PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Vernon Township Board of Supervisors, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, intend to adopt an Ordinance at a meeting to be held on the 11th day of January, 2017 at 3:00 PM for the purpose of amending Chapter 27, Zoning to add provisions to Sections 406 and 603 allowing Self Serve Storage or Mini Warehouse as a Conditional Use in the Conneaut Corridor District. VERNON TOWNSHIP CRAWFORD COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA ORDINANCE 2017-002 An Ordinance of Vernon Township, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, amending Chapter 27 (Zoning) of the Vernon Township Code of Ordinances to amend or add provisions to Sections 406 and 603 allowing Self Service Storage or Mini Warehouse as a conditional use in the Conneaut Corridor District (CC). BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED by the Board of Supervisors of Vernon Township, and it is hereby Ordained and Enacted by and within the Authority thereof as follows: Section 1. Amendment to Section 27-406(3) to include Self service storage or mini warehouse as a Conditional Use Section 27-406(3) is hereby amended to include 27-406(3)P, to read as follows: P. Self service storage or mini warehouse (§ 27-603(41)) Section 2. Amendment to Section 27-603 entitled SPECIFIC CRITERIA TO BE APPLIED TO PARTICULAR CONDITIONAL AND SPECIAL EXCEPTION USES to add specific criteria for the Self service storage or mini warehouse Conditional Use Section 27-603(41) is hereby added to read as follows: 41. Self Service Storage or Mini Warehouse A. The minimum parcel/lot area shall be no less than two acres. B. No storage or warehouse building shall be located within a distance of 250-feet from the centerline of any adjacent public road right-of-way. C. Access driveways and interior drive aisles shall be no less that 24-feet wide and shall be constructed with a paved surface. Paved surfaces shall be of asphalt, concrete, or other improved pavement material and the thickness of said pavement shall be sufficient to adequately support the anticipated vehicular traffic. D. Facility layout, design, and exterior building materials and treatment for all structures including, but not limited to, fences, walls, gates, buildings, and landscaping shall be of high quality and shall be neatly constructed and maintained to an aesthetic that is compatible with adjacent development within the Conneaut Corridor District and to the satisfaction of the Township Supervisors. E. The facility shall be completely enclosed with perimeter fencing of a height not less than 6-feet and not more than 8-feet. The use of barbed wire shall not be permitted. F. Storage will only be permitted within fully enclosed buildings, and no outside storage will be permitted. G. Conneaut Corridor Landscaping requirements (§ 27-507(2)) shall apply to all property boundaries lying parallel or nearly parallel to the adjacent roadways regardless if said boundary coincides with said roadway. All other provisions of Section 27-507 shall remain unchanged. Section 3. Effective Date The provisions of this Ordinance shall become effective at 12:00 noon prevailing time, on the 5th day following the date of passage and enactment. Section 4. Servability Should any section, part, or provision of this Ordinance be declared by appropriate authority to be unlawful or unconstitutional, all other terms, conditions, provisions, and parts hereof, and of any Code of which this Ordinance may be considered to be part, shall continue in full force and effect as if the provisions declared to be unlawful or unconstitutional had been omitted as of the final enactment hereof. Section 5. Repealer All Ordinances, parts of Ordinances, and/or other regulations of Vernon Township that are inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Lori Swavey, Secretary Vernon Township 01/02/17