TO: DENNY L. DRAKE, 203 SHARITON RD EXLINE, IA 52555 - OWNER DENNY L. DRAKE, 19579 HWY 2 CENTERVILLE, IA 52544 - OWNER CARA N. SANDERS n/k/a CARA DRAKE, 203 SHARITON RD EXLINE, IA 52555 - SPOUSE CARA N. SANDERS n/k/a CARA DRAKE, 19579 HWY 2 CENTERVILLE, IA 52544 - SPOUSE PERSON IN POSSESSION, The Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 29, Township 68, Range 17, except the coal underlying the same, in Appanoose County, Iowa - PERSON IN POSSESSION JERI PERSHY f/k/a JERI JOYCE DRAKE, 19579 HWY 2 CENTERVILLE, IA 52544 - FORMER SPOUSE JERI PERSHY f/k/a JERI JOYCE DRAKE, 203 SHARITON RD EXLINE, IA 52555 - FORMER SPOUSE APPANOOSE COUNTY LOCAL FSA, 1701 S B ST ALBIA, IA 52531 - AG LAND IOWA TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK, 200 N 10TH ST PO BOX 490 CENTERVILLE, IA 52544 - MORTGAGE HOLDER APPANOOSE COUNTY LOCAL CSRU, 127 E MAIN ST STE 100 OTTUMWA, IA 52501 - CHILD SUPPORT LIEN ANY OTHER UNKNOWN PERSONS WITH INTEREST NOTICE OF EXPIRATION OF RIGHT OF REDEMPTION In accordance with Iowa Code Section 447.9 you are hereby notified that: 1. The property described in paragraph 2 of this Notice was sold at tax sale on the 16TH day of June, 2014. The purchaser at tax sale was ADAIR ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC/BMO HARRIS. 2. The legal description of the property sold is: The Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 29, Township 68, Range 17, except the coal underlying the same, in Appanoose County, Iowa a/k/a PARCEL # 365031003980000 3. That your right of redemption as set forth in the Iowa Code will expire unless redemption of the property is made within 90 days from the date of completed service of this Notice. 4. If the right of redemption is allowed to expire, a tax deed will be issued by the Treasurer of APPANOOSE County. By Samantha Ott, agent for ADAIR ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC/BMO HARRIS APPANOOSE 2014-12307 Runs 1x January 30th, 2017