Channel: Meadville Tribune: Public Notices
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ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS ALICE LLOYD COLLEGE (OWNER) will receive proposals through Codell Construction Company (CM) to furnish all labor and materials to complete the ALICE LLOYD COLLEGE CAMPUS CENTER at 100 PURPOSE ROAD, PIPPA PASSES, KY 41844. Work is to be performed in accordance with plans, specifications, and addenda prepared by JRA ARCHITECTS (ARCHITECT), SHROUT TATE WILSON CONSULTING ENGINEERS (MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEER), BOCOOK ENGINEERING (CIVIL ENGINEER), and BROWN & KUBICAN, PSC (STRUCTURAL ENGINEER). The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive all informalities and/or technicalities where the best interest of the Owner can be served. Bid opening will be private, and contracts will be with the Owner. Drawings, specifications, and the project manual may be obtained by contacting LYNN IMAGING @ 859/255-1021. Questions should be directed in writing to the C.M.'s attention: TRAVIS CURRY Codell Construction Company P. O. Box 17 Winchester, KY 40392 PHONE: (859) 744-2222 FAX: (859) 744-2225 E-MAIL: tcurry@codellconstruction.com A free electronic copy of the bid documents is available by contacting Lynn Imaging @ 859/255-1021. A hard copy of the bid documents is available for a non-refundable cost of $450.00 by contacting Lynn Imaging. Checks should be made payable to ALICE LLOYD COLLEGE. Cost of mailing is to be paid for by the Bidder. Bids will be due by February 21, 2017 at 2:00 PM, and will be privately opened at the office of CODELL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, 4475 ROCKWELL ROAD, WINCHESTER, KY 40391. Each bid must be accompanied by a 5% Bid Bond. No Bidder may withdraw a bid submitted for a period of sixty (60) days after the date set for the opening of bids. A pre-bid conference is scheduled for February 08, 2017 at 2:00 PM at JUNE BUCHANAN ALUMNI CENTER, ALICE LLOYD COLLEGE, 100 PURPOSE ROAD, PIPPA PASSES, KY 41844. All bidders are urged to attend this meeting. The Project is to be complete within 935 calendar days from the date of the official Notice to Proceed, and liquidated damages are $1,000.00/day thereafter, if the completion date is not met. Successful Bidders are required to furnish a 100% Performance and Labor and Material Payment Bond for this Project. ALICE LLOYD COLLEGE AND AND CODELL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Published: January 30, 2017

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