NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S LEVY AND SALE IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR APPANOOSE COUNTY Iowa District Court Appanoose County CASE # EQEQ004528 Civil# 17-000091 STATE OF IOWA APPANOOSE COUNTY SPECIAL EXECUTION PROF-2013-M4 LEGAL TITLE TRUST, BY US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS LEGAL TITLE TRUSTEE VS SEDDON, JARED E. AKA SEDDON, JARED, EUGENE; SEDDON, JODY, ET AL As a result of the judgment rendered in the above referenced court case, an execution was issued by the court to the Sheriff of this county. The execution ordered the sale of defendant(s) Real Estate described below To satisfy the judgment. The property to be sold is THE SOUTH HALF (S1/2) OF LOTS 4 AND 5, RANGE 2 IN THE ORIGINAL TOWN OF CENTERVILLE COUNTY APPANOOSE COUNTY, IOWA ALSO DESCRIBED AS; THE SOUTH HALF (S1/2) OF LOTS 4 AND 5, BLOCK 5 IN RANGE 2 IN THE ORIGINAL TOWN OF CENTERVILLE COUNTY APPANOOSE COUNTY, IOWA Property Address: 533 North 10th Street, Centerville, Iowa The described property will be offered for sale at public auction for cash only as follows: Date of Sale 03/14/2017 Time of Sale: 10:15 Place of Sale: APPANOOSE COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE, 1125 W VAN BUREN ST, CENTERVILLE, IA 52544 This sale not subject to Redemption. Property exemption: Certain money or property may be exempt. Contact your attorney promptly to review specific provisions of the law and file appropriate notice, if acceptable. Judgment Amount: $46,419.06 Costs: $4,133.92 Accruing Costs PLUS Interest $9,577.19 Sheriffs Fees: Pending Attorney: EMILY BARTEKOSKE 1401 50TH STREET SUITE 100 WEST DES MOINES, IA 50266 (515)233-7325 Date 01/25/2017 GARY D. ANDERSON Appanoose County Sheriff By Char Kirby Runs 2x January 30th, 2017 February 13th, 2017