(Published In THE TIMES, Mayes County, Oklahoma January 5, 2017) OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY TIER II NOTICE OF FILING A Tier II application for a renewal of an OPDES permit to operate an industrial wastewater treatment system has been filed with the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) by Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc., P.O. Box 754, 2814 S. Golden, Springfield, MO 65807. The applicant requests a permit to treat industrial wastewater by IMP 101, IMP 103 and outfall 001 at their Chouteau Power Plant facility, located in the SW 1/4, SW 1/4, Section 10, Township 20N, Range 19E, Oklahoma, or at Mid-America Industrial Park, P.O. Box 338, Highway 412B 5873 Hunt Street, Pryor, OK 74361. The wastewater to be treated will consist of wastewater from: cooling tower blowdown; oil/water separators; and water treatment. The permit, if issued, would establish guidelines for the operation of the industrial wastewater treatment system. A Tier II application for a renewal of an OPDES permit to discharge industrial wastewater has been filed with the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) by Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc., P.O. Box 754, 2814 S. Golden, Springfield, MO 65807. The applicant requests a permit to discharge wastewater from their Chouteau Power Plant facility, located in the SW 1/4, SW 1/4, Section 10, Township 20N, Range 19E, Oklahoma, or at Mid-America Industrial Park, P.O. Box 338, Highway 412B 5873, Pryor, OK 74361. The discharge, which will consist of wastewater from: cooling tower blowdown; oil/water separators; and water treatment, will be to Neosho River, in the NW 1/4, NE 1/4, NE 1/4, Section 14, Township 20N, Range 19E, Oklahoma. The permit, if issued, would establish effluent limitations on the discharge. The application may be reviewed at Pryor Public Library, 505 East Graham Avenue, Pryor, OK 74361. After reviewing the application the DEQ will prepare either a draft permit or draft denial. At that time, notice of the prepared draft will be made by the Department and the public will be given the opportunity to review it, submit written comments, or request a public meeting within thirty days. For additional information, contact the applicants representative, Jenny Burns at 417-891-5405 or Mid-America Industrial Park, P.O. Box 338, Highway 412B 5873 Hunt Street, Pryor, OK 74361, or the Industrial Permitting Unit of the Water Quality Division of the Departments central office, located at 707 N. Robinson, P.O. Box 1677, Oklahoma City, OK 73101-1677, (405) 702-8100.