OSKALOOSA COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS JANUARY 10, 2017 The Board of Directors of the Oskaloosa Community School District met in regular session at 7:00PM on Tuesday, January 10, 2017, in the Administration Board Room, 1800 North 3rd Street, Oskaloosa, Iowa. Present were Board members Tom Richardson, Shelly Herr, Carl Drost, Erik Edgren, Sharma Parlett, and Kraig Van Hulzen. Also present were Superintendent Mr. Russell Reiter, Dr. Joy Prothero, Bill Almond, Stacy Bandy, Jolene Liebl, Andy Hotek, Mike Dursky, Kim Gile, Lynette Stream, Angie Holland, Tim Veiseth, Mike Goudy, Hailey Brown, and Chad Vink. President Richardson called the meeting to order. Parlett moved to approve the Agenda. Herr seconded and all voted in favor. Lynette Stream, Oskaloosa, came forward to express disappointment over the lack of publicity for the special Board election, as well as the outdated Board goals currently listed on the District website. Edgren said he visited classrooms and was impressed with the general discipline and responsiveness of the students. Richardson commented on the meetings with staff members that Mr. Reiter and he recently attended. Van Hulzen recommended similar meetings for the support staff. Board members commented on the Winter Showcase at the High School, clothing donations, visitors from China, and the opportunity for fourth graders to talk with an astronaut. Mr. Reiter took the floor to inform the Board on events and activities in the District. He began by stating that the 2017-18 School Calendar is being developed and will be available for approval in February. He also commented on the upcoming visit by Chinese students, upcoming Eggs&Issues sessions, the local Youth Mentoring Program, and the opportunity for students to talk to astronaut Peggy Whitson. The Board thanked Superintendent Reiter for his report. After Board questions regarding the payoff of sales tax bonds, Van Hulzen moved to approve the Minutes, Financials, and Abstract of Claims as presented. Herr seconded and all voted in favor. Kim Gile, Instructor for the Video Production course at the High School was in attendance to update the Board on the program. She noted the scope of the work of the students, the upcoming upgrades, and that classes usually involve about 65 students. The Board thanked Gile for the update. Mr. Reiter provided the Board with information on the instruction, funding, staffing, components, characteristics, and requirements for a Home School Assistance Program. Board members inquired about covering costs, home visits, funding delays, attracting students, staffing, attendance limits, and employment contract language. It was agreed by consensus to consider the program again at a future meeting after obtaining additional information. Mr. Reiter introduced the specifications to purchase a new bus to keep the fleet rotation progressing. Herr moved to approve specifications for the purchase of a diesel school bus and to solicit bids for the same. Drost seconded and all voted in favor. Mr. Reiter introduced the specifications and State bid to purchase a Suburban to keep District vehicles updated. Board members inquired