OSKALOOSA CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING January 23, 2017 The Oskaloosa City Council met in special session on Monday, January 23, 2017 at 3:00 p.m. with Mayor Krutzfeldt presiding and the following members answering roll call: Burnett, Jimenez, Moore, Ver Steeg and Yates. Walling joined the meeting at 3:10 p.m. and Caligiuri joined the meeting at 5:02 p.m. It was moved by Moore, seconded by Ver Steeg to approve the January 23, 2017 agenda. The roll was called and the vote was: AYES: Burnett, Jimenez, Moore, Ver Steeg, and Yates NAYS: None Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion approved. City Manager, Michael Schrock Jr. gave a presentation on the Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Amendment and Fiscal Year 2018 Proposed Budget. Council proposed a contribution in the amount of $40,000 to the Oskaloosa Chamber, $100,000 to Forest Cemetery, $10,000 to the 10-15 Transit (Osky Rides) and $85,675 to the Stephen Memorial Animal Shelter for operating expenses and reserve for FY18. Council proposed budgeting $30,000 for the third payment of a five (5) year contribution for a total of $150,000 which could be used towards the new animal shelter facility. Council went on to discuss the future funding to these entities and proposed $75,000 to Forest Cemetery, $75,000 to the Stephen Memorial Animal Shelter for operating expenses and reserve and no funding for the 10-15 Transit (Osky Rides) for FY19. Council proposed a salary increase from $3,600 to $6,000 annually for the mayor effective January 1, 2018. Council proposed that council members will be paid $100 per meeting for any study session held the second Monday of each month effective January 1, 2018. Council proposed bonding in FY18 in the amount of $1,700,000 for road improvements serving the Lacey Recreation Complex with an approximate $0.50 increase to the debt service levy. City Council discussed the proposed amendment to FY2017 budget and the proposed FY2018 budget and tax levy. It was moved by Moore, seconded by Ver Steeg that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7:19 p.m. David Krutzfeldt, Mayor ATTEST: Amy Miller, City Clerk