December 19, 2016 The Mahaska County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on the above date at 9:00 a.m. in the third floor conference room of the Mahaska County courthouse. Present were the following board members: Chairman Ð Henry VanWeelden; Vice chairman Ð Mike Vander Molen and Member Ð Mark Doland. Also present were Jeff Forward, Osky Herald; Eduardo Zamarripa, CRI; Brad Grefe, Area 15 Regional Planning; Dave Sedivec, Co Conservation; Troy Bemis, Maintenance Director; Deann DeGroot, MCARD; Mark Groenendyk; and Susan Brown, Mahaska County Auditor. This meeting was filmed by Communications Research Institute of William Penn University. Chairman VanWeelden opened the meeting at 9:00 a.m. with a moment of silence. It was moved by Doland seconded by Vander Molen to approve the agenda for todayÕs meeting. All present voted aye. Motion carried. It was moved by Doland seconded by Vander Molen to approve minutes for December 5th and 12th meeting. All present voted aye. Motion carried. Deann DeGroot presented the monthly MCARD report and it was placed on file. Troy Bemis asked for the adoption of a County Safety Manual produced by Arthur J. Gallagher&Co. for use by the member organizations of Heartland Insurance Risk Pool. It was moved by Vander Molen seconded by Doland to approve the Safety Manuals for County use. All present voted aye. Motion carried. It was moved by VanWeelden seconded by Doland to set a public hearing date for Ordinance #15 Ð Establishment of a Local Option Sales and Services Tax for January 3, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. in the 3rd floor conference room of the courthouse. All present voted aye. Motion carried. Dave Sedivec presented monthly report for Conservation Dept and it was placed on file. Brad Grefe, Area 15 Regional Planning presented the Multi- Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan for Mahaska County. This plan is needed to be able to access FEMA funding. It was moved by Vander Molen seconded by Doland to approve the following resolution. All present voted aye. Motion carried. Resolution #2016-16 A Resolution to Adopt the 2016 Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan For Mahaska County, Iowa WHEREAS, the Mahaska County Board of Supervisors recognizes the threat that natural hazards pose to the people and property within the community; and WHEREAS, undertaking hazard mitigation actions will reduce the potential for harm to people and property from future hazard occurrences; and WHEREAS, the United States Congress passed the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (DMA2K) emphasizing the need for pre-disaster mitigation of potential hazards; and WHEREAS, the DMA2K made available hazard mitigation grants to state and local governments; and WHEREAS, an approved and adopted local hazard mitigation plan is required as a condition of future funding for mitigation projects under multiple Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) pre-disaster mitigation grant programs; and WHEREAS, the Mahaska County Board of Supervisors participated in the hazard mitigation planning process to prepare the 2016 Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan for Mahaska County, Iowa; and WHEREAS, Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management (IHSEMD) and FEMA have reviewed the 2016 Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan for Mahaska County, Iowa, and approved it contingent upon this official adoption by the participating governing body; and WHEREAS, the Mahaska County Board of Supervisors desires to comply with the requirements of the DMA2K and to augment its emergency planning efforts by formally adopting the 2016 Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan for Mahaska County, Iowa; and WHEREAS, adoption by Board of Supervisors demonstrates Mahaska CountyÕs commitment to fulfilling the mitigation goals and objective outlined in the 2016 Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan for Mahaska County, Iowa; and WHEREAS, adoption of this legitimizes the plan and authorizes responsible agencies to carry out their responsibilities under the plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mahaska County Board of Supervisors adopts the 2016 Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan for Mahaska County, Iowa, as an official plan; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Area 15 Regional Planning Commission on behalf of the Mahaska County Board of Supervisors will submit this adoption resolution to IHSEMD and FEMA Region VII officials to enable the planÕs final approval. Approved and adopted this 19th day of December 2016. It was moved by Doland seconded by Vander Molen to reappoint Joe S. Crookham and Elizabeth Christopher to the Pioneer Cemetery Commission for a three year term expiring December 31, 2019. All present voted aye. Motion carried. It was moved by Vander Molen seconded by Doland to restore medical premium rates for Mahaska County Health Plan to levels in place prior to July 1, 2014. Single rate: $524/month and family $1,277/month. All present voted aye. Motion carried. Committee reports: Supervisor Doland read portions of an email string with the FAA and SCRAA board in which he had requested information. He will work with Jim Hansen of the SCRAA board to provide the information. Public comments: None It was moved by Vander Molen seconded by Doland to adjourn. All present voted aye. Motion carried. Attest: Susan L. Brown Mahaska County Auditor Henry VanWeelden Mahaska County Board of Supervisors