFFICE, 85.41, SUPS. WE911: 107, WALMART, 125.98, SUPS; 108, CLIFFORD POWER SYSTEMS, 414.00, BATTERIES; 109-110, AT&T, 197.22, 123.11, UTILITIES; 111, GRAND LAKE TEL, 120.20, UTILITIES; 112, CHOUTEAU TELEPHONE CO, 164.06, UTILITIES; 113, SSTELCO, 131.90, UTILITIES. CBRI 105: 23-24, DOLESE BROS, 2075.00, 1203.50, CONCRETE. STR: 150-152, WALMART, 180.47, 1045.09, 900.35, SUPS, MEDICAL; 153, BIMBO BAKERIES, 849.06, SUPS; 154, PFG, 772.07, SUPS; 155, PRYOR LUMBER, 202.83, SUPS; 156, BEGGS PHARMACY, 376.84, MEDICAL SUPS; 157, WALMART, 499.00, PC. Motion made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to approve the claims as submitted. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. Motion made by Commissioner Whiteside, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to Adjourn. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. Approved this December 19, 2016 (SEAL)   BOARD OF MAYES COUNTY COMMISSIONERS S/KEVIN WHITESIDE CHAIRMAN S/DARRELL YODER MEMBER S/RYAN BALL MEMBER ATTEST:  S/BRITTANY TRUE-HOWARD COUNTY CLERK Mayes County does not discriminate on the basis of handicapped status in its admission to, or access to, or treatment in or employment in its programs or activities.

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