(Published In THE TIMES, Mayes County, Oklahoma January 26, 2017) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF MAYES COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA In re: CERTIFICATE OF TITLE FOR 2001 KIA Case No.: CV-2016-104 NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR TITLE Take Notice that Craig Downs and Marcia Locke, Petitioner, has filed a Petition requesting the District Court of Mayes County find and enter an Order directing the Oklahoma Tax Commission to issue a Certificate of Title to The Shop on 28 Wrecker for the following described vehicle: A 2001 KIA SPO VIN #KNDJA723115015371 The Petition will be heard on the 22nd day of February, 2017, at 10:00 A.M. before the Honorable Rebecca J. Gore at the Mayes County Courthouse, 2nd Floor, located in Pryor, Mayes County, Oklahoma. Any person asserting an interest in said vehicle or objecting to the Petition is hereby given notice of said hearing and the right to appear and show cause why the request relief should not be granted. Marcia Locke Title Clerk 5338 Hwy 28 East Big Cabin, OK 74332 918-373-0385 Petitioner