Indiana Balance of State Continuum of Care - Request for Applications for Inclusion in the 2018 Collaborative Application for HUD Continuum of Care Funding On behalf of the Indiana Balance of State Continuum of Care, IHCDA, the collaborative applicant, invites eligible organizations to submit new or renewal applications for CoC funding to be included in the 2018 Collaborative Application to HUD. The only entities that may submit a renewal application are current HUD CoC grantees that have a grant with an end date in calendar year 2019. Additionally, to be eligible for renewal an existing grantee must enter into a contract with HUD for FY 2017 funding prior to December 31, 2018. Any eligible organization may apply for new project funding. Eligible organizations include: nonprofit organizations, Public Housing Agencies (PHAs), or units of local government. All new and renewal applications must be completed using HUD's online application platform, the E-SNAPS system. Applications must be submitted in E-SNAPS by the following schedule: New and Renewal project applications must be submitted in E-SNAPS no later than 5 pm EDT on July 31, 2018 Applications not submitted according to the above schedule may not be considered for funding. New this year, applications may be submitted for a new type of bonus project: a Domestic Violence Bonus Project in which all persons served are survivors of domestic violence, dating violence or stalking. For additional information, including all required documentation for internal competition, has been posted on the CoC website here: K-644 July 20 hspaxlp
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS The City of New Albany, Indiana Sewer Board does hereby invite sealed bids for the Basin 14 Sanitary Sewer Improvements. Sealed bids will be received in the City Controller's Office, City-County Building, Room 323, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany, IN 47150, until 9:00 AM (Eastern Time) on August 9th, 2018 and will be publicly opened and read aloud at the Sewer Board regular meeting scheduled to start at 9:15 AM (Eastern Time) that day in the third floor assembly room (Room 331). The Work of the Project includes the installation of a 360,000 gallon wet weather sanitary sewer equalization basin utilizing approximately 1,708 lineal feet of 72-inch diameter sanitary sewer pipe, plus 313 lineal feet of 15-inch diameter sanitary sewer, sanitary manholes, excavation and grading, site restoration, gravel access drive and appurtenant work. Those desiring to bid may review or obtain copies of the Contract Documents, including drawings, specifications, and bid forms, at the Lynn Imaging ePlanroom at or at Lynn Imaging, Inc., 11460 Bluegrass Parkway, Louisville, KY 40299, PH: 502-499-8400. Questions for the Engineer should be directed to Wes Christmas, PE of Clark Dietz, Inc., 319 Pearl Street, New Albany, Indiana 47150, PH: 812-725-8595, Documents are also available for review at the New Albany Wastewater Treatment Plant, 38 West 10th Street, New Albany, IN 47150, PH: 812-948-5320. Bids are to be submitted on the forms furnished within the contract document project manual with the required bond and/or check, properly executed in accordance with the directions contained in the Instructions to Bidders. A pre-bid conference will be held prior to the Bid opening on Thursday, August 2nd, 2018 at 1:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) in the conference room at the wastewater treatment plant located at 38 W 10th Street, New Albany, IN 47150 to familiarize Bidders with this Project. All prospective bidders are asked to attend the meeting. The Contract will be awarded on the basis of the lowest responsive, responsible bid and the criteria defined in the Bid Form and Instructions to Bidders. The Sewer Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids or waive any informality or technicality in any bid. Published by the authority of the City of New Albany, Indiana Sewer Board. hspaxlp
To the Citizens of the
City of Bluefield; And other interested parties.
You are hereby notified and you will please take notice that on July 24, 2018, at 11:30 a.m., the Board of Directors of the City of Bluefield will hold a public hearing on and consider for final adoption and ordinance titled: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE PROHIBITION OF PARK- ING ON THE EAST SIDE OF CEDAR STREET.
The object of this Ordinance is to enhance traffic flow and safety on Cedar Street by eliminating on-street parking on the East Side of Cedar Street.
The hearing and final vote will be held in the Directors' Room, 4th Floor, Municipal Complex, 200 Rogers Street, Bluefield, West Virginia, 24701. At which time and place you may be heard. Cop- ies of the proposed ordinance are available in the office of the City Clerk during regular business hours. In the event that thirty percent of the qualified voters in the city limits of Bluefield by peti- tion duly signed by them in their own handwriting and filed with the City Clerk within fifteen days after the expiration of such publication, protest against such ordinance as enacted or amended, the ordinance shall not become effective until it shall be ratified by a majority of the legal votes cast thereon by the qualified voters of the City of Bluefield at a regular municipal or special mu- nicipal election, as the governing body shall direct.
