OSKALOOSA COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AUGUST 2, 2016 The Board of Directors of the Oskaloosa Community School District met in special session at 6:00 PM on Tuesday, August 2, 2016, in the Administration Board Room, 1800 North 3rd Street, Oskaloosa, Iowa. Present were Board members Tom Richardson, Shelly Herr, Carl Drost, Erik Edgren (via telephone), and Sharma Parlett. Nicholas Hansen and Kraig Van Hulzen were absent. Also present were Superintendent Mr. Russell Reiter, Ken Allsup, Ginger Allsup, and Chad Vink. President Richardson called the meeting to order. Drost moved to approve the Agenda. Parlett seconded and all voted in favor. Mr. Reiter presented the Board with one appointment by recommending Dr. Joy Prothero for an interim Curriculum Director position. He noted that the posting for a permanent Curriculum Director would take place in February. Drost moved to accept the SuperintendentÕs recommendation of the appointment of Joy Prothero as interim Curriculum Director on a non-continuing 230-day contract at a salary of $85,000 effective immediately. Edgren seconded and all voted in favor except Parlett, who abstained. Mr. Reiter informed the Board about his recent meeting with representatives of the City of Oskaloosa regarding the proposed recreation and childcare facility. He noted that the specific points of interest to the District are the change of scope and the responsibility for operations and maintenance costs. Drost expressed concerns about the reduced scope of the project, conveying it should translate to reduced responsibility for the District. He indicated his desire to review the redesigned plans before committing the District in any way. Mr. Reiter agreed, citing the limits to the uses of the funds the District has available. Drost also said that the pool would still have to be tailored to the DistrictÕs needs to make it worthwhile. President Richardson adjourned the meeting at 6:20PM. Chad M. Vink, Board Secretary OSKALOOSA COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AUGUST 9, 2016 The Board of Directors of the Oskaloosa Community School District met in regular session at 7:00PM on Tuesday, August 9, 2016, in the Administration Board Room, 1800 North 3rd Street, Oskaloosa, Iowa. Present were Board members Tom Richardson, Shelly Herr, Carl Drost, Erik Edgren, Sharma Parlett, and Kraig Van Hulzen. Member Nicholas Hansen was absent. Also present were Superintendent Mr. Russell Reiter, Bill Almond, Lynette Stream, Jeff Akers, Ken Allsup, Tim Veiseth, Mike Goudy, Ginger Allsup, Stacy Bandy, Jolene Liebl, Andy Hotek, Mike Dursky, Jeff Stream, Charles Stream, James Ott, Becky Ingamells, Larry Ingamells, Mike Goudy, Evie McKain, Sara Bonnett, Scott Boender, Mike Kindley, Michelle Purdum, Jason Schultz, Michelle Smith, Nick Smith, Chad Main, Sally Blake, and Chad Vink. President Richardson called the meeting to order. Parlett moved to approve the revised Agenda. Van Hulzen seconded and all voted in favor. Lynette Stream, 2539 Bill Bone Dr, Oskaloosa, came forward to comment on student discipline and the need to enforce the Elementary Handbook to maintain order and improve instruction. Edgren encouraged action on allowing other physical activity to meet the requirements for the physical education credits required at the High School. Mr. Reiter noted that they were gathering information from other districts and would be providing a recommendation to the Board in the fall. Van Hulzen noted that he is working with Drost, Dave Bower, and Garden&Associates regarding ideas for lots for the construction of future Construction Trades houses, as well as mentioned recent conversations about possibly moving the softball field. Drost noted that, if the District were looking to develop the land by Garfield for houses, it would cost about $31,000 