Channel: Meadville Tribune: Public Notices
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CITY OF CENTERVILLE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES December 19, 2016 at 6:00 P.M. Mayor Neil MacArthur called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll Call - Present: Creagan, Dillard, Hamilton, Senior, and Spurgeon. Absent: None. The Mayor led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance. Tony Kury requested that the agenda be amended to have items “q, r and s” to follow the Airport report. Moved by Spurgeon, seconded by Dillard to approve the agenda as amended for items ”q, r and s” to follow the airport report. Ayes: All. Motion carried. Moved by Hamilton, seconded by Creagan to approve the consent agenda. Items included in the consent agenda are: Minutes of the Regular City Council meeting on December 5, 2016 and Special City Council meeting on December 3, 2016; Minutes of the Centerville Airport Commission meeting on November 14, 2016; Historic Preservation Commission on November 17, 2016; Approval of Beer/Liquor License(s) for The Eagles Club; Approval of Resolution No. 2016- 3491 Amending Resolution 2016-3446 Setting Salaries for Appointed Officers and Employees of the City of Centerville, Iowa for the Fiscal Year Commencing July 1, 2016 & Ending June 30, 2017 – Aaron Houk; Approval of the appointment of the Ad-Express/Daily Iowegian as the legal publication for the 2017 calendar year; and approval of Resolution No. 2016-3492 Changing Date of the First Council Meeting in January 2017. Roll Call Vote as Follows – Ayes: Creagan, Dillard, Hamilton, Senior and Spurgeon. Nays: None. Motion carried. Moved by Dillard, seconded by Senior to open the public hearing on the Submission of a Community Development Block Grant Sewer/Water Improvements Application. Roll Call Vote as follows – Ayes: Creagan, Dillard, Hamilton, Senior and Spurgeon. Nays: None. The Mayor asked if there had been any written or oral concerns at City Hall. There were none. Moved by Spurgeon, seconded by Creagan to close the public hearing on the submission of a Community Development Block Grant Sewer/Water Improvements Application. Ayes: All. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES OF CITIZEN PARTICIPATION MEETING REGARDING PROPOSED ACTIVITIES RELEVANT TO THE APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT – WATER PROJECT December 19, 2016, 6:00 PM, Centerville City Hall, 312 East Maple St, Centerville, IA The mayor opened the public hearing at 6:00 p.m. related to the submission of the application for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for funds for water improvements. Comments shared by Nichole L. Moore, Chariton Valley Planning and Development Council: The Municipal Water Company has been working with the City of Centerville and Hall Engineering on areas of water distribution system improvements. Through those efforts it was decided that the scope of work on this phase will reflect the replacement of approximately 14,670 feet of water main pipe, installation of approximately 28 fire hydrants, 27 main-to-main connections, and approximately 230 service connections. There are 10 project areas throughout the City that have been identified as having the highest priority for replacement. The locations were selected based on water main pipes with a history of breaks, water mains where hydrants are not providing adequate fire protection, and water mains located under paved streets that are programmed for replacement. The proposed Water Distribution System Improvements project is necessary to revitalize the infrastructure, increase water flow and pressure, and to provide increased fire protection by installing hydrants as required. The projected areas are: South 18th Street, Maple Street to Walden Street, Maple Street, 9th Street to 5th Street, Rock Valley Road, East Terra Vista Drive to St. Joseph’s Drive, Central Avenue, 1st Street to B Street, Ontario Street, 5th street to Star Route , South 19th Street, Bank Street to Walden Street, North 4th Street, Washington Street to Madison Street ,Grand Street, Park Street to 9th