Given under my hand this 13 day of July 2018.
Bobbi Kersey, City Clerk
Mini Storage and Truck Rentals
Located at 106 Kentucky Street, Will Offer for Sale Tuesday July 26, 2018 at 10:00 am the Following Units to Satisfy Back Rentals and Expenses:
Michael Houchens, Walt & Leroy Billingsley, Mark Garmon, Tracy Harlow, Jackie Davis, Joel Garcia, Rick Alexander,Jackie Davis, Karen Riley, Tiffany Houchens, Telissa Wilborn, Jeremy Nawrot, Hilary Westphal, Teresa Hatchett, Sara Whitaker, Rick Alexander, Don Miller
Hiseville Community Vol. Fire Dept. will hold their annual Board of Directors Meeting July 25th at 7:00pm at the
Hiseville Volunteer Fire Department
Boil Water Advisory
issued for Bellefonte Center, Bellefonte Pavillion and First Baptist Church has been lifted.
Mike Lacks
Street/Distribution Supervisor
Published: July 21, 2018
Pursuant to Title 69 Oklahoma Statutes (2011), Section 1001, the
Oklahoma Department of Transportation
offers the following property for sale by sealed bid to the highest bidder. Bid proposals sent by REGISTERED MAIL will be received through the Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Facilities Management Division on August 16, 2018 until 1:30 PM. Hand Delivered bids will be received at the Oklahoma Department of Transportation Building, Facilities Management Division, 200 NE 21st Street, Room B-7, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105 on August 16, 2018 until 1:30 PM. Bids will be opened and publicly read at 1:30 PM. Description of Property:
A strip, piece or parcel of land lying in part of the SE 1/4 SE 1/4 of Section 25, T20N, R14E in Rogers County, Oklahoma. Said parcel of land being described by metes and bounds as follows:
Commencing at the SE corner of said SE 1/4 SE 1/4, thence North along the East line of said SE 1/4 SE 1/4 a distance of 60.00, thence West parallel to the south line of said SE 1/4 SE 1/4 a distance of 16.50 feet to the point of beginning, said point being the intersection of the present West right-of-way line of North 193rd East Avenue and the permanent North right-of-way line of East Pine Street, thence S 88°50’20" W along said permanent right-of-way line a distance of 583.43 feet, thence N 01°50’06" W a distance of 490.00 feet, thence N 55°00’19" E along a distance of 707.95 feet to the a point on the present West right-of-way line of North 193rd East Avenue, thence S 01°14’03" E along said right-of-way line a distance of 884.14 feet to said point of beginning.
Containing 9.25 acres, more or less.
The Oklahoma Department of Transportation has set the minimum bid requirement at $241,758.00 for this sale. The parcel is being sold "as is", with the buyer being responsible for their own due diligence in regards to zoning, licenses, permits, environmental, land uses, etc.
Terms of the sale are ten percent (10%) of the bid price in non-refundable certified funds and must accompany each bid in the form of a bid deposit. The balance of the bid will be due in certified funds within thirty (30) calendar days after the approval by the Oklahoma Transportation Commission. Deposits submitted by non-successful bidders will be returned. The successful high bidder will also be required to pay for any and all advertising costs associated with the sale of this land. After approval of the sale, an executed and recorded Quitclaim Deed will be mailed to the highest bidder. IMPORTANT: ENCLOSE BID IN ENVELOPE AS PROVIDED.
Mike Patterson
The Annual Membership Meeting of the
Limestone Farmer’s Cooperative, Inc.
Will be held at the
Tennessee Valley Substation Picnic Area, Belle Mina, AL
Thursday, August 2nd at 4:00 PM
All Members and Patrons are invited to attended.
The purpose of the meeting…
A presentation of past year’s business. Election of two Board Members and any other business that might properly come before the meeting.
Door Prizes will be given. The meeting will conclude with a meal.