about four-wheel drive, the use of vans, and the comparable bid for a Ford SUV. Van Hulzen moved to approve the purchase a 2017 Chevrolet Suburban using the State of Iowa contracted price plus options in the amount not to exceed $41,281.05. Edgren seconded and all voted in favor. Richardson led a discussion on the interim progress in achieving the Board goals approved at the beginning of the year. Members commented on State website reporting, surveys of staff and parents, expanded sharing opportunities, and technology progress at the buildings. It was agreed by consensus to next meet on Tuesday, February 14, 2017, at 7PM, unless it was later determined that an additional meeting should be scheduled in the interim. Herr moved that that the Board of Directors of the Oskaloosa Community School District hold a closed session to evaluate an individual whose performance is being considered as provided in Section 21.5 of the Iowa Code and pursuant to the individualÕs request. Parlett seconded the motion. Those that voted in favor when the roll was called were Drost, Edgren, Herr, Parlett, Richardson, and Van Hulzen. The Board entered closed session at 8:55PM. The Board exited closed session at 10:16PM. President Richardson adjourned the meeting at 10:16PM. Chad M. Vink, Board Secretary 3-E ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING &EQUIPMENT 2,443.26 ACADEMIC THERAPY PUBLICATIONS 294.52 ACER SERVICE CORPORATION 3,362.83 ACHENBACH, LARRY 130.00 AKERS, KATHY 63.13 ALAN ADAMS PHOTOGRAPHY 637.50 ALMOND, BILL 50.00 AMAZON.COM 2,020.49 ANDERSON ERICKSON DAIRY CO. 7,409.40 ANKENY CENTENNIAL HIGH SCHOOL 125.00 ANKENY HIGH SCHOOL 95.00 APPLE, INC. 764.60 AQUA TECHNOLOGIES 1,787.01 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY 595.91 B&B BEDDING 126.00 BILL AND RAY'S AUTO SERV 6,681.08 CAMPBELL, WYNDELL 195.00 CAPSTONE PUBLISHING 198.99 CENTERPOINT ENERGY SERVICES 1,919.11 CERTIFIED PEST CONTROL 3,750.00 CHAMPION STORAGE AND SIGNS 200.00 CHAMPIONS FOREVER 1,500.00 CITY HIGH SCHOOL (85.00) CITY OF OSKALOOSA 705,569.49 CITY SUPPLY 508.81 CONTINENTAL RESEARCH CORP 217.00 CROUSES HOUSE OF FLOWERS 34.25 CROZIER, JIM 100.00 DAIKIN APPLIED 580.50 DAVE'S APPLIANCE SERVICE 295.00 DECKER SPORTING GOODS 1,917.00 DEMCO, INC 27.93 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 80.00 DON JOHNSTON INCORPORATED 100.99 DONNELLY, BOB 90.00 DOTY'S COMPUTERS 196.35 DUNCAN, DUANE 100.00 EAST HIGH SCHOOL DEBATE 30.00 EMS DETERGENT SERVICES 566.20 ENERGY ASSOCIATION OF IOWA SCHOOLS 2,518.00 FINDERS, SHERRI 149.79 FISHER SCIENTIFIC 62.56 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS 1,405.74 FOPMA, SHAWN 100.00 GEORGE DAILY COMM AUDITORIUM 493.69 GILE, KIM 100.00 GREAT PRAIRIE AEA 347.88 GREAT RIVER COFFEE- BEVERAGE SYSTEM 28.75 GTM SPORTSWEAR 51.00 HARMISON'S HOMETOWN FUNDRAISING 1,487.00 HARWOOD, JORGE 100.00 HEARTLAND AREA EDUCATION AGENCY 11 30.00 HELP/SYSTEMS, LLC 680.00 HIGH INTEREST PUBLISHING 219.78 HOEKSTRA, JOHN 20.00 HOGLUND BUS COMPANY 404.62 HOLLINGSHEAD, MARCUS 70.00 HOMESTEAD 1,227.96 INDIAN HILLS COMM COLLEGE 7,313.50 INFOMAX OFFICE SYSTEMS, INC. 405.44 IOWA DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES, 