(Published In THE TIMES, Mayes County, Oklahoma January 8, 2017) December 27, 2016 The Board of Mayes County Commissioners met in a regularly scheduled meeting with all members present: Kevin Whiteside, Chairman, Darrell Yoder and Ryan Ball, Members, Brittany True-Howard, County Clerk. The initial notice of the meeting was received in writing December 15, 2015, and the agenda for this meeting was posted on the lower floor of the Court House at 4:30 p.m., December 21, 2016. Kevin Whiteside called the meeting to order in compliance with the Open Meeting Law and the following business was done: Commissioner Whiteside led the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Yoder said the Invocation. Motion made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Yoder, to approve the minutes of December 19, 2016. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. OLD BUSINESS: Motion made by Commissioner Whiteside, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to reject all bids for excavator in District 1. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. NEW BUSINESS: NONE Motion made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to approve a resolution to deposit $67,889.79, received from ACCO for total loss of dump truck in District 3 to T-2A and $67,422.49, received from the Town of Disney for reimbursement for street resurfacing project in District 3 to T-2A. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Yoder, to approve the appointment of Jodi Dunham made by the Town of Locust Grove to the MESTA Board of Trustees. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yoder. Motion was made by Commissioner Whiteside, seconded by Commissioner Yoder, to approve the Circuit Engineering District Auction Policies. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Whiteside, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to approve a Resolution to set the Fair Board filing period from January 23, 2017 to January 27, 2017 in the Mayes County Clerks Office. The Election will be held on February 4, 2017 at 2:00 p.om at the District 1 Barn in Adair, District 2 Barn in Chouteau and the District 3 Barn in Salina. The polls will be closed by 2:30 p.m. any person filing must reside in the Commissioners District they seek to represent. Only register voters of Mayes County shall be eligible to file as a candidate. Persons must be registered voters of Commissioners district that they wish to participate and there will be no absentee ballots allowed. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Yoder, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to approve a Resolution to close a portion of County Road 500 in Mayes County and reserving the absolute right to re-open said road in District 2. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. There were no Access Agreements There were no Utility Permit Requests The following claims were allowed or disallowed as the case may be: 2016-17 GEN-W/H: 1558, EGID, 35007.68; 1562, OPERS, 50334.80; 1565, RCB, 60324.88. GEN-SHERIFF: 1568, SOUTHERN UNIFORM, 424.67, UNIFORMS; 1569, THE SHOP, 45.00, SERV; AGRI: 1570, OSU COOP EXT SERV, 8241.00, CONTRACT LABOR; 1571, QUILL CORP, 127.43, SUPS; CO CLERK: 1572, SUNDANCE OFFICE, 368.52, FILE CABINET; 1573, KELLPRO, 259.00, MONITORS; 1574, SCOTT RICE, 975.14, FURN; VIS INSP: 1575, INDOFF INC, 90.12, SUPS; 1576, AGES COMPUTERS, 75.00, MONITORS; GEN: 1577, SUNDANCE OFFICE, 185.67, SUPS; 1578, CINTAS CORP, 85.06, MEDICAL SUPS; 1579, TULSA CO JUV BUREAU, 1365.00, SERV; 1580, BKL INC, 26800.00, SERV; 1581, BKL INC, 100000.00, SERV; 1582, OFFICE DEPOT, 269.97, CHAIRS; 1583, NEO ELEC, 36.68, UTILITIES; 1584, AT&T, 331.89, SERV; ELECT BD: 1585, PRYOR PRINTING, 157.55, SUPS; HWY: 1586-1588, PRYOR STONE, 