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY THE PLAINFIELD PLAN COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that the Plainfield Plan Commission of the Town of Plainfield, Indiana will hold a Public Hearing at the Plainfield Municipal Building at 206 W. Main Street, Plainfield, Indiana, on Monday, August 6, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. on a petition for Architectural and Site Design Review of an 8,500 square foot motorsports retail facility on a 2.05 acre parcel zoned GC (General Commercial) within a Gateway Corridor. The property is located at 6286 Cambridge Way. The Petitioner, Owner, and Contact Person is: Scott and Robbin Pierce, 812, East County Road 900 South, Clayton, IN 46118 Docket No: DP-18-012 LEGAL DESCRIPTION is on file in the office of the Department of Planning and Zoning of the Town of Plainfield. A copy of this Petition, and all plans pertaining thereto are on file and available for examination prior to the Public Hearing at the Plainfield Municipal Building, Department of Planning and Zoning, 206 W. Main Street, Plainfield, Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. except for Holidays. Written comments in support of or in opposition of the Petition may be filed with the Secretary of Plainfield Plan Commission prior to or at the Public Hearing. Questions regarding the Petition may be answered by calling the Department of Planning&Zoning at (317) 839-2561 during normal business hours. The Public Hearing may need to be continued from time to time as may be found necessary. Said Public Hearing will be open to the public and any objectors will be heard at this meeting. For special accommodations needed for disabled individuals planning to attend, phone (317) 839-2561 or TDD (317) 839-2566 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. Bruce Smith, President Andrew J. Klinger, Secretary HCF-538 July 21, 25 hspaxlp
Notice for Newspapers Notice is hereby given that I have, as the owner (or with the owner's consent) of the property commonly described as the address of 6450 Center Dr., and legally described by the attached legal description, have filed a petition before the Whitestown Board of Zoning Appeals, which petition requests a Special Exception for the said property in order to allow for a Tire Discounters to be constructed on a vacant lot and allow an light automotive repair and oil change business in GB. EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description That part of the Northwest one-quarter of Section 6, Township 17 North, Range 2 East, Boone County, Indiana, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Northwest one-quarter; thence North 89 degrees 44 minutes 59 seconds West 464.40 feet along the South line of said Northwest one-quarter; thence North 00 degrees 25 minutes 00 seconds West 869.22 feet to a point on the Northerly right of way line of Center Drive and the TRUE PLACE OF BEGINNING; thence Southwesterly 163.39 feet along said Northerly right of way line and a 2938.16 foot radius curve to the left, the long chord of which bears South 85 degrees 41 minutes 55 seconds West 163.37 feet; thence North 00 degrees feet; thence North 00 degrees 25 minutes 47 seconds West 235.97 feet to a point on the Southerly right of way line of State Road 334; thence Northeasterly 163.34 feet along said Southerly right of way line and a 3173.16 foot radius curve to the right, the long chord of which bears North 85 degrees 59 minutes 14 seconds East 163.32 feet; thence South 00 degrees 25 minutes 47 seconds East 235.15 feet to the Place of Beginning. This petition, File #BZA 18-004-SE, will come for hearing at 6:30 pm in the Whitestown Municipal Complex, Veterans Dr. Whitestown, IN 46075, on August 2nd, 2018. In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, if anyone wishes to attend the public hearing on the above referenced matter and is in need of reasonable accommodation in order to hear, present evidence, or participate in the proceedings at the public hearing on this matter, please contact the Town Planner so accommodation can be made. The petition and file on this matter is available for examination by contacting the Town Planner at (317) 732-4535 or email at Comments regarding this petition may be submitted at any time. Information to be considered in the Staff Report and distributed to the BZA members in advance of the meeting must be received seven (7) days prior to the hearing and must be sent to or Whitestown BZA, Whitestown Municipal Complex, 6210 Veterans Dr., Whitestown, IN 46075. Petitioner: Timothy Dwyer TLR-451 July 21 hspaxlp
Justin&Judith Dorsey, 2378 State Road 236 Danville, Indiana, are submitting an NOI letter to notify the Indiana Department of Environmental Management of their intent to comply with the requirements under IAC 15-5 to discharge storm water from construction activities for the following project: "Dorsey Commerce Park" located in Danville, Indiana approximated 1/2 mile north of the intersection of SR 236 and SR39 North of Danville. The project will ultimately discharge to the into an existing culvert which flows under SR 39 and carries westerly beyond that point. Questions regarding this project should be directed to Kruse Consulting Inc, 7384 Business Center Dr, Avon, IN 46123 Attn: Kevin Studley. HCF-544 7/21 hspaxlp 1464064
J&P HOLDINGS, LLC, 10654 E US ...