4,694.51 IOWA DIVISION OF LABOR SERVICES 1,150.00 J.W. PEPPER&SON, INC. 293.99 JAYMAR BUSINESS FORMS INC 99.12 JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL 119.24 JOHNSTON HIGH SCHOOL 85.00 JONES, SCOTT 30.00 JOSTENS 1,000.74 KELLY SUPPLY CO 2,256.14 KERN, DANIEL 100.00 KLANN, SAM 100.00 KNOXVILLE HIGH SCHOOL 85.00 LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS 431.52 LANG, TOM 30.00 LAPPIN TIRE 35.00 LEARNING RESOURCES 251.88 LEIGHTON LUMBER 474.89 LETZRING, MELISSA 95.91 LIBERTY HARDWOODS 1,563.82 LITERACY RESOURCES, INC 544.93 LOFFREDO 2,591.06 LYNN CARD COMPANY 75.95 MACPLACE COMPUTER 344.40 MAHASKA COMMUNICATION GROUP 4,236.19 MAHASKA COUNTY AUDITOR 351,825.87 MAHASKA COUNTY TREASURER 7,393.42 MAHASKA COUNTY YMCA 35,129.81 MAHASKA DRUG 27.15 MAHASKA HEALTH PARTNERSHIP 2,250.00 MAHASKA 2,249.45 MALCOM LUMBER 3,391.01 MARTIN BROS. DISTRIBUTING 46,763.44 MAUER SUPPLY, INC. 250.00 MCDONOUGH, CHARLES 70.00 MENARDS - OTTUMWA 294.00 MICK, CHARLES (RANDY) 50.00 MID AMERICA ENERGY 26,926.04 MIDWEST COMPUTER PRODUCTS 6,299.22 MIDWEST SANITATION& RECYCLING 2,320.31 MILLER, JON 65.00 MINNESOTA CHEMICAL CO. 392.06 MITRISIN, RON 20.00 MODERN PIPING INC 143,535.00 MOORE CONSTRUCTION 2,762.80 MUSCO SPORTS LIGHTING INC 2,353.70 MYONCORE.COM, 1,499.00 NEW LONDON HIGH SCHOOL 30.00 NICHOLS CONTROLS 396.86 OFFICE CENTER INC 65.00 OSKALOOSA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS 8,334.49 OSKALOOSA GLASS& MILLWORK 50.00 OSKALOOSA HERALD 14.56 OSKALOOSA MUNICIPAL WATER DEPT 5,658.02 OSKALOOSA ROTARY CLUB 100.00 OVERBERGEN ELECTRIC, INC. 1,177.98 PEDERSON, CAROLYN 110.78 PESCHONG, TYLER 100.00 PINEAPPLE APPEAL 150.89 PINKERTON, JOEL 180.00 PRAIRIE LAKES AEA 8 145.00 PROTHERO, JOY 54.00 PUFFINBARGER, BARB 158.78 QUILL CORP 357.26 RASIX COMPUTER CENTER INC 112.16 REVTRAK 868.59 RIDDELL / ALL AMERICAN SPORTS CORP 3,450.87 RITTMAN, DAVID 100.00 SADDLEBACK EDUCATIONAL, INC. 305.33 SCENTCO INC 275.00 SCHOLASTIC INC. 654.94 SCHOLASTIC READING CLUB 95.00 SCHOOL SPECIALTY 46.64 SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO 96.85 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP 590.00 SLAGTER, KEN 5.00 SMART APPLE MEDIA 462.42 SONSHINE PRESCHOOL 11,582.90 SPURGIN, BRET 68.04 STRASSER, MARVIN (BOB) 5.00 STRAUSS SECURITY SOLUTIONS 4,809.03 SU INSURANCE COMPANY 786.00 SUBWAY SHOP 411.00 SUMMIT COMPANIES 371.00 SUPER DUPER PUBLICATIONS 57.44 SUPPLIES OUTLET 270.87 SUPPLY WORKS 6,743.25 SWICK, PAUL 15.00 SWIM'S SPORTS 1,245.00 SWINK, ZACH 65.00 TABBERT, MOLLY 42.34 TENNANT SALES AND SERVICE COMPANY 514.43 THOMAS BUS SALES 1,315.52 TIMBERLINE BILLING SERVICE LLC 9.13 TOMLINSON, MICHAEL 100.00 TRUE VALUE 570.61 U.S. CELLULAR 281.59 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 205.02 VANDE WEERDHOF, AART 20.00 VEISETH, TIM 77.95 VINK, CHAD 228.58 WEBER, CHASE 306.71 WEBSITES TO IMPRESS INC, 85.00 WEILBRENNER, BRANDON 150.00 WELLINGS POWER PRODUCTS 332.28 WELLS FARGO COMMERCIAL CARD 19,204.98 WEST HIGH SCHOOL 165.00 WEST MUSIC CO 4,172.34 WHITE, MISTY 150.00 WILCOX, DAVID 335.00 WINGER SERVICE 2,392.36 WINTERSET HIGH SCHOOL 100.00 WYNGARDEN, VICKY 52.50 YETT, DEBBIE 5.00 Vendors Listed: 173 Total: 1,499,841.92