NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Lewisburg Borough Zoning Hearing Board will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, February 13, 2017 at 7:00pm at the Borough Building, 55 South 5th Street, Lewisburg, PA to hear the following Variance request. JPF&LLF Enterprises, LP has requested a Variance from the Borough Zoning Ordinance, Section 360-12 (D.2.a.4) which pertains to Minimum Lot Width and Section 360-26 (B.2.b) which pertains to parking requirements. The property is located in the Residential Town 1 (RTI) Zoning District, Tax Map #008-015-077.00000, located at 30 North Fourth Street. Anyone with special interests should contact David Hines, Zoning Officer at 570-522-1320-Central Keystone COG. If you wish to attend the hearing but require special accommodations, please contact Lewisburg Borough at 570-523-3614. DI: 01/30&2/6, 2017