PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the North Shenango Township Board of Supervisors will be accepting sealed bids on the following used old equipment. 1st -1975 GMC Dump Truck (non-running) with a Big Block Gas engine and has a good 10ft dump bed, Minimum bid $1,000.00. 2nd - Road Mast Road Plane, minimum bid $500.00. 3rd - T400 Galion Motor Road Grader Series A with a Detroit Diesel engine, Minimum bid $4,500.00 and last - Chief 3 Wheel Galion Roller IHC Diesel engine, Minimum bid $2,000. Sealed bids will be accepted until June 9, 2014 and will be opened June 10, 2014 at the township monthly meeting at 10:00 AM. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. 05/07/14