Street, Drake Avenue, Walnut Street to Greene Street, West Washington Street, 7th Street to 1st Street A Preliminary Engineering Report was prepared in April 2016 by Hall Engineering Company for the proposed water distribution improvements project. The report summarizes the project planning, existing facilities, need for the project, alternatives and the proposed project area and costs. This report will be submitted along with the application and has already been approved by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. The project estimate is $ 1,875,805.75 for construction and non-construction line items. The application submitted to the Iowa Economic Development Authority will be for $600,000. This will reflect $580,000 going towards constructions costs only and $20,000 for administration. The remaining construction and non-construction costs will be funded through approved USDA funding as local commitment. The CDBG Water/Sewer grant application will be submitted online to grants.gov on or before the January 1, 2017 deadline. Centerville qualifies for the CDBG funds according to the US Census report with an LMI at 56.79% of the community’s low to moderate population. This shows majority of households that meet the low to moderate income guidelines established by the Iowa Economic Development Authority. While no plans exist to displace persons or businesses during the construction of the project, Moore noted that CDBG federal guidelines would have to be followed if that situation changed. Additionally, Moore noted that routine public hearings, meetings, press releases, and construction management meetings would be necessary to keep the public informed of the status of the storm sewer rehabilitation project if federal funds are secured. Moore noted that the city’s Community Housing Needs Assessment addresses such water line improvements as part of the overall community needs. A project schedule is estimated as follows: This will need to be modified since CDBG awards are made in April/May after submission. April 2016 Submittal of application documents, Preliminary Engineering Report, and Environmental Assessment to USDA RD Water and Waste Disposal Direct Loans and Grants Program November 2016 Submittal of CDBG application to IEDA February 2017 Completion of final Plans and Specifications February 2017 Submittal of Plans and Specifications to IDNR for issuance of construction permit April 2017 Advertise for bids May 2017 Open bids and award contract July 2017 Construction commencement December 2017 Construction completion If there are additional questions regarding the CDBG application, they can contact Nichole Moore, Executive Director of Chariton Valley Planning & Development at 641-437-4359 or for project specific information please contact Nancy Buss at Hall Engineering 641-437-4477. Council Member Creagan asked why the legal fees have been so high. Mayor MacArthur will provide more information for the council at a later meeting. Moved by Spurgeon, seconded by Senior to approve the bills as presented. Ayes: All. Motion carried. Moved by Senior, seconded by Dillard to approve the financial statement as presented. Ayes: All. Motion carried. Reports highlighting the activities of the Mayor, Public Works, Library and Airport were presented. Tony Kury - Centerville Municipal Airport - discussed and requested approval of the DBE Program (Disadvantaged Business Enterprise) for the Centerville Municipal Airport. Moved by Hamilton, seconded by Dillard to approve the DBE Program for the Centerville Municipal Airport. Ayes: All. Motion carried. Moved by Hamilton, seconded by Spurgeon to approve Resolution No. 2016-3495 adopting a Three Year Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program (DBE) for Federal Aviation Administrative Funded Projects. Roll Call Vote as follows – Ayes: Creagan, Dillard, Hamilton, Senior and Spurgeon. Nays: None. Motion carried. Tony Kury – Centerville Municipal Airport – discussed and gave an update on the farm lease bids and the engineer selection. The farm lease bid went to Walker Farms and the Engineer selection went to JEO Consulting