CROP INSURANCE Strategies in Challenging Times: When your belts tightened to the limit, how will you protect your farm from weather risk, crop price decline & still high expenses? Special presentation by University Speaker!! Youre invited to a Crop Insurance Meeting Customer Appreciation Dinner: Tuesday, Jan. 24th, 10:30 am MTG/Noon Lunch, The Big Red Barn, McLeansboro OR Wednesday, Jan. 25th, 6:00pm Pork Chop Dinner/6:30 pm MTG, Rolland Lewis Comm. Bldg, Mt. Vernon, IL: Or Fri, Jan. 27th, 9:30 am MTG/Noon Lunch, Windsor Oaks Inn, Grayville, IL Presented by: Jeff Donoho Insurance Agcy. RSVP toll-free: 866-276-7626 or 618-242-8817