(Published In THE TIMES, Mayes County, Oklahoma January 29, 2017) January 17, 2017 The Board of Mayes County Commissioners met in a regularly scheduled meeting with all members present: Ryan Ball, Chairman, Meredith Frailey and Kevin Whiteside, Members, Brittany True-Howard, County Clerk. The initial notice of the meeting was received in writing December 15, 2016, and the agenda for this meeting was posted on the lower floor of the Court House at 4:30 p.m., January 12, 2017. Ryan Ball called the meeting to order in compliance with the Open Meeting Law and the following business was done: Commissioner Ball led the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Ball said the Invocation. Motion made by Commissioner Frailey, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to approve the minutes of January 9, 2017 and special meeting of January 12, 2017. Ball, Yes; Frailey, Yes; Whiteside, Yes. OLD BUSINESS: Motion made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to not allow the public in the Courthouse after hours. Ball, Yes; Frailey, Yes; Whiteside, Yes. NEW BUSINESS: NONE Motion made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Frailey, to approve the Chairman of the BOCC and the Vice Chair as Requisitioning Officer for the General Funds and Dana Thompson and Wayne Richardson as Receiving Officers for the General Funds. Ball, Yes; Frailey, Yes; Whiteside, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to approve the 2015 and 2016 Sheriffs Commissary Fund reports. Ball, Yes; Frailey, Yes; Whiteside, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Whiteside, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to approve disposing of old County Barn in District 1. Ball, Yes; Frailey, Yes; Whiteside, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Whiteside, seconded by Commissioner Frailey, to approve a Flood Plain Permit for CDM Smith on behalf of Union Pacific Railroad. Ball, Yes; Frailey, Yes; Whiteside, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Frailey, to approve the following flood plain permits: Locust Grove Fire Department to surplus Fire Engine No. 3 and Rescue Vehicle No. 1; District #2 to surplus for State Auction a 2007 Vermeer Wood Chipper and a 1992 Ford Truck with Roscoe Oil Distributor. Ball, Yes; Frailey, Yes; Whiteside, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Frailey, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to strike agenda item #11 due to wording. Ball, Yes; Frailey, Yes; Whiteside, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Frailey, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to approve Resolution approving the 2017 mileage rate at 53.5 cents per mile for County Officers and employees that use their privately owned motor vehicles in the course of their official duties for travel and any State employees submitting travel claims to the County will be reimbursed at the rate of 47 cents per mile. Ball, Yes; Frailey, Yes; Whiteside, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to table agenda item #13 so that they can get the proper documents. Ball, Yes; Frailey, Yes; Whiteside, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Frailey, to approve the notification letter