Notice of Application for Fluid Injection Well Permit Merit Energy Company, 13727 Noel Road, Suite 1200, Dallas, TX 75240, is applying to the Railroad Commission of Texas a permit to inject fluid into a formation which is productive of oil and gas. The applicant proposes to inject fluid into Bruhlmeyer formation, Percy McG-eorge #12 well. The proposed injection well is located 10 miles NE of Gainesville, in the Walnut Bend (Bruhlmeyer) Field, in Cooke County, Texas. Fluid will be injected into strata in the subsurface depth interval from 3495 to 3528 with a maximum injection pressure of 1747 psi. LEGAL AUTHORITY: Chapter 27 of the Texas Water Code, as amended, Title 3 of the Texas Natural Resources Code, as amended, and the Statewide Rules of the Oil and Gas Division of the Railroad Commission of Texas. Requests for a public hearing from persons who can show they are adversely affected of requests for further information concerning any aspect of the application should be submitted in writing, within fifteen days of publication, to the Environmental Services Section, Oil & Gas Division, Railroad Commission of Texas, P. O. Box 12967, Austin, Texas 78711 (Telephone 512/463-6792).