J&P Holdings, LLC, 10654 E US Highway 36 AVON, IN 46123, is submitting an NOI letter to notify the Indiana Department of Environmental Management of their intent to comply with the requirements under IAC 15-5 to discharge storm water from construction activities for the following project: "Lazaro Commercial Suites" located in Avon, Indiana approximated 1/2 mile southeast of the intersection of US 36 and Dan Jones Road. The project will ultimately discharge to the into an existing culvert which flows under the existing CSX big four yard and carries southwardly beyond that point. Questions regarding this project should be directed to Kruse Consulting Inc, 7384 Business Center Dr, Avon, IN 46123 Attn: Kevin Studley. HCF-543 7/21 hspaxlp 1464070
PUBLIC NOTICE Pulte Homes of Indiana LLC (11590 North Meridian Street, Suite 530, Carmel, IN 46032) is submitting an NOI letter to notify the Town of Brownsburg and the Indiana Department of Environmental Management of our intent to comply with the requirements of 327 IAC 15-5, to discharge stormwater from construction activities for the following project: Greystone Section 1. More specifically, the project is located in the NE Quarter of Section 4 and the NW Quarter of Section 3, Township 16 North, Range 1 East, approximately 1,000 feet north of the intersection of Northfield Drive and CR 625 E, along the west side of CR 625 E. Construction activity is scheduled to commence in July 2018, and construction should be completed by July 2023. Run-off from the project site will discharge to the Joseph Holloway regulated drain. Questions or comments should be directed to: Jeremy Lollar Pulte Homes of Indiana, LLC 11590 North Meridian, Suite 530 Carmel, IN 46032 (317) 575-2350 HCF-550 7/21 hspaxlp 1464371
PUBLIC NOTICE Pulte Homes of Indiana LLC (11590 North Meridian Street, Suite 530, Carmel, IN 46032) is submitting an NOI letter to notify the Town of Plainfield and the Indiana Department of Environmental Management of our intent to comply with the requirements of Town of Plainfield Stormwater Management Ordinance, as well as the requirements of 327 IAC 15-5, to discharge stormwater from construction activities for the following project: Trailside, Section 4. More specifically, the project is located in the NW Quarter of Section 33, Township 15 North, Range 1 East, northeast of the intersection of Vandalia Boulevard and Concord Road. Construction activity is scheduled to commence in July, 2018, and construction should be completed by July, 2023. Run-off from the project site will discharge to an Unnamed Tributary of West Fork White Lick Creek. Questions or comments should be directed to: Jeremy Lollar Pulte Homes of Indiana, LLC 11590 North Meridian, Suite 530 Carmel, IN 46032 (317) 575-2350 HCF-554 7/21 hspaxlp 1464435
PUBLIC NOTICE Pulte Homes of Indiana LLC (11590 North Meridian Street, Suite 530, Carmel, IN 46032) is submitting an NOI letter to notify the Town of Avon and the Indiana Department of Environmental Management of our intent to comply with the requirements of 327 IAC 15-5, to discharge stormwater from construction activities for the following project: Brownstone Section 2. More specifically, the project is located in the SW Quarter of Section 31, Township 16 North, Range 2 East, approximately 1,300 feet east of the intersection of CR 100 N and CR 900 E, along the north side of CR 100 N. Construction activity is scheduled to commence in July 2018, and construction should be completed by July 2023. Run-off from the project site will discharge to the Alfred Cox legal drain to East Fork White Lick Creek. Questions or comments should be directed to: Jeremy Lollar Pulte Homes of Indiana, LLC 11590 North Meridian, Suite 530 Carmel, IN 46032 (317) 575-2350 HCF-552 7/21 hspaxlp 1464423