to the OK Tax Commission regarding Mayes Countys sales and use tax rate dropping from 1.5% to 1.375% effective April 1, 2017. Ball, Yes; Frailey, Yes; Whiteside, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to enter an Executive Session to discuss issues related to the employment of Jerry Douglas, including compensation and hours of employment, pursuant to Title 25 OKLA. STAT. Section 307(B) (1). Ball, Yes; Frailey, Yes; Whiteside, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Whiteside, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to exit Executive Session and resume Regular Session. Ball, Yes; Frailey, Yes; Whiteside, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to take Jerry Douglas from Full Time to Part Time and from his current salary of $2,368.00 per month to $1,200.00 a month. Ball, Yes; Frailey, Yes; Whiteside, Yes. There were no Access Agreements There were no Utility Permit Requests The following claims were allowed or disallowed as the case may be: 2016-17 GEN-COMM-W/H: 1676, AFL, 385.59; 1677, ARAMARK, 10.74; 1678, EGID, 332.27; 1681, OPERS, 4128.24; 1683, RCB, 4835.17; SHERIFF: 1685, US TREAS, 47.80, BATTERIES; 1686, ADVANTAGE TESTING, 120.00, SERV; 1687, SPEEDYS QUIK LUBE & AUTO SALES, 542.73, SERV; 1688, WESTERN AUTO, 494.76, SERV; 1689, ALLENS SIGN STUDIO, 200.00, SERV; 1690, FLEETCOR, 3237.49, FUEL; 1691, VERIZON, 40.01, UTILITIES; 1692, PFG, 2454.73, GROCERIES; 1693,PFG, 10466.81, GROCERIES; AGRI: 1694, ROSE, MIKE, 120.20, TRAVEL; 1695, RISLEY, JAN, 532.12, TRAVEL; 1696, GUTHRIE, CONNIE, 67.23, TRAVEL; 1697, PINKSTON, CHARLOTTE, 148.50, TRAVEL; 1698, HAUENSTEIN, APRIL, 316.37, TRAVEL; 1699, AT&T, 109.60, UTILITIES; 1700, XEROX, 181.48, SERV; VIS INSP: 1701, PRYOR PRINTING, 470.00, SUPS; 1702, SISEMORE, WILL, 9099.00, SERV; GEN: 1703, NE TECH, 120.00, MEETING; 1704, THE TIMES, 207.92, SERV; 1705, SHERWIN WILLIAMS, 80.36, SUPS; 1706, LogMeIn, 149.00, RENEW; 1707, SUNDANCE OFC, 481.26, SUPS; 1708, C&R OIL, 37.64, FUEL; 1709, EASTERN OK YOUTH SERV, 186.00, SERV; 1710, CRAIG CO DETENT CNTR, 1100.00, SERV; 1711, AT&T, 6166.42, UTILITIES; 1712, TULSA CO JUV BUREAU, 955.50, SERV; 1713,VYVE, 52.34, UTILITIES; 1714, COMDATA, 159.45, FUEL; 1715, ACTION AWARDS SCREEN PRINTING, 295.00, SERV; 1716, CLIFF POWER SYS, 369.43, SERV; 1717, XEROX, 60.92, SERV; 1718, SMITH, STEPHEN, 660.00, REIMBURS; ELECT: 1719, HOMETOWN BOTTLED WATER, 15.50, SERV; 1720, ABSOLUTE TECH, 164.98, SERV; 1721, OFC EVERYTHING, 24.85, SUPS; UNEMPL: UNEMPL: 1722, OESC, 642.62, UNEMP; MESTA: 1723, MESTA, 82385.87, SALES TAX COLLECT; E911: 1724, EMERGITECH, 21293.88, RENEW; HWY: 1725, WILSON CULVERTS, 4004.64, PIPE; 1726-690.31, 1727-1817.40, 1728-2434.15, 1729-2490.90, 1730-2497.10, 1731-2490.45, 1732-144.31, 1733-607.63, 1734-585.08, 1735-2448.30, 1736-2489.95, 1737-2474.90, PRYOR STONE, ROCK. T CO HWY-W/H: 1232, EGID, 1612.58; 1234, OPERS, 49.84; 1236, OPERS, 8308.48; 1239, RCB, 9561.63. T CO HWY: 1241, ARAMARK, 1457.92, UNIFORM CLEANING; 1242, OESC, 96.32, UNEMP; 1243, BATTERY OUTFITTERS, 277.16, BATTERIES; 1244, OCI, 478.10, SIGNS; 1245, GRISSOMS, 1174.05, PARTS; 1246, P&K EQ, 315.20, PARTS; 1247, WELDON PARTS, 130.44, SUPS; 1248, HAMILL METALS, 11.72, SUPS; 1249, ONE