(Published In THE TIMES, Mayes County, Oklahoma January 22, 2017) January 9, 2017 The Board of Mayes County Commissioners met in a regularly scheduled meeting with all members present: Ryan Ball, Chairman, Meredith Frailey and Kevin Whiteside, Members, Brittany True-Howard, County Clerk. The initial notice of the meeting was received in writing December 15, 2016, and the agenda for this meeting was posted on the lower floor of the Court House at 4:30 p.m., January 5, 2017. Ryan Ball called the meeting to order in compliance with the Open Meeting Law and the following business was done: Commissioner Ball led the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Ball said the Invocation. Motion made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Frailey, to approve the minutes of January 3, 2017. Ball, Yes; Frailey, Yes; Whiteside, Yes. OLD BUSINESS: NONE NEW BUSINESS: NONE Motion made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to approve a Resolution to deposit $3,356.44 received from ACCO, reimbursement for towing on burnt truck Claim #VAAP067638 to T-2A, District 3. Ball, Yes; Frailey, Yes; Whiteside, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to approve the Court Clerk monthly reports. Ball, Yes; Frailey, Yes; Whiteside, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Whiteside, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to approve disposing of old County Barn in District 1. Ball, Yes; Frailey, Yes; Whiteside, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Frailey, to approve a Resolution to junk various items for District 3. Ball, Yes; Frailey, Yes; Whiteside, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to approve JB Wilkins and Rodney Schilt as Requisitioning Officers for Strang Fire Department and GC Martin and Cassey Cornutt as Receiving Officers. Ball, Yes; Frailey, Yes; Whiteside, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Frailey, to approve the appointment of Harriett Dunham by the City of Pryor to the MESTA Board. Ball, Yes; Frailey, Yes; Whiteside, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Frailey, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to table agenda item #13 so that the liability issue can be looked into. Ball, Yes; Frailey, Yes; Whiteside, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Frailey, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to table agenda item #14 until Thursday January 12, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. so that Commissioner Frailey can attend a Hospital Board Meeting and get some questions answered. Ball, Yes; Frailey, Yes; Whiteside, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Frailey, to approve the purchase of radiation badge monitors for courthouse x-ray machine operators. Ball, Yes; Frailey, Yes; Whiteside, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to approve Mayes County Radiation Safety Program. Ball, Yes; Frailey, Yes; Whiteside, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Frailey, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to approve application for Radiation Producing Equipment permit for the Courthouse X-Ray Machine to the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality, with a fee of $237.19 to be paid from the General Fund. Ball, Yes; Frailey, Yes; Whiteside, Yes. Motion was made by Commissioner Whiteside, seconded by Commissioner Ball, to appoint Commissioner Meredith Frailey to the Mayes County Board of Health. Ball, Yes; Frailey, Yes; Whiteside, Yes. There were no Access Agreements There were no Utility Permit Requests The following claims were allowed or disallowed as the case may be: 2016-17 GEN-SHERIFF: 1632, PRYOR PRINTING, 272.00, SUPS; 1633, WESTERN AUTO, 531.11, SERV; 1634, US TREASURY, 612.00, RADIO & ACCESS; 1635, WALMART, 27.52, SUPS; 1636, OREILLY, 275.96, PARTS; 1637, FLEETCOR, 3522.37, FUEL; 1638, US CELL, 1389.27, UTILITIES; CO COMM: 1639, AGES, 75.00, SERV; AGRI: 1640, WALMART, 95.73, SUPS; CO ASSESS: 1641, INDOFF, 159.69, SUPS; GEN: 1642, THE