NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Lewisburg Borough Council, Union County, Pennsylvania, will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, January 17, 2017 at 7:00 p.m., in the Borough Building, 55 South 5th Street, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. Council will consider the following application: JPF&LLF Enterprises, LP filed for a Conditional Use as per Section 360-12, of the Lewisburg Borough Zoning Ordinance which pertains to establishing Multi-Family Dwellings. The property is located at 30 North 4th Street, Lewisburg, PA, which is in the Residential Town 1 (RT-1) Zoning District. Tax Map #008-015-077.00000 Anyone with a special interest concerning these matters should contact David Hines at the Central Keystone COG-(570)522-1320. DI: January 3&10, 2017