Group, Inc. Charlotte Head – Appanoose County Watershed Coordinator – discussed and requested approval of a commitment of local funds for the Urban Conservation Grant at the Centerville Pool. Moved by Creagan, seconded by Dillard to approve the commitment of funds in the amount of $6,000 for the Urban Conservation Grant at the Centerville Pool. Ayes: All. Motion carried. Council Member Creagan gave an update with a letter from the individual requesting the vacation of the alley from Walsh Street to Keokuk Street. Ordinance No. 1320 was presented and read for the first time. Moved by Creagan, seconded by Dillard to approve the first reading of Ordinance No. 1320 Providing for the Vacation of the Alley North to South from Walsh Street to Keokuk Street located between and adjacent to Lots 1 through 6 in Block 4 of Adamson’s Addition and Lots 7 through 12 in Block 4 of Adamson’s Addition Centerville, Iowa. Roll Call Vote as follows – Ayes: Creagan, Dillard, Hamilton, Senior and Spurgeon. Nays: None. Motion carried. Moved by Creagan, seconded by Dillard to waive the second and third & final reading of Ordinance No. 1320 Providing for the Vacation of the Alley North to South from Walsh Street to Keokuk Street located between and adjacent to Lots 1 through 6 in Block 4 of Adamson’s Addition and Lots 7 through 12 in Block 4 of Adamson’s Addition in Centerville, Iowa. Ayes: All. Motion carried. Moved by Creagan, seconded by Dillard to approve Resolution No. 2016 - 3484 Authorizing Conveyance of the Alley Running North to South from Walsh Street to Keokuk Street Located Between and Adjacent to Lots 1 through 6 in Block 4 of Adamson’s Addition and Lots 7 through 12 in Block 4 of Adamson’s Addition in Centerville, Iowa. Roll Call Vote as follows – Ayes: Creagan, Dillard, Hamilton, Senior and Spurgeon. Nays: None. Motion carried. Moved by Hamilton, seconded by Creagan to approve Pay Application and Certificate of Payment No. 12 for the Centerville City Pool. Ayes: All. Motion carried. Moved by Spurgeon, seconded by Senior to approve the new three year contract with AFSCME Council 61/Local 1988 for Fire, Police, and Dispatchers. Ayes – All. Motion carried. Councilman Creagan gave an update on the remodel of the Fire Station and City Hall. He requested that the ceilings be done and new emergency exit lights be purchased and installed. Moved by Hamilton, seconded by Dillard to approve the amount of $10,000 to have the ceilings redone and to purchase and install new exit lights. Ayes: All. Motion carried. Mayor MacArthur requested for the City to underwrite the cost of the Mayor’s Rotary Membership. After some discussion, it was tabled until the January 3, 2017 meeting. Sarah Lind – Chamber of Commerce – gave an update on the Tourism Funds Report. Sarah had some questions on the funding that was coming from the City of Centerville. Mayor MacArthur said he would check into this and get back to everyone with the information. Tod Faris – Appanoose County Economic Development – gave an update on the Economic Funds Report and discussed the Certified Site Application Book and had some questions on where we were at on the signage project. Nichole Moore – Chariton Valley Planning & Development – discussed and requested approval of the Applicant Disclosure Form and Housing Needs Assessment Form for the Water Distribution Improvements. Moved by Dillard, seconded Hamilton to approve the Applicant Disclosure Form and Housing Needs Assessment Form for the Water Distribution Improvements. Ayes: All. Motion carried. Moved by Spurgeon, seconded by Creagan to approve Resolution No. 2016-3493 Authorizing commitment of Local Funds for Water Distribution Improvements. Roll Call Vote as follows – Ayes: Creagan, Dillard, Hamilton, Senior and Spurgeon. Nays: None. Motion carried. Nichole Moore – Chariton Valley Planning & Development – discussed and requested approval of the CDBG Housing Rehabilitation Program Draft Administrative Plan, Applicant Disclosure Form and the Technical Services Contract. Moved by Dillard, seconded by Hamilton to approve the CDBG Housing Rehabilitation Program Draft Administrative