TIMES, 224.12, SERV; 1643, PRYOR LMBR, 44.28, SUPS; 1644, UNIFIRST HOLDINGS, 89.52, SERV; 1645, WALMART, 17.44, SERV; 1646, PREMIER SIGNS & DESIGN, 60.00, SERV; 1647, RWD #1, 726.00, UTILITIES; 1648, SAC AND FOX NATION, 485.53, SERV; 1649, BKL, 90000.00, SERV; 1650, AGES, 109.06, SUPS; 1651, MYLOR, 348.37, SUPS; 1652, WALMART, 62.51, SUPS; 1653, CLIFFORD POWER SYS, 266.13, SERV; 1654, PRYOR LMBR, 11.94, KEYS; 1655, OREILLY, 59.61, SUPS; ELECT BD: 1656, THE TIMES, 90.00, SUB; 1657-138.14, 1658-108.91; 1659-459.38, JD YOUNG, SERV; PHOTO & REC: 1660, JD YOUNG, 131.28, COPIES; HWY: 1661-942.78, 1662-2383.00, PRYOR STONE, ROCK; 1663, FENSCO, 6942.00, PIPE. T CO HWY: 1169, PRYOR AUTO, 1148.59, PARTS; 1170-1587.74, 1171-279.20, WARREN CAT, GRADER BLADES; 1172, WALMART, 122.38, SUPS; 1173, OREILLY, 124.84, PARTS; 1174, JOHN DEERE, 211.94, SUPS; 1175, PRYOR AUTO, 265.20, PARTS; 1176, TRACTOR SUP, 84.95, SUPS; 1177, HARD HAT SAFETY & GLOVES, 476.00, SUPS; 1178, CABIN DIESEL, 8920.14, SERV; 1179, OREILLY, 15.99, PARTS; 1180, ERWIN GLASS, 466.56, GLASS; 1181, WARREN CAT, 153.32, PARTS; 1182, CUMMINS, 18.90, PARTS; 1183, JOHN DEERE, 27.18, SUPS; 1184, MOTTER, RICHARD, 175.00, REIMBURSE; 1185, FLYASHDIRECTSOLUTIONS, 174.50, MAT; 1186, ERWIN GLASS, 513.80, SERV; 1187, CHOUTEAU PUB WORKS, 70.46, UTILITIES; 1188, PSO, 620.19, UTILITIES; 1189, US CELL, 197.66, UTILITIES; 1190, WALMART, 40.24, SUPS; 1191, SSTELCO, 123.90, UTILITIES; 1192, FRAILEY, MEREDITH, 422.48, TRAVEL; 1193, WELCH STATE BANK, 1299.99, LEASE; 1194, CATERPILLAR, 3155.82, LEASE; 1195-2599.98, 1196-1839.56, 1197-1985.86, 1198-2240.45, 1199-1862.51, WELCH STATE BANK, LEASE; 1200, CATERPILLAR, 1445.30, LEASE. MD: 161, HUBBARD, SARAH, 121.50, TRAVEL; 162, GOWER, ASHLEY, 60.48, TRAVEL; 163, STACY, VALERIE, 157.14, TRAVEL; 164, FULBRIGHT, KENDRA, 177.12, TRAVEL; 165, WALMART, 59.29, SUPS. SSFCA: 266, TRACTOR SUP, 105.97, SUPS; 267, US TREASURY, 424.50, SERV; 268, JD YOUNG, 65.42, SERV; 269, SUNDANCE OFC, 144.93, SUPS; 270, IOOF LODGE #70, 1249.00, RENT; 271, OSBI, 702.00, FEE; 272, JD YOUNG, 65.85, SERV. SRCA: 30, ADVANCED CABLE SYS, 733.00, SERV; 31, OFC EVERYTHING, 93.87, SUPS. TCFA: 17, TM CONSULTING, 45.00, SUPS. E911: 115, OOWA, 138.03, UTILITIES. MCDCT: 17, WALMART, 15.44, SUPS; 18, ALLEN, TERRY, 2500.00, SERV. PFA: 71, WALMART, 727.20, PC EQ; 72, VOSS ELECT, 6057.80, SUPS; 73, UMB BANK, 87000.00, PMT. FF: 362, AT&T, 74.70, UTILITIES; 363, SSTELCO, 144.86, UTILITIES; 364, RWD #9, 121.75, UTILITIES; 365, CBI ELEC, 1005.59, SERV; 366-393.10, 367-110.56, OREILLY, BATT/PARTS; 368, RWD #4, 17.00, UTILITIES; 369, METRO WASTE, 40.00, UTILITIES; 370, RWD #3, 19.00, UTILITIES; 371, GRAND LAKE PHONE, 69.68, UTILITIES; 372, RWD #3, 19.00, UTILITIES; 373, AT&T, 71.39, UTILITIES; 374, ER APPARATUS MAINT, 5142.32, SERV; 375, AT&T, 67.63, UTILITIES; 376, RISE BROADBAND, 78.54, UTILITIES; 377-189.99, 378-117.61, SSTELECO, UTILITIES; 379, MAYES CO PROPANE, 1162.50, PROPANE; 380, METRO WASTE, 50.00, UTILITIES; 381, SSTELCO, 63.04, UTILITIES. WE911: 134, WALMART, 75.64, SUPS; 135, UNIFIRST, 54.30, SERV; 136, GRAND LAKE PHONE, 120.20, UTILITIES; 137, CHOUTEAU PHONE, 164.06, UTILITIES; 138, SSTELCO, 342.48, UTILITIES. STR: 178, IHS PHARMACY, 339.69, MED SUPS; 179-121.21, 180-59.09, 181-1012.06, WALMART, MED SUPS; 182, BEGGS PHARMACY, 380.84, MED SUPS; 183, JD YOUNG, 32.50, SERV; 184, RYAN, JANA, 1200.00, SERV; 185, JD YOUNG, 17.75, SERV. Motion made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to approve the claims as submitted. Ball, Yes; Frailey, Yes; Whiteside, Yes. Motion made by Commissioner Ball, seconded by Commissioner Whiteside, to Adjourn. Ball, Yes; Frailey, Yes; Whiteside, Yes. Approved this January 17, 2017 (SEAL) BOARD OF MAYES COUNTY COMMISSIONERS S/RYAN BALL CHAIRMAN S/MEREDITH FRAILEY MEMBER S/KEVIN WHITESIDE MEMBER ATTEST: S/BRITTANY TRUE-HOWARD COUNTY CLERK Mayes County does not discriminate on the basis of handicapped status in its admission to, or access to, or treatment in or employment in its programs or activities.