SRF Public Notice PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The City of New Sharon will be holding a Public Hearing to review an application for a State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, and to make available to the public the contents of an environmental information document and the CityÕs project plan. These documents include design and environmental information related to the proposed improvements to the CityÕs water supply system. The proposed project involves replacing an old transmission main, to eliminate dead end lines in the distribution system, and to replace aging deteriorated equipment in the water treatment plant. The purpose of this Public Hearing is to inform area residents of the community of New Sharon of this proposed action, discuss the actual cost and user fees associated with this project, and to address citizenÕs concerns, if any, with the plan. The Public Hearing location and time are as follows: February 1, 2017 Ð 6:00 p.m. New Sharon City Hall 101 S. Main New Sharon, IA 50207 All interested persons are encouraged to attend this hearing. Written comments on this proposal may also be submitted prior to the hearing. Questions regarding this hearing or the availability of documentation may be directed to the City ClerkÕs Office at 641-637-4124.