2463.45, 156.09, 2436.45, ROCK; 1589, C&R, 5023.50, FUEL. T CO HWY: 1098, BATTERY OUTFITTERS, 185.96, BATTERIES; 1099, CABIN DIESEL, 9785.42, SERV; 1100, HARD HAT SAFETY, 71.00, SUPS; 1101, CABIN DIESEL, 767.63, PARTS; 1102, TDS TELECOM, 143.12, UTILITIES; 1103-1104, YELLOWHOUSE, 314.00, 108.37, PARTS; 1105, QUANTIE, 56.48, PARTS; 1106, CPC, 671.65, SIGNS; 1107, VICTOR L PHILLIPS, 703.39, SERV; 1108, CABIN DIESEL, 390.56, PARTS; 1109, CINTAS CORP2, 120.58, SUPS; 1110, OFFICE EVERYTHING, 242.44, FURN; 1111, PSO, 90.11, UTILITIES; 1112, ONG, 206.61, UTILITIES; 1113, AT&T, 152.61, PHONES; 1114, WHITESIDE, BILLY, 46.44, TRAVEL. MD: 145, OVERMAN, JAYNE, 358.56, TRAVEL; 146, TROUT, JOANNE, 840.00, JANITORIAL SERVICE; 147, ACCESS MEDICAL, 80.00, SERV; 148, AMAZON.COM, 223.92, SUPS; 149, ELECTRICAL SERVICES, 234.34, SERV; 150, AMAZON.COM, 216.22, SUPS; 151, QUILL CORP, 976.33, SUPS; 152, TWO FETHERS LAWN SERV, 50.00, SERV; 153, MUB, 1013.18, UTILITIES; 154, TEMPERATURE ALERT, 504.00, RENEWAL; 155, MASTERS HEAT & AIR, 150.00, SERV. SSFCA-W/H: 142.25; 259, OPERS, 884.91; 261, RCB BANK, 1642.48. SSFCA: 262, SOUTHERN UNIFORM, 368.72, UNIFORMS; 263, AGES COMPUTERS, 1018.99, COMPUTER EQUIP; 264, OKLA SHERIFFS ASSOC, 1200.00, MEMBERSHIPS. SRCA: 28, BOB BARKER CO, 951.31, SUPS; 29, MUB, 6649.41, UTILITIES. CLF-W/H: 21, EGID, 587.42; 22, OPERS, 301.20; 24, RCB BANK, 288.65. RES-W/H: 40, EGID, 41.74; 41, OPERS, 873.60; 43, RCB, 1044.09. SCA-W/H: 41, EGID, 626.28; 43, OPERS, 1345.27; 45, RCB, 1360.35. CJSTR-W/H: 114, EGID, 4815.26; 116, OPERS, 6380.58; 119, RCB, 7178.97. LL-W/H: 16, RCB BANK, 16.84. MCSSP-W/H: 44, EGID, 865.28; 46, OPERS, 580.00; 48, RCB, 596.70. E911-W/H: 106, EGID, 22.14; 107, OPERS, 494.35; 109, RCB, 636.04. E911: 111, SPATIAL DATA RESEARCH, 1000.00, SOFTWARE; 112, PROFESSIONAL PEST CONTROL, 35.00, SERV. RMP: 5, KELLPRO, 1924.00, COMPUTER EQUIP. PFA: 66, JT MECHANICAL, 97643.34, SERV; 67, DIGI SURVEILANCE SYS, 1590.49, SERV; 68, MARMIC FIRE & SAFETY, 735.50, SERV; 69, TRANE, 544.00, SERV. FF: 329, ROBERTS AUTO, 2689.96, PARTS; 330, MAYES COUNTY PETRO, 589.00, OIL; 331, EMERGENCY APPARATUS, 3292.26, SERV; 332, BOSTICK ELEC, 1300.00, SERV; 333, PSO, 79.64, UTILITIES; 334, CHANNING BETE CO, 119.95, MEDICAL SUPS; 335, VERIZON, 40.01, SERV; 336, NEO ELEC, 168.00, UTILITIES; 337, WELCH STATE BANK, 22091.73, PMT; 338, NEO ELEC, 418.00, UTILITIES; 339, PSO, 163.41, UTILITIES; 340-341, ONG, 284.89, 80.06, UTILITIES; 342, RISK MANAGEMENT DIV, 2417.36, INS; 343, PSO, 275.14, UTILITIES. CFP-W/H: 85, EGID, 3718.64; 87, OPERS, 2999.79; 89, RCB, 3995.56. WE911-W/H: 122, EGID, 1718.66; 123, OPERS, 1414.01; 125, RCB, 1867.81. WE911: 126, HOT COALS, 95.00, SERV; 127, CLIFFORD POWER SYSTEMS, 1494.00, SERV; 128, QUILL CORP, 342.95, SUPS; 129, AT&T, 1775.65, INTERNET SERVICE; 130, ONG, 40.90, UTILITIES; 131, NEO ELEC, 81.52, UTILITIES. CBRI: 27-28, FENSCO, 219.44, 1866.60, PIPE; 29, GUY ENGINEERING, 6408.98, SERV. STR-W/H: 165, EGID, 1575.68; 166, OPERS, 2381.45; 168, RCB, 2664.29. STR: 169, GIBBS PLUMBING, 85.00, PARTS; 170, SUNDANCE OFFICE, 342.94, SUPS. Motion made by Commissioner Whiteside, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to approve the claims as submitted with the exception of claims 2941 and 2450. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. Motion made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to Adjourn. Whiteside, Yes; Yoder, Yes; Ball, Yes. Approved this January 3, 2017 (SEAL) BOARD OF MAYES COUNTY COMMISSIONERS S/RYAN BALL CHAIRMAN S/MEREDITH FRAILEY MEMBER S/KEVIN WHITESIDE MEMBER ATTEST: S/BRITTANY TRUE-HOWARD COUNTY CLERK Mayes County does not discriminate on the basis of handicapped status in its admission to, or access to, or treatment in or employment in its programs or activities.