PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT ORDINANCE BY THE BOROUGH OF CONNEAUTVILLE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Borough of Conneautville intends to consider the adoption of a proposed Ordinance to be known as An Ordinance Approving the Plan of the Borough of Conneautville for the issuance of a $200,000.00 General Obligation Note to PNC Bank, N.A., setting forth the amount, interest rate, including maximum interest rate to be charged, maturity date; authorizing the Borough to proceed with the plan of financing; authorizing the specified officers of the Borough of Conneautville to prepare and to do all other acts necessary to carry out the provisions of the Ordinance; setting forth the payment of the General Obligation Note; pledge the full faith and credit of the Borough of Conneautville for the payment thereof; designate the debt to be incurred as non-electoral, create a sinking fund and authorize the proper officers to take the necessary steps to issue the Note; repealing all inconsistent Ordinances and providing that the Ordinance is effective immediately. The Ordinance provides for the approval by the Borough of Conneautville for the construction of improvements to the existing water system of the Borough of Conneautville and also approves interim financing pursuant to a plan of the Borough of Conneautville by the issuance of debt in the amount of $200,000.00 to PNC, N.A. The funds to be obtained from the borrowing will be used for the following purpose: Interim financing of the Borough of Conneautville 2010 Water Project. A copy of the full text of the proposed ordinance may be examined by any citizen in the office of the Secretary of the Borough of Conneautville at 906 Main Street, Conneautville, Pennsylvania, on any business day (except Saturdays and Sundays) between the hours of 10:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., local prevailing time. Joyce McMillin Secretary of Borough of Conneautville 04/01/13