SOURCE OCC MED, 25.00, TESTING; 1250, LOCKE, 20.09, PARTS; 1251, GRISSOMS, 2513.72, PARTS; 1252, WARREN CAT, 125.95, SUPS; 1253, PSO, 931.51, UTILITIES; 1254, US CELL, 167.62, UTILITIES; 1255, BATTERY OUTFITTERS, 467.63, BATTERIES; 1256, ARAMARK, 67.60, SERV; 1257, OREILLY, 92.82, PARTS; 1258, PRYOR AUTO SUP, 488.45, PARTS; 1259, P&K EQ, 359.57, PARTS; 1260, PRAXAIR, 26.00, PARTS; 1261, PWR, 284.00, SERV; 1262, FASTENAL, 9.00, SUPS; 1263, BATTERY OUTFITTERS, 185.96, BATTERIES; 1264, MAZIE LMBR, 334.85, SUPS; 1265, VAN KEPPEL, 346.97, PARTS; 1266, GRISSOMS, 195.62, SERV; 1267, P&K EQ, 1118.39, PARTS; 1268, BUILDERS WHOLESALE & HARDWARE SUP, 21.14, SUPS; 1269, HARBOR FREIGHT TOOLS, 102.97, PARTS; 1270, P&K EQ, 196.19, PARTS; 1271, PRITCHETTS SERV STATION, 35.00, PARTS; 1272, PRYOR AUTO SUP, 61.64, PARTS; 1273, CABIN DIESEL, 282.08, PARTS; 1274, NEO ELECT, 150.20, UTILITIES; 1275, PIKEPASS, 300.00, FEE; 1276, HOLIDAY INN, 159.60, LODGING; 1277- 2939.74, 1278-3833.24, ODOT, LEASE; 1279, CATERPILLAR, 779.09, LEASE; 1280, ODOT, 2959.44, LEASE; 1281, CATERPILLAR, 1730.29, LEASE. MD: 166, SHREDDERS, 35.00, SERV; 167, SUPPLYWORKS, 22.83, SUPS; 168, SHREDDERS, 45.00, SERV; 169, HOMETOWN BOTTLED WATER, 32.00, SERV; 170, SHERWIN WILLIAMS, 29.39, PAINT; 171, SUPPLYWORKS, 285.21, SUPS; 172,CIT, 232.01, LEASE; 173, DIRECTV, 66.99, UTILITIES; 174, AT&T, 59.00, UTILITIES. SSFCA: 273, OESC, 84.05, UNEMP; 274, PRYOR VET, 50.00, SERV; 275, DEPT OF PUB SAFETY, 350.00, FEE. SRCA: 32, ACTION AWARDS SCREEN PRINTING, 36.00, SERV; 33, ADVANTAGE TESTING, 80.00, SERV. TCFA: 18, HOMETOWN BOTTLED WATER, 9.00, SERV. RES: 44, OESC, 33.64, UNEMP. FP: 4, JANZEN, JOHNNY, 100.00, SERV. CJSTR: 120, OESC, 544.30, UNEMP. LL: 17, OESC, 3.55, UNEMP. E911: 116, OESC, 2.78, UNEMP; 117, COMDATA, 109.94, FUEL; 118-11.49, UTILITIES; 119, AT&T, 256.50, UTILITIES; 120, PIKEPASS, 100.00, FEE. FF: 382, NEO ELECT COOP, 181.00, UTILITIES; 383, AUTOZONE, 389.92, PARTS; 384, COMDATA, 132.64, FUEL; 385, LIVINGSTON PROPANE & OIL, 826.79, PROPANE; 386, AT&T, 87.49, UTILITIES; 387, MUNICIPAL ER SERV, 1229.09, BATTERIES; 388, G&M AUTO & WRECKER, 164.94, SERV; 389, BURROWS AGENCY, 5062.00, INS; 390, FLEET, 344.45, FUEL; 391, ACTIVE911, 11.11, SUB. CFP: 90, OESC, 119.89, UNEMP. WE911: 139, OESC, 35.26, UNEMP; 140, US TREAS, 1692.20, SERV; 141, AT&T, 197.22, UTILITIES; 142, DIRECTV, 121.98, UTILITIES; 143, SSTELCO, 131.90, UTILITIES; 144, AT&T, 123.76, UTILITIES. STR: 186, OESC, 131.17, UNEMP; 187, PFG, 121.94, SUPS; 188, BIMBO BAKERIES, 489.72, SUPS; 189, ORCHIDS, 211.68, SUPS; 190, PFG, 748.59, SUPS. Motion made by Commissioner Whiteside, seconded by Commissioner Frailey, to approve the claims as submitted. Ball, Yes; Frailey, Yes; Whiteside, Yes. Motion made by Commissioner Frailey, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to Adjourn. Ball, Yes; Frailey, Yes; Whiteside, Yes. Approved this January 23, 2017 (SEAL) BOARD OF MAYES COUNTY COMMISSIONERS S/RYAN BALL CHAIRMAN S/MEREDITH FRAILEY MEMBER S/KEVIN WHITESIDE MEMBER ATTEST: S/BRITTANY TRUE-HOWARD COUNTY CLERK Mayes County does not discriminate on the basis of handicapped status in its admission to, or access to, or treatment in or employment in its programs or activities.