Plan, Applicant Disclosure Form and the Technical Services Contract. Ayes: All. Motion carried. Moved by Hamilton, seconded by Dillard to approve Resolution No. 2016-3494 Authorizing the Approval of a CDBG Administration Plan to the Iowa Economic Development Authority for Owner Occupied Rehabilitation. Roll Call Vote as follows – Ayes: Creagan, Dillard, Hamilton, Senior and Spurgeon. Nays: None. Motion carried. In other business, Bruce Buttel had some questions and comments about the general fund and wondered what the credentials were on the new City Administrator. Council member Dillard discussed the fire concerns on the square and discussed having a meeting setting up things that they would like Jason to work on in the first 30, 60, and 90 days of employment. Mayor MacArthur wanted to be sure that it was known that Mayor Jim Senior’s Rotary dues were not paid for by the city. Moved by Dillard, seconded by Hamilton to adjourn at 7:45 p.m. until the Regular Meeting of the City Council at 6:00 p.m. of January 3, 2017. Ayes: All. Motion carried. Debra J. Smith, Interim City Clerk Neil MacArthur, Mayor CITY OF CENTERVILLE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING BILLS APPROVED DECEMBER 19, 2016 AHLERS & COONEY PC UNION NEGOTIATIONS 1,659.79 ALLIANT ENERGY GAS/ELECTRIC UTILITIES 13,730.55 APPANOOSE CO SERVICE AGENCY 1/2 LAW CENTER EXPENSE 4,407.00 APPANOOSE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (2) L.O.S.T ALLOCATION 3,916.16 B & B BEDDING INC BULK MULCH 880.00 BAKER'S REPAIR (2) BAR/CHAIN/OIL MIX 99.56 BRATZ SHELL SERVICE (8) GREASE/TIRES/MAINTENANCE 3,043.41 CARQUEST OF CENTERVILLE FUEL FILTERS 42.64 COSSOLOTTO READY MIX INC (3) CONCRETE 1,614.00 CRAVER & GROTHE LLP (7) ATTORNEY FEES 10,436.50 DAILY IOWEGIAN (6) PUBLICATIONS 356.12 FALLER, KINCHELOE & CO PLC FY16 AUDIT PROGRESS 4,000.00 FIRST BANKCARD (9) POSTAGE/TRAINING/MISC 1,957.95 HANSON, BRADLEY MILEAGE TO/FROM INTERVIEW 281.99 HEARTLAND HUMANE SOCIETY SHELTER FEES 35.00 HY-VEE CATERING-CITY ADMIN SEARCH 266.75 IMWCA WORK COMP-6TH INSTALLMENT 7,306.76 IOWA D.A.R.E. ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP DUES 50.00 IOWA ONE CALL NOVEMBER LOCATES 48.80 JOINER CONSTRUCTION CO INC POOL RENOVATIONS 35,410.06 KELLER SERVICES TAILGATE SHIELDS 300.00 LOCKRIDGE INC (7) MISC SUPPLIES 326.26 MCCARTHY TIRE SERVICE TIRE REPAIR 16.00 MCGILL'S REPAIR & CONSTRUCTION (2) BULBS/REPAIR ST LIGHTS 308.18 MEYERHOFF, ANNA MILEAGE TO/FROM INTERVIEW 394.20 MFA OIL CO NOVEMBER FUEL 3,330.33 MIDWEST ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ASBESTOS ANALYSIS-CITY HALL 70.00 NAPA AUTO PARTS (5) PARTS/SUPPLIES 423.13 NORRIS ASPHALT PAVING COLD PATCH 623.50 O'HALLORAN INTERNATIONAL INLET THROTTLE KIT 599.76 PAYROLL CHECKS TOTAL PAYROLL CHECKS 42,740.55 PAYROLL EXPENSES BENEFITS/DEDUCTIONS 12,871.33 PLUMB SUPPLY CO RELIEF VALVE 19.82 RATHBUN AREA SOLID WASTE COMMISSION DUMPING FEES 331.60 SIMMONS BLDG MATERIALS (18) GS CABIN SUPPLIES 406.63 SINCLAIR TRACTOR V-BELT/CAP SCREW 23.32 THE CONTINENTAL HOTEL ROOMS-CANDIDATES/CONSULTANT 577.92 THE MAJESTIC RENTAL-CANDIDATE RECEPTION 150.00 TIM HILDRETH CO INC REPROGRAM BOILER 2,237.50 TREASURER - STATE OF IOWA WW SALES TAX 871.00 TRISTAR BENEFIT ADMINISTRATORS (2) CHECK RUNS 447.63 TRUE VALUE (7) MISC SUPPLIES 157.59 US POSTAL SERVICE PO BOX RENTAL FEE 198.00 VERMEER SALES & SERVICE INC LID/SEALED LEVER 171.09 VIRGINIA RUBBER CORPORATION VALVE ASSEMBLY 213.56 WINDSTREAM IOWA COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE/INTERNET SERVICE 641.81 CLAIMS TOTAL 157,993.75 TOTAL CLAIMS BY FUND GENERAL FUND 61,874.35 ANIMAL RESCUE PROGRAM FUND 35.00 ROAD USE TAX FUND 19,703.07 EMPLOYEE BENEFIT FUND 7,042.53 LOST - POOL FUND 36,290.06 LOST - UNRESTRICTED FUND 311.97 LOST - ECONOMIC DEV FUND 3,916.16 CITY WATER FUND 8,077.79 SEWER UTILITY OPERATING FUND 20,295.19 INSURANCE TRUST FUND 447.63 Total 157,993.75 /s/Neil MacArthur MAYOR PRO-TEM ATTESTED BY: /s/Debra J. Smith INTERIM CITY CLERK /s/Ron Creagan /s/Jay Dillard /s/Darrin Hamilton /s/Dianne Senior /s/Jan Spurgeon Runs 1x December 30th, 2016

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