TO THE OWNERS OF THE WITHIN DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE AND ALL INTERESTED PARTIES NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of a certified copy of a decree to me directed from then Clerk of Superior Court of Floyd County, Indiana, in Cause Number 22D01-1801-MF-000026, wherein Centra Credit Union, was Plaintiff, and Gary W. Rakes (Owner) and New Albany Municipal Utilities, Indiana Department of Revenue and SAVVY IN, LLC were Defendants, requiring me to make the sum as provided for in said Decree with interest and cost, I will expose at public sale to the highest bidder, on the 6th day of September, 2018, at the hour of 10 am or as soon thereafter as is possible at Floyd County Sheriff's Department, the fee simple of the whole body of Real Estate at 130 Union Street, New Albany, IN 47150, Floyd County, Indiana as follows: Lot Number Seventeen (17) on Union Street in Plat No. Three Hundred Twenty-Nine (329) except the west 30 feet of said lot number seventeen (17), of the Floyd County, Indiana, Records. Subject to easements, restrictions, and covenants of record, if any. More commonly known as: 130 Union Street, New Albany, IN 47150 Parcel # 22-05-03-401-659.000-008 Together with rents, issues, income, and profits thereof, said sale will be made without relief from valuation of appraisement laws. Plaintiff Attorney Attorney No. IN Bar #18326-82 IN Bar # 23999-74 Septtimous TaylorSepttimous Taylor, II 4830 Towne Square CourtOwensboro, KY 42301 /s/ Frank Loop Sheriff of Floyd County New Albany Township 130 Union Street, New Albany, IN 47150 SHERIFF FILE NO. The Sheriff's Department does not warrant the accuracy of the street address published herein. hspaxlp
LEGAL NOTICE OF EVIDENTIARY HEARING INDIANA UTILITY REGULATORY COMMISSION CAUSE NO. 44720 TDSIC 4 VERIFIED PETITION OF DUKE ENERGY INDIANA, LLC FOR: (1) APPROVAL OF AN ADJUSTMENT TO ITS ELECTRIC SERVICE RATES THROUGH ITS TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND STORAGE SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT CHARGE ("TDSIC") RATE SCHEDULE, STANDARD CONTRACT RIDER NO. 65; (2) AUTHORITY TO DEFER 20% OF THE APPROVED CAPITAL EXPENDITURES AND TDSIC COSTS FOR RECOVERY IN PETITIONER'S NEXT GENERAL RATE CASE; AND (3) APPROVAL OF PETITIONER'S UPDATES TO ITS 7-YEAR ELECTRIC PLAN, PURSUANT TO IND. CODE 8-1-39-9. Notice is hereby given that the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission will conduct a public Evidentiary Hearing in the above-captioned Cause in Room 224 of the PNC Center, 101 W. Washington Street, Indianapolis, Indiana, commencing at 9:30 a.m. on August 10, 2018. This hearing is open to the public. If an accommodation is required to allow an individual with a disability to participate, please contact the Office of the Executive Secretary of the IURC at (317) 232-2701 or TDD (317) 232-8556 at least 48 hours in advance. INDIANA UTILITY REGULATORY COMMISSION OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY (317) 232-2701 BY: IURC: CAROL SPARKS DRAKE, ALJ DATE: July 13, 2018 HCF-545 7/21 hspaxlp 1464057
PUBLIC NOTICE Pulte Homes of Indiana LLC (11590 North Meridian Street, Suite 530, Carmel, IN 46032) is submitting an NOI letter to notify the Town of Plainfield and the Indiana Department of Environmental Management of our intent to comply with the requirements of Town of Plainfield Stormwater Management Ordinance, as well as the requirements of 327 IAC 15-5, to discharge stormwater from construction activities for the following project: Vandalia by Del Webb, Section 4. More specifically, the project is located in the NE Quarter of Section 32, Township 15 North, Range 1 East, west of Del Webb Parkway and Vandalia Boulevard. Construction activity is scheduled to commence in July, 2018, and construction should be completed by July, 2023. Run-off from the project site will discharge to an Unnamed Tributary of West Fork White Lick Creek. Questions or comments should be directed to: Jeremy Lollar Pulte Homes of Indiana, LLC 11590 North Meridian, Suite 530 Carmel, IN 46032 (317) 575-2350 HCF-553 7/21 hspaxlp 1464432
PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is given to all concerned that Community Action of Southern Indiana Board of Directors Annual meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 25, 2018 at 5:30PM at 1613 East Eighth Street, Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130. hspaxlp