December 12, 2016 The Mahaska County Board of Supervisors met in special session on the above date at 1:00 p.m. in the third floor conference room of the Mahaska County courthouse. Present were the following board members: Chairman Ð Henry VanWeelden; Vice chairman Ð Mike Vander Molen and Member Ð Mark Doland. Also present was Susan Brown, Mahaska County Auditor. Chairman VanWeelden opened the meeting at 1:00 p.m. It was moved by Vander Molen seconded by Doland to approve the agenda for todayÕs meeting. All present voted aye. Motion carried. Susan Brown, County Auditor and Commissioner of Elections reported that there were 341 ballots cast in the Special Election for Indian Hills Community College held on December 6, 2016. All 22 absentee ballots were returned and there were no provisional ballots cast. The results were read. It was moved by Vander Molen seconded by Doland to approve the canvass results. All present voted aye. Motion carried. Results of the special election can be found in the permanent election record book in the Mahaska County AuditorÕs office. It was moved by Van Weelden seconded by Vander Molen to adjourn. All present voted aye. Motion carried. Public comments: None It was moved by VanWeelden seconded by Vander Molen to adjourn. All present voted aye. Motion carried. Attest: Susan L. Brown Mahaska County Auditor Henry VanWeelden Mahaska County Board of Supervisors