Public auction notice is hereby given that on February 8, 2017 at 10:30 AM or immediately following, A public auction will be held for the purpose of satisfying a landlords lien of the contents of a self storage room. The names of the tenants and room numbers are: INEZ BYRD-1207, REGINALD DAVIS-0110, DIANE DEFREHN-2018 & 2016, TIFFANY BUTLER-1503, TAMERA GRAVES-0116, BECKY BLANSETT-0114, CRISTINA KEGG-1209, DONA HAIDAR-0118, GARRY SHAW-1506, CYNTHIA ECKERT-2007, SUZETTE MILLINGTON-1508 The room will be sold as a lot. The goods to be sold are described as: Household. Auction to be held by JULIE DUNMIRE Auctioneer AU005600 The terms of the sale will be cash. Location of the public auction will be: U-Haul Moving & Storage of Johnstown: 101 Broad St., Johnstown, Pa 15906