per lot to develop that area for 14 houses. Mr. Reiter took the floor to inform the Board on events and activities in the District. He began by reporting on summer facility projects and that they are on schedule for completion by the first day of school. He continued by commenting on the NSBA Conference in March, the Central Office humidity issue, and the schedule for the next few weeks with staff and students returning. He concluded by introducing Ryan Mabee and Mike Goudy, who detailed a project to continue to develop the old North pond area with benches and signage. The Board thanked them for their reports. Herr moved to approve the Minutes, Financials, and Abstract of Claims as presented. Parlett seconded and all voted in favor. Richardson introduced the agenda item regarding behavioral concerns and the Elementary School Handbook, noting that, previous to the meeting, several Board members toured the school to view the facility modifications made to accommodate discipline procedure changes. Drost cited that previously the High School had behavior issues that had been corrected and that the building of the Middle School tried to be defeated but wasnÕt. He noted how a number of students are attending other schools, and that one student doesnÕt have the right to disrupt the instruction of others, adding information from a parent e-mail he had recently received. He said that he wanted to see changes made, and moved that the Oskaloosa School Board direct the Superintendent to implement a discipline program at the Elementary and Middle School that requires any student that causes a classroom evacuation to leave the school for that day in the 2016-2017 school year, starting August 23, 2016, and that any classroom evacuation incident have the police called immediately for the safety of students and staff. Richardson stated that he had to follow the law on how agenda items were considered and that the motion was out of order. Disagreement followed on the status of the motion, and Richardson inquired of the Board members as to whether they wanted to consider the motion. Van Hulzen said that he didnÕt want to vote on it without having previous knowledge of the nature of the motion. Herr stated that she wants to have changes, and would also consider it at a future meeting. Parlett conveyed that, with the changes that have already been made, she wanted to think about the affects of the issue before considering a motion. Edgren commented that he is concerned, and wants assault handled by the authorities, but wished to be aware of the issue ahead of time. Reiter noted the improvements being made, including hosting parents, teachers, and the AEA in crafting the Handbook changes, adding special rooms in the buildings, and training teachers for behavioral situations. Herr added that she would like to see an agenda item at the next meeting regarding behavior issues. Drost reiterated that he wanted action on the current agenda and was led to believe that they would be able to act on his motion. Edgren and Parlett both said they want to process the implications and consequences of any changes to discipline procedures. Mr. Reiter presented the Board with a revised 28E agreement with the Oskaloosa Preschool Program Partners, saying that it was similar to the previous agreement for the partners to administer the Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program for Oskaloosa, and they wanted to continue that relationship. Van Hulzen moved to approve the revised 28E Agreement with Preschool Program Partners as presented. Edgren seconded and all voted in favor. Mr. Reiter introduced a renewal agreement for the Preschool Partners to rent space at Webster School. Parlett moved to approve the revised 28E Lease of Business Property with Oskaloosa Preschool Partnership as presented. Herr seconded and all voted in favor. Mr. Reiter introduced renewal agreements for the Mahaska County YMCA to rent several spaces and share secretarial costs at Webster School. Van Hulzen moved to approve the revised Agreement For Services and three revised 28E Leases of Business Property with Mahaska County YMCA as presented. Drost seconded and all voted in favor. Mr. Reiter introduced a renewal agreement for the local Head Start program to rent space at Webster School. Herr moved to approve the revised 28E Lease of Business Property with Southern Iowa Economic Development Association as presented. Parlett seconded and all voted in favor. Mr. Reiter introduced the need to review Board Policy Series 900. He noted the policies included in the series and the pressing need to update the rates at which District facilities are rented. Van Hulzen cited the need to take utilities, wear, and tear into account when establishing the fees. Drost identified the need to work in conjunction with those involved with the Community Stadium in setting fees. Edgren stated that for-profit groups should certainly have a different rate than non-profit groups. Parlett moved to approve, for the first reading, revised Board Policy Series 900 Ð Building and Sites as presented. Edgren seconded and all voted in favor. Mr. Reiter presented the Board with one appointment. Van Hulzen moved accept the SuperintendentÕs recommendation of the appointment of Abby Helmon as Middle School Special Education Teacher starting with the 2016-2017 school year at the BA Step 1 salary level, currently $34,885. Parlett seconded and all voted in favor. It was agreed by consensus to next meet on September 13, 2016, for the Annual Meeting, including deliberation on Board Goals with a possible behavior goal incorporated. President Richardson adjourned the meeting at 8:24PM. Chad M. Vink, Board Secretary OSKALOOSA COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AUGUST 25, 2016 The Board of Directors of the Oskaloosa Community School District met in special session at 5:00 PM on Thursday, August 25, 2016, in the Administration Board Room, 1800 North 3rd Street, Oskaloosa, Iowa. Present were Board members Tom Richardson, Shelly Herr, Erik Edgren, Nicholas Hansen, Sharma Parlett, and Kraig Van Hulzen. Member Carl Drost was absent. Also present were Superintendent Mr. Russell Reiter, Mike Dursky, and Chad Vink. President Richardson called the meeting to order. Parlett moved to approve the Agenda. Herr seconded and all voted in favor. Mr. Reiter presented the Board with two appointments. He said that surges in enrollment in second and third grade necessitated hiring additional faculty members, but that the appointments would only be for the rest of the year. Richardson inquired about funding the positions, and Mr. Reiter said that current projections state that funding should be adequate to cover the cost. Herr moved to accept the SuperintendentÕs recommendation of the appointment of Courtney Groenendyk as Elementary School Classroom Teacher on a one-year non-continuing contract starting immediately at the BA Step 1 salary level. Hansen seconded and all voted in favor. Van Hulzen moved to accept the SuperintendentÕs recommendation of the appointment of Kathy Richmond as Elementary School Classroom Teacher on a one-year non-continuing contract starting immediately at the BA+30 Step 7 salary level. Edgren seconded and all voted in favor. President Richardson adjourned the meeting at 5:08PM. Chad M. Vink, Board Secretary 3-E ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING&EQUIPMENT 5,792.96 A TEAM APPAREL 102.75 ABC ELECTRICAL SERVICES 32,488.40 AGRILAND FS, INC. 835.00 ALBIA COMMUNITY SCHOOL DIST 4,530.94 AMAZON.COM 4,484.83 ANDERSON, DAWN 77.59 APPLE, INC. 243.95 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY 1,117.25 ASSOC.SCHOOL BUS. OFFICIALS INTERNATIONA 225.00 ASSOCIATED FIRE PROTECTION 6,516.50 AUTO JET MUFFLER CORP 188.68 B&H LOCKSMITH 2,384.08 BAMBROOK, JANE 71.51 BESCO ELECTRIC 186.05 BILL AND RAY'S AUTO SERV 731.76 CAM COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 7,957.88 CAMBIUM LEARNING 2,700.00 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 967.10 CENGAGE LEARNING 50.00 CENTRAL IOWA FASTENERS 15.66 CERTIFIED PEST CONTROL 3,460.00 CHAPMAN, PAM 81.01 CITY OF OSKALOOSA 131,795.85 CRAWFORD, LYNETTE 9.62 DANNCO 108.60 DECKER EQUIPMENT 411.45 DECKER SPORTING GOODS 10,260.85 DERONDE SEAMLESS GUTTER 726.00 EDDYVILLE-BLAKESBURG- FREMONT CSD 55,109.66 EDWARDS, ALEX 38.27 ELITE SPORTS 1,426.00 ENVIROMATIC CORPORATION OF AMERICA, INC, 150.39 ETTER, MARLENE 80.67 GLEASON, DAVID 15.00 GOODWIN TUCKER GROUP 193.50 GORDON, GARY 315.00 GRAINGER 27.85 GREAT PRAIRIE AEA 938.50 GRIGGS MUSIC 771.00 GROET, DAVE 30.00 HOGLUND BUS COMPANY 76.04 HOLIDAY INN AMES CONFERENCE CENTER 199.36 HOLIDAY INN, AIRPORT - 203.84 HOLMES, LISA 100.00 IDEAL READY MIX 137.00 INFOMAX OFFICE SYSTEMS, INC. 21,300.00 INLAND TRUCK PARTS CO 1,663.32 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM 203.90 IOWA ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL BOARDS 7,479.00 IOWA DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES, 90.69 IOWA HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSO 4,374.00 IOWA PUPIL TRANSPORTATION ASSOCIATION 340.00 IOWA WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT, 3,672.57 JC'S PORTABLE SANITATION SERVICES 207.58 JENKINS, JAKE 132.62 JERRY'S LANDSCAPE& CONSTRUCTION 645.00 JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL 113.77 KELLY SUPPLY CO 1,811.87 KLYN'S TIRE SERVICE INC 16.59 LAMPERTS YARDS, INC 1,844.60 LANG, TOM 25.00 LIEBL, JOLENE 38.45 MAHASKA COMMUNICATION GROUP 4,082.41 MAHASKA COUNTY AUDITOR 70,535.51 MAHASKA COUNTY SOLID WASTE 21.49 MAHASKA COUNTY TREASURER 999.50 MAHASKA 242.07 MALCOM LUMBER 1,572.12 MAUER SUPPLY, INC. 42.11 MCKIM TRACTOR SERVICE 188.90 MENARDS - OTTUMWA 812.81 MID AMERICA ENERGY 33,184.94 MIDWEST SANITATION& RECYCLING 1,896.35 MIDWEST WHEEL 7.74 MODERN FLOOR COVERING 7,999.67 MONTICELLO COMMUNITY SCHOOL 1,452.61 MOORMAN, ROXY 215.00 MOWREY CONSTRUCTION LLC 3,810.00 MUSCO SPORTS LIGHTING INC 442.11 NEWTON COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 3,164.79 ONE NECK IT SOLUTIONS 2,227.08 OSKALOOSA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS 1,953.96 OSKALOOSA ELEMENTARY 250.00 OSKALOOSA GLASS& MILLWORK 562.50 OSKALOOSA HERALD 310.77 OSKALOOSA MUNICIPAL WATER DEPT 8,313.13 PAPER CORP 13,579.60 PARKER, RENEE 330.00 PARKER, RYAN 293.76 PELLA COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 89,960.10 PYWARE GRAPHICS 399.00 RAIN AND HAIL 1,024.00 RAINBO OIL COMPANY 2,894.13 REVTRAK 754.47 RIDDELL / ALL AMERICAN SPORTS CORP 701.60 ROE, LIZ 93.92 RUSTAD, JOY 74.90 SCHUMACHER ELEVATOR CO 900.66 SEATING AND ATHLETIC FACILITY ENTERPRISES LLC 2,400.00 SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO 2,056.47 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP 4,586.00 SHRAGO&SON 66.40 SPARKS DRYWALL 5,587.10 STEVE'S BODY SHOP 952.15 SUPPLY WORKS 6,463.83 TENNIS SERVICES OF IOWA 36,900.00 TIMBERLINE BILLING SERVICE LLC 8.84 TRUE VALUE 58.89 TWIN CEDARS COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 6,865.46 U.S. CELLULAR 235.00 VAN WALL EQUIPMENT 1.10 VANDE WALL PLUMBING 650.00 VANDE WEERDHOF, AART 35.00 VANDEWALL, MISTY 215.00 VOS, MARION 50.00 VROEGH, AMY 215.00 VROEGH, GARY 300.00 WAVERLY-SHELL ROCK COMMUNITY SCHOOLS 9,230.72 WELLINGS POWER PRODUCTS 79.20 WELLINGS, CAROLYN 45.00 WELLMARK BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF IOWA 2,100.00 WELLS FARGO COMMERCIAL CARD 9,583.03 WEST MUSIC CO 13.40 WESTHOFF, ASHLEY 73.26 Vendors Listed: 